blob: 5a35ff38d13bb3fa8454fe3f392d2bf3cd970b60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Caution: If the mechanism should be changed some day, these cases
* should be considered:
* (1) In `merge option` mode, if using the same option to call `setOption`
* many times, the result should be the same (try our best to ensure that).
* (2) In `merge option` mode, if a component has no id/name specified, it
* will be merged by index, and the result sequence of the components is
* consistent to the original sequence.
* (3) In `replaceMerge` mode, keep the result sequence of the components is
* consistent to the original sequence, even though there might result in "hole".
* (4) `reset` feature (in toolbox). Find detailed info in comments about
* `mergeOption` in module:echarts/model/OptionManager.
import {
each, filter, isArray, isObject, isString,
createHashMap, assert, clone, merge, extend, mixin, HashMap, isFunction
} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as modelUtil from '../util/model';
import Model from './Model';
import ComponentModel, {ComponentModelConstructor} from './Component';
import globalDefault from './globalDefault';
import {resetSourceDefaulter} from '../data/helper/sourceHelper';
import SeriesModel from './Series';
import {
} from '../util/types';
import OptionManager from './OptionManager';
import Scheduler from '../core/Scheduler';
import { concatInternalOptions } from './internalComponentCreator';
import { LocaleOption } from '../core/locale';
import {PaletteMixin} from './mixin/palette';
import { error } from '../util/log';
export interface GlobalModelSetOptionOpts {
replaceMerge: ComponentMainType | ComponentMainType[];
export interface InnerSetOptionOpts {
replaceMergeMainTypeMap: HashMap<boolean, string>;
// -----------------------
// Internal method names:
// -----------------------
let reCreateSeriesIndices: (ecModel: GlobalModel) => void;
let assertSeriesInitialized: (ecModel: GlobalModel) => void;
let initBase: (ecModel: GlobalModel, baseOption: ECUnitOption) => void;
const OPTION_INNER_KEY = '\0_ec_inner';
grid: 'GridComponent',
polar: 'PolarComponent',
geo: 'GeoComponent',
singleAxis: 'SingleAxisComponent',
parallel: 'ParallelComponent',
calendar: 'CalendarComponent',
graphic: 'GraphicComponent',
toolbox: 'ToolboxComponent',
tooltip: 'TooltipComponent',
axisPointer: 'AxisPointerComponent',
brush: 'BrushComponent',
title: 'TitleComponent',
timeline: 'TimelineComponent',
markPoint: 'MarkPointComponent',
markLine: 'MarkLineComponent',
markArea: 'MarkAreaComponent',
legend: 'LegendComponent',
dataZoom: 'DataZoomComponent',
visualMap: 'VisualMapComponent',
// aria: 'AriaComponent',
// dataset: 'DatasetComponent',
// Dependencies
xAxis: 'GridComponent',
yAxis: 'GridComponent',
angleAxis: 'PolarComponent',
radiusAxis: 'PolarComponent'
} as const;
line: 'LineChart',
bar: 'BarChart',
pie: 'PieChart',
scatter: 'ScatterChart',
radar: 'RadarChart',
map: 'MapChart',
tree: 'TreeChart',
treemap: 'TreemapChart',
graph: 'GraphChart',
gauge: 'GaugeChart',
funnel: 'FunnelChart',
parallel: 'ParallelChart',
sankey: 'SankeyChart',
boxplot: 'BoxplotChart',
candlestick: 'CandlestickChart',
effectScatter: 'EffectScatterChart',
lines: 'LinesChart',
heatmap: 'HeatmapChart',
pictorialBar: 'PictorialBarChart',
themeRiver: 'ThemeRiverChart',
sunburst: 'SunburstChart',
custom: 'CustomChart'
} as const;
const componetsMissingLogPrinted: Record<string, boolean> = {};
class GlobalModel extends Model<ECUnitOption> {
// @readonly
option: ECUnitOption;
private _theme: Model;
private _locale: Model;
private _optionManager: OptionManager;
private _componentsMap: HashMap<ComponentModel[], ComponentMainType>;
* `_componentsMap` might have "hole" becuase of remove.
* So save components count for a certain mainType here.
private _componentsCount: HashMap<number>;
* Mapping between filtered series list and raw series list.
* key: filtered series indices, value: raw series indices.
* Items of `_seriesIndices` never be null/empty/-1.
* If series has been removed by `replaceMerge`, those series
* also won't be in `_seriesIndices`, just like be filtered.
private _seriesIndices: number[];
* Key: seriesIndex.
* Keep consistent with `_seriesIndices`.
private _seriesIndicesMap: HashMap<any>;
* Model for store update payload
private _payload: Payload;
// Injectable properties:
scheduler: Scheduler;
option: ECBasicOption,
parentModel: Model,
ecModel: GlobalModel,
theme: object,
locale: object,
optionManager: OptionManager
): void {
theme = theme || {};
this.option = null; // Mark as not initialized.
this._theme = new Model(theme);
this._locale = new Model(locale);
this._optionManager = optionManager;
option: ECBasicOption,
opts: GlobalModelSetOptionOpts,
optionPreprocessorFuncs: OptionPreprocessor[]
): void {
if (__DEV__) {
assert(option != null, 'option is null/undefined');
'please use chart.getOption()'
const innerOpt = normalizeSetOptionInput(opts);
this._optionManager.setOption(option, optionPreprocessorFuncs, innerOpt);
this._resetOption(null, innerOpt);
* @param type null/undefined: reset all.
* 'recreate': force recreate all.
* 'timeline': only reset timeline option
* 'media': only reset media query option
* @return Whether option changed.
type: 'recreate' | 'timeline' | 'media',
opt?: Pick<GlobalModelSetOptionOpts, 'replaceMerge'>
): boolean {
return this._resetOption(type, normalizeSetOptionInput(opt));
private _resetOption(
type: 'recreate' | 'timeline' | 'media',
opt: InnerSetOptionOpts
): boolean {
let optionChanged = false;
const optionManager = this._optionManager;
if (!type || type === 'recreate') {
const baseOption = optionManager.mountOption(type === 'recreate');
if (!this.option || type === 'recreate') {
initBase(this, baseOption);
else {
this._mergeOption(baseOption, opt);
optionChanged = true;
if (type === 'timeline' || type === 'media') {
// By design, if `setOption(option2)` at the second time, and `option2` is a `ECUnitOption`,
// it should better not have the same props with `MediaUnit['option']`.
// Becuase either `option2` or `MediaUnit['option']` will be always merged to "current option"
// rather than original "baseOption". If they both override a prop, the result might be
// unexpected when media state changed after `setOption` called.
// If we really need to modify a props in each `MediaUnit['option']`, use the full version
// (`{baseOption, media}`) in `setOption`.
// For `timeline`, the case is the same.
if (!type || type === 'recreate' || type === 'timeline') {
const timelineOption = optionManager.getTimelineOption(this);
if (timelineOption) {
optionChanged = true;
this._mergeOption(timelineOption, opt);
if (!type || type === 'recreate' || type === 'media') {
const mediaOptions = optionManager.getMediaOption(this);
if (mediaOptions.length) {
each(mediaOptions, function (mediaOption) {
optionChanged = true;
this._mergeOption(mediaOption, opt);
}, this);
return optionChanged;
public mergeOption(option: ECUnitOption): void {
this._mergeOption(option, null);
private _mergeOption(
newOption: ECUnitOption,
opt: InnerSetOptionOpts
): void {
const option = this.option;
const componentsMap = this._componentsMap;
const componentsCount = this._componentsCount;
const newCmptTypes: ComponentMainType[] = [];
const newCmptTypeMap = createHashMap<boolean, string>();
const replaceMergeMainTypeMap = opt && opt.replaceMergeMainTypeMap;
// If no component class, merge directly.
// For example: color, animaiton options, etc.
each(newOption, function (componentOption, mainType: ComponentMainType) {
if (componentOption == null) {
if (!ComponentModel.hasClass(mainType)) {
if (__DEV__) {
const componentImportName = BUITIN_COMPONENTS_MAP[mainType as keyof typeof BUITIN_COMPONENTS_MAP];
if (componentImportName && !componetsMissingLogPrinted[componentImportName]) {
error(`Component ${mainType} is used but not imported.
import { ${componentImportName} } from 'echarts/components';
componetsMissingLogPrinted[componentImportName] = true;
// globalSettingTask.dirty();
option[mainType] = option[mainType] == null
? clone(componentOption)
: merge(option[mainType], componentOption, true);
else if (mainType) {
newCmptTypeMap.set(mainType, true);
if (replaceMergeMainTypeMap) {
// If there is a mainType `xxx` in `replaceMerge` but not declared in option,
// we trade it as it is declared in option as `{xxx: []}`. Because:
// (1) for normal merge, `{xxx: null/undefined}` are the same meaning as `{xxx: []}`.
// (2) some preprocessor may convert some of `{xxx: null/undefined}` to `{xxx: []}`.
replaceMergeMainTypeMap.each(function (val, mainTypeInReplaceMerge) {
if (ComponentModel.hasClass(mainTypeInReplaceMerge) && !newCmptTypeMap.get(mainTypeInReplaceMerge)) {
newCmptTypeMap.set(mainTypeInReplaceMerge, true);
(ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor).topologicalTravel(
(ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor).getAllClassMainTypes(),
function visitComponent(
this: GlobalModel,
mainType: ComponentMainType
): void {
const newCmptOptionList = concatInternalOptions(
this, mainType, modelUtil.normalizeToArray(newOption[mainType])
const oldCmptList = componentsMap.get(mainType);
const mergeMode =
// `!oldCmptList` means init. See the comment in `mappingToExists`
!oldCmptList ? 'replaceAll'
: (replaceMergeMainTypeMap && replaceMergeMainTypeMap.get(mainType)) ? 'replaceMerge'
: 'normalMerge';
const mappingResult = modelUtil.mappingToExists(oldCmptList, newCmptOptionList, mergeMode);
// Set mainType and complete subType.
modelUtil.setComponentTypeToKeyInfo(mappingResult, mainType, ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor);
// Empty it before the travel, in order to prevent `this._componentsMap`
// from being used in the `init`/`mergeOption`/`optionUpdated` of some
// components, which is probably incorrect logic.
option[mainType] = null;
componentsMap.set(mainType, null);
componentsCount.set(mainType, 0);
const optionsByMainType = [] as ComponentOption[];
const cmptsByMainType = [] as ComponentModel[];
let cmptsCountByMainType = 0;
each(mappingResult, function (resultItem, index) {
let componentModel = resultItem.existing;
const newCmptOption = resultItem.newOption;
if (!newCmptOption) {
if (componentModel) {
// Consider where is no new option and should be merged using {},
// see removeEdgeAndAdd in topologicalTravel and
// ComponentModel.getAllClassMainTypes.
componentModel.mergeOption({}, this);
componentModel.optionUpdated({}, false);
// If no both `resultItem.exist` and `resultItem.option`,
// either it is in `replaceMerge` and not matched by any id,
// or it has been removed in previous `replaceMerge` and left a "hole" in this component index.
else {
const isSeriesType = mainType === 'series';
const ComponentModelClass = (ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor).getClass(
mainType, resultItem.keyInfo.subType,
!isSeriesType // Give a more detailed warn later if series don't exists
if (!ComponentModelClass) {
if (__DEV__) {
const subType = resultItem.keyInfo.subType;
const seriesImportName = BUILTIN_CHARTS_MAP[subType as keyof typeof BUILTIN_CHARTS_MAP];
if (!componetsMissingLogPrinted[subType]) {
componetsMissingLogPrinted[subType] = true;
if (seriesImportName) {
error(`Series ${subType} is used but not imported.
import { ${seriesImportName} } from 'echarts/charts';
else {
error(`Unkown series ${subType}`);
if (componentModel && componentModel.constructor === ComponentModelClass) { =;
// componentModel.settingTask && componentModel.settingTask.dirty();
componentModel.mergeOption(newCmptOption, this);
componentModel.optionUpdated(newCmptOption, false);
else {
// PENDING Global as parent ?
const extraOpt = extend(
componentIndex: index
componentModel = new ComponentModelClass(
newCmptOption, this, this, extraOpt
// Assign `keyInfo`
extend(componentModel, extraOpt);
if (resultItem.brandNew) {
componentModel.__requireNewView = true;
componentModel.init(newCmptOption, this, this);
// Call optionUpdated after init.
// newCmptOption has been used as componentModel.option
// and may be merged with theme and default, so pass null
// to avoid confusion.
componentModel.optionUpdated(null, true);
if (componentModel) {
else {
// Always do assign to avoid elided item in array.
optionsByMainType.push(void 0);
cmptsByMainType.push(void 0);
}, this);
option[mainType] = optionsByMainType;
componentsMap.set(mainType, cmptsByMainType);
componentsCount.set(mainType, cmptsCountByMainType);
// Backup series for filtering.
if (mainType === 'series') {
// If no series declared, ensure `_seriesIndices` initialized.
if (!this._seriesIndices) {
* Get option for output (cloned option and inner info removed)
getOption(): ECUnitOption {
const option = clone(this.option);
each(option, function (optInMainType, mainType) {
if (ComponentModel.hasClass(mainType)) {
const opts = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(optInMainType);
// Inner cmpts need to be removed.
// Inner cmpts might not be at last since ec5.0, but still
// compatible for users: if inner cmpt at last, splice the returned array.
let realLen = opts.length;
let metNonInner = false;
for (let i = realLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Remove options with inner id.
if (opts[i] && !modelUtil.isComponentIdInternal(opts[i])) {
metNonInner = true;
else {
opts[i] = null;
!metNonInner && realLen--;
opts.length = realLen;
option[mainType] = opts;
delete option[OPTION_INNER_KEY];
return option;
getTheme(): Model {
return this._theme;
getLocaleModel(): Model<LocaleOption> {
return this._locale;
getLocale(localePosition: Parameters<Model<LocaleOption>['get']>[0]): any {
const locale = this.getLocaleModel();
return locale.get(localePosition as any);
setUpdatePayload(payload: Payload) {
this._payload = payload;
getUpdatePayload(): Payload {
return this._payload;
* @param idx If not specified, return the first one.
getComponent(mainType: ComponentMainType, idx?: number): ComponentModel {
const list = this._componentsMap.get(mainType);
if (list) {
const cmpt = list[idx || 0];
if (cmpt) {
return cmpt;
else if (idx == null) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i]) {
return list[i];
* @return Never be null/undefined.
queryComponents(condition: QueryConditionKindB): ComponentModel[] {
const mainType = condition.mainType;
if (!mainType) {
return [];
const index = condition.index;
const id =;
const name =;
const cmpts = this._componentsMap.get(mainType);
if (!cmpts || !cmpts.length) {
return [];
let result: ComponentModel[];
if (index != null) {
result = [];
each(modelUtil.normalizeToArray(index), function (idx) {
cmpts[idx] && result.push(cmpts[idx]);
else if (id != null) {
result = queryByIdOrName('id', id, cmpts);
else if (name != null) {
result = queryByIdOrName('name', name, cmpts);
else {
// Return all non-empty components in that mainType
result = filter(cmpts, cmpt => !!cmpt);
return filterBySubType(result, condition);
* The interface is different from queryComponents,
* which is convenient for inner usage.
* @usage
* let result = findComponents(
* {mainType: 'dataZoom', query: {dataZoomId: 'abc'}}
* );
* let result = findComponents(
* {mainType: 'series', subType: 'pie', query: {seriesName: 'uio'}}
* );
* let result = findComponents(
* {mainType: 'series',
* filter: function (model, index) {...}}
* );
* // result like [component0, componnet1, ...]
findComponents(condition: QueryConditionKindA): ComponentModel[] {
const query = condition.query;
const mainType = condition.mainType;
const queryCond = getQueryCond(query);
const result = queryCond
? this.queryComponents(queryCond)
// Retrieve all non-empty components.
: filter(this._componentsMap.get(mainType), cmpt => !!cmpt);
return doFilter(filterBySubType(result, condition));
function getQueryCond(q: QueryConditionKindA['query']): QueryConditionKindB {
const indexAttr = mainType + 'Index';
const idAttr = mainType + 'Id';
const nameAttr = mainType + 'Name';
return q && (
q[indexAttr] != null
|| q[idAttr] != null
|| q[nameAttr] != null
? {
mainType: mainType,
// subType will be filtered finally.
index: q[indexAttr] as (number | number[]),
id: q[idAttr] as (OptionId | OptionId[]),
name: q[nameAttr] as (OptionName | OptionName[])
: null;
function doFilter(res: ComponentModel[]) {
return condition.filter
? filter(res, condition.filter)
: res;
* Travel components (before filtered).
* @usage
* eachComponent('legend', function (legendModel, index) {
* ...
* });
* eachComponent(function (componentType, model, index) {
* // componentType does not include subType
* // (componentType is 'xxx' but not 'xxx.aa')
* });
* eachComponent(
* {mainType: 'dataZoom', query: {dataZoomId: 'abc'}},
* function (model, index) {...}
* );
* eachComponent(
* {mainType: 'series', subType: 'pie', query: {seriesName: 'uio'}},
* function (model, index) {...}
* );
cb: EachComponentAllCallback,
context?: T
): void
mainType: string,
cb: EachComponentInMainTypeCallback,
context?: T
): void
mainType: QueryConditionKindA,
cb: EachComponentInMainTypeCallback,
context?: T
): void
mainType: string | QueryConditionKindA | EachComponentAllCallback,
cb?: EachComponentInMainTypeCallback | T,
context?: T
) {
const componentsMap = this._componentsMap;
if (isFunction(mainType)) {
const ctxForAll = cb as T;
const cbForAll = mainType as EachComponentAllCallback;
componentsMap.each(function (cmpts, componentType) {
for (let i = 0; cmpts && i < cmpts.length; i++) {
const cmpt = cmpts[i];
cmpt &&, componentType, cmpt, cmpt.componentIndex);
else {
const cmpts = isString(mainType)
? componentsMap.get(mainType)
: isObject(mainType)
? this.findComponents(mainType)
: null;
for (let i = 0; cmpts && i < cmpts.length; i++) {
const cmpt = cmpts[i];
cmpt && (cb as EachComponentInMainTypeCallback).call(
context, cmpt, cmpt.componentIndex
* Get series list before filtered by name.
getSeriesByName(name: OptionName): SeriesModel[] {
const nameStr = modelUtil.convertOptionIdName(name, null);
return filter(
this._componentsMap.get('series') as SeriesModel[],
oneSeries => !!oneSeries && nameStr != null && === nameStr
* Get series list before filtered by index.
getSeriesByIndex(seriesIndex: number): SeriesModel {
return this._componentsMap.get('series')[seriesIndex] as SeriesModel;
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
getSeriesByType(subType: ComponentSubType): SeriesModel[] {
return filter(
this._componentsMap.get('series') as SeriesModel[],
oneSeries => !!oneSeries && oneSeries.subType === subType
* Get all series before filtered.
getSeries(): SeriesModel[] {
return filter(
this._componentsMap.get('series').slice() as SeriesModel[],
oneSeries => !!oneSeries
* Count series before filtered.
getSeriesCount(): number {
return this._componentsCount.get('series');
* After filtering, series may be different
* frome raw series.
cb: (this: T, series: SeriesModel, rawSeriesIndex: number) => void,
context?: T
): void {
each(this._seriesIndices, function (rawSeriesIndex) {
const series = this._componentsMap.get('series')[rawSeriesIndex] as SeriesModel;, series, rawSeriesIndex);
}, this);
* Iterate raw series before filtered.
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {*} context
cb: (this: T, series: SeriesModel, rawSeriesIndex: number) => void,
context?: T
): void {
each(this._componentsMap.get('series'), function (series) {
series &&, series, series.componentIndex);
* After filtering, series may be different.
* frome raw series.
subType: ComponentSubType,
cb: (this: T, series: SeriesModel, rawSeriesIndex: number) => void,
context?: T
): void {
each(this._seriesIndices, function (rawSeriesIndex) {
const series = this._componentsMap.get('series')[rawSeriesIndex] as SeriesModel;
if (series.subType === subType) {, series, rawSeriesIndex);
}, this);
* Iterate raw series before filtered of given type.
subType: ComponentSubType,
cb: (this: T, series: SeriesModel, rawSeriesIndex: number) => void,
context?: T
): void {
return each(this.getSeriesByType(subType), cb, context);
isSeriesFiltered(seriesModel: SeriesModel): boolean {
return this._seriesIndicesMap.get(seriesModel.componentIndex) == null;
getCurrentSeriesIndices(): number[] {
return (this._seriesIndices || []).slice();
cb: (this: T, series: SeriesModel, rawSeriesIndex: number) => boolean,
context?: T
): void {
const newSeriesIndices: number[] = [];
each(this._seriesIndices, function (seriesRawIdx) {
const series = this._componentsMap.get('series')[seriesRawIdx] as SeriesModel;, series, seriesRawIdx) && newSeriesIndices.push(seriesRawIdx);
}, this);
this._seriesIndices = newSeriesIndices;
this._seriesIndicesMap = createHashMap(newSeriesIndices);
restoreData(payload?: Payload): void {
const componentsMap = this._componentsMap;
const componentTypes: string[] = [];
componentsMap.each(function (components, componentType) {
if (ComponentModel.hasClass(componentType)) {
(ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor).topologicalTravel(
(ComponentModel as ComponentModelConstructor).getAllClassMainTypes(),
function (componentType) {
each(componentsMap.get(componentType), function (component) {
if (component
&& (
componentType !== 'series'
|| !isNotTargetSeries(component as SeriesModel, payload)
) {
private static internalField = (function () {
reCreateSeriesIndices = function (ecModel: GlobalModel): void {
const seriesIndices: number[] = ecModel._seriesIndices = [];
each(ecModel._componentsMap.get('series'), function (series) {
// series may have been removed by `replaceMerge`.
series && seriesIndices.push(series.componentIndex);
ecModel._seriesIndicesMap = createHashMap(seriesIndices);
assertSeriesInitialized = function (ecModel: GlobalModel): void {
// Components that use _seriesIndices should depends on series component,
// which make sure that their initialization is after series.
if (__DEV__) {
if (!ecModel._seriesIndices) {
throw new Error('Option should contains series.');
initBase = function (ecModel: GlobalModel, baseOption: ECUnitOption & AriaOptionMixin): void {
// Using OPTION_INNER_KEY to mark that this option can not be used outside,
// i.e. `chart.setOption(chart.getModel().option);` is forbiden.
ecModel.option = {} as ECUnitOption;
// Init with series: [], in case of calling findSeries method
// before series initialized.
ecModel._componentsMap = createHashMap({series: []});
ecModel._componentsCount = createHashMap();
// If user spefied `option.aria`, aria will be enable. This detection should be
// performed before theme and globalDefault merge.
const airaOption = baseOption.aria;
if (isObject(airaOption) && airaOption.enabled == null) {
airaOption.enabled = true;
mergeTheme(baseOption, ecModel._theme.option);
// TODO Needs clone when merging to the unexisted property
merge(baseOption, globalDefault, false);
ecModel._mergeOption(baseOption, null);
* @param condition.mainType Mandatory.
* @param condition.subType Optional.
* @param condition.query like {xxxIndex, xxxId, xxxName},
* where xxx is mainType.
* If query attribute is null/undefined or has no index/id/name,
* do not filtering by query conditions, which is convenient for
* no-payload situations or when target of action is global.
* @param condition.filter parameter: component, return boolean.
export interface QueryConditionKindA {
mainType: ComponentMainType;
subType?: ComponentSubType;
query?: {
[k: string]: number | number[] | string | string[]
filter?: (cmpt: ComponentModel) => boolean;
* If none of index and id and name used, return all components with mainType.
* @param condition.mainType
* @param condition.subType If ignore, only query by mainType
* @param condition.index Either input index or id or name.
* @param Either input index or id or name.
* @param Either input index or id or name.
export interface QueryConditionKindB {
mainType: ComponentMainType;
subType?: ComponentSubType;
index?: number | number[];
id?: OptionId | OptionId[];
name?: OptionName | OptionName[];
export interface EachComponentAllCallback {
(mainType: string, model: ComponentModel, componentIndex: number): void;
interface EachComponentInMainTypeCallback {
(model: ComponentModel, componentIndex: number): void;
function isNotTargetSeries(seriesModel: SeriesModel, payload: Payload): boolean {
if (payload) {
const index = payload.seriesIndex;
const id = payload.seriesId;
const name = payload.seriesName;
return (index != null && seriesModel.componentIndex !== index)
|| (id != null && !== id)
|| (name != null && !== name);
function mergeTheme(option: ECUnitOption, theme: ThemeOption): void {
// NOT use `colorLayer` in theme if option has `color`
const notMergeColorLayer = option.color && !option.colorLayer;
each(theme, function (themeItem, name) {
if (name === 'colorLayer' && notMergeColorLayer) {
// If it is component model mainType, the model handles that merge later.
// otherwise, merge them here.
if (!ComponentModel.hasClass(name)) {
if (typeof themeItem === 'object') {
option[name] = !option[name]
? clone(themeItem)
: merge(option[name], themeItem, false);
else {
if (option[name] == null) {
option[name] = themeItem;
function queryByIdOrName<T extends { id?: string, name?: string }>(
attr: 'id' | 'name',
idOrName: string | number | (string | number)[],
cmpts: T[]
): T[] {
// Here is a break from echarts4: string and number are
// treated as equal.
if (isArray(idOrName)) {
const keyMap = createHashMap<boolean>();
each(idOrName, function (idOrNameItem) {
if (idOrNameItem != null) {
const idName = modelUtil.convertOptionIdName(idOrNameItem, null);
idName != null && keyMap.set(idOrNameItem, true);
return filter(cmpts, cmpt => cmpt && keyMap.get(cmpt[attr]));
else {
const idName = modelUtil.convertOptionIdName(idOrName, null);
return filter(cmpts, cmpt => cmpt && idName != null && cmpt[attr] === idName);
function filterBySubType(
components: ComponentModel[],
condition: QueryConditionKindA | QueryConditionKindB
): ComponentModel[] {
// Using hasOwnProperty for restrict. Consider
// subType is undefined in user payload.
return condition.hasOwnProperty('subType')
? filter(components, cmpt => cmpt && cmpt.subType === condition.subType)
: components;
function normalizeSetOptionInput(opts: GlobalModelSetOptionOpts): InnerSetOptionOpts {
const replaceMergeMainTypeMap = createHashMap<boolean, string>();
opts && each(modelUtil.normalizeToArray(opts.replaceMerge), function (mainType) {
if (__DEV__) {
'"' + mainType + '" is not valid component main type in "replaceMerge"'
replaceMergeMainTypeMap.set(mainType, true);
return {
replaceMergeMainTypeMap: replaceMergeMainTypeMap
interface GlobalModel extends PaletteMixin<ECUnitOption> {}
mixin(GlobalModel, PaletteMixin);
export default GlobalModel;