blob: 911d674b75725110e0a5656f0731065bc609af10 [file] [log] [blame]
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<meta charset="utf-8">
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<script src="lib/esl.js"></script>
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<script src="lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="data/pie-texture.js"></script>
<script src="lib/facePrint.js"></script>
<script src="lib/testHelper.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/reset.css" />
.test-title {
background: #146402;
color: #fff;
<div id="main0"></div>
<div id="main1"></div>
<div id="main2"></div>
<div id="main3"></div>
<div id="main4"></div>
<div id="main5"></div>
<div id="main6"></div>
<div id="main7"></div>
<div id="main8"></div>
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
var value2 = 400;
var total = 1000;
function getData() {
return [{
name: '',
value: total - value2,
itemStyle: { color: 'rgb(8,90,150)' },
label: { show: false }
}, {
name: '50%',
value: value2,
itemStyle: { color: 'rgb(23,235,255)'},
label: { position: 'center', color: '#999', fontSize: '100' }
var option = {
animation: false,
series: [{
type: 'pie',
radius: ['60%','80%'],
labelLine: { show: false },
hoverAnimation: false,
data: getData()
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main0', {
title: 'Label should be always at center of the pie',
option: option,
info: {
data: [{
label: {position: 'center'}
setInterval(function () {
value2 += 3;
if (value2 > total) {
value2 = 0;
series: [{
data: getData()
}, 20);
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
var count = 80;
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// var label = i === 30
// ? {
// position: 'center',
// fontSize: 30,
// color: '#fff'
// }
// : null;
name: i + 'Something really Random',
value: Math.random(),
// label: label
var option = {
series: [{
type: 'pie',
radius: '50%',
labelLine: {
minTurnAngle: 110,
length2: 10,
smooth: true
data: data
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main1', {
title: 'Too many',
option: option
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
var count = 60;
function makeData(sign) {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var value = Math.random() * 50 * sign;
value = +value.toFixed(2);
if (i >= 2
&& i <= count - 2
&& i % 10 !== 0
// Test the case that the bottom label is normal to display.
&& Math.abs(i - Math.round(count / 2)) > 2
) {
value = sign > 0
? value - Math.floor(value)
: value - Math.ceil(value);
value = +value.toFixed(2);
name: value,
value: value
return data;
var pos = ['25%', '75%'];
var option = {
title: [{
text: 'Positive value\nminShowLabelAngle: 10',
textAlign: 'center',
left: pos[0]
}, {
text: 'Negative value\nminShowLabelAngle: 2',
textAlign: 'center',
left: pos[1]
series: [{
type: 'pie',
center: [pos[0], '50%'],
minShowLabelAngle: 10,
label: {show: true},
radius: '30%',
data: makeData(1)
}, {
type: 'pie',
center: [pos[1], '50%'],
minShowLabelAngle: 2,
label: {show: true},
radius: '30%',
data: makeData(-1)
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main2', {
title: [
'minShowLabelAngle: label of small sector should **not be displayed**.',
'other label should **be displayed** in appropriate place.'
option: option
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
var count = 5;
function makeData(sign) {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var value = Math.random() * 50 * sign;
value = +value.toFixed(2);
if (i >= 2
&& i <= count - 2
&& i % 10 !== 0
// Test the case that the bottom label is normal to display.
&& Math.abs(i - Math.round(count / 2)) > 2
) {
value = sign > 0
? value - Math.floor(value)
: value - Math.ceil(value);
value = +value.toFixed(2);
name: value,
value: value
return data;
var pos = ['25%', '75%'];
var option = {
title: [{
text: 'label.rotate: true, label should be in redical direction.',
textAlign: 'center',
left: pos[0]
}, {
text: 'label.rotate: 20',
textAlign: 'center',
left: pos[1]
series: [{
type: 'pie',
center: [pos[0], '50%'],
minShowLabelAngle: 10,
label: {
show: true,
rotate: true
labelLine: {
length2: 0
radius: '30%',
data: makeData(1)
}, {
type: 'pie',
center: [pos[1], '50%'],
minShowLabelAngle: 2,
label: {
show: true,
rotate: 20
radius: '30%',
data: makeData(-1)
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main3', {
title: [
'label should be rotated'
option: option
require(['echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */], function (echarts) {
var option;
// Pencil sketch texture
var patternSrc = window.pieTexture;
var img = new Image();
img.src = patternSrc;
option = {
title: [{
left: '25%',
top: 10,
text: 'Lable text should be white\n and bordered with each sector color',
textAlign: 'center'
}, {
left: '75%',
top: 10,
text: 'Lable text should be white\n and bordered with black',
textAlign: 'center'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
label: {
position: 'inside'
center: ['25%', 150],
radius: [30, 60],
data: [{
name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
value: 100
}, {
name: 'yyyyyyyy',
value: 120
}, {
name: 'zzzzzzzz',
value: 110
}, {
type: 'funnel',
label: {
position: 'inside'
top: null,
bottom: 30,
height: 100,
width: 50,
left: '25%',
data: [{
name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
value: 100
}, {
name: 'yyyyyyyyyyy',
value: 120
}, {
name: 'zzzzzzzzzzz',
value: 110
}, {
type: 'pie',
label: {
position: 'inside'
center: ['75%', 150],
radius: [30, 60],
itemStyle: {
color: {
image: img,
repeat: 'repeat'
borderWidth: 3,
borderColor: '#111'
data: [{
name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
value: 100
}, {
name: 'yyyyyyyyyyy',
value: 120
}, {
name: 'zzzzzzzzzzz',
value: 110
}, {
type: 'funnel',
label: {
position: 'inside'
top: null,
bottom: 30,
height: 100,
width: 50,
left: null,
right: '25%',
itemStyle: {
color: {
image: img,
repeat: 'repeat'
borderWidth: 3,
borderColor: '#111'
data: [{
name: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
value: 100
}, {
name: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyy',
value: 120
}, {
name: 'zzzzzzzzzzzz',
value: 110
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main4', {
title: [
'label.position: "inside". And half inside half outside.'
option: option,
height: 400,
// buttons: [{text: 'btn-txt', onclick: function () {}}],
// recordCanvas: true,
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
const data = [{
name: 'Something really Random(1)',
value: 1
}, {
name: 'Something really Random(2)',
value: 2
}, {
name: 'Something really Random(3)',
value: 3
}, {
name: 'Something really Random(4)',
value: 2
}, {
name: 'Something really Random(5)',
value: 3
for (let i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {
name: 'Something really Random(' + i + ')',
value: Math.random() * 0.1 + 0.1
name: 'Something really Random',
value: 2
for (let i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) {
name: 'Something really Random(' + i + ')',
value: Math.random() * 0.1 + 0.1
var option = {
series: [{
type: 'pie',
radius: '50%',
data: data
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main5', {
title: 'Layout Case 1',
option: option
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
const data = [{
"name": "United States",
"value": [213242, 22.86439111423725, "United States"]
}, {
"name": "Italy",
"value": [110574, 11.856047040759652, "Italy"]
}, {
"name": "Spain",
"value": [104118, 11.163817043697554, "Spain"]
}, {
"name": "China",
"value": [82361, 8.830971931231625, "China"]
}, {
"name": "Germany",
"value": [77872, 8.349649059978255, "Germany"]
}, {
"name": "France",
"value": [57749, 6.192005901539504, "France"]
}, {
"name": "Iran",
"value": [47593, 5.103051773571311, "Iran"]
}, {
"name": "United Kingdom",
"value": [29865, 3.202207072840695, "United Kingdom"]
}, {
"name": "Switzerland",
"value": [17768, 1.905133610253925, "Switzerland"]
}, {
"name": "Turkey",
"value": [15679, 1.6811453103991045, "Turkey"]
}, {
"name": "Belgium",
"value": [13964, 1.4972583145872247, "Belgium"]
}, {
"name": "Netherlands",
"value": [13696, 1.4685226207810533, "Netherlands"]
}, {
"name": "Austria",
"value": [10711, 1.1484627476041078, "Austria"]
}, {
"name": "Korea, South",
"value": [9887, 1.0601112114239395, "Korea, South"]
}, {
"name": "Canada",
"value": [9560, 1.0250493760708872, "Canada"]
}, {
"name": "Portugal",
"value": [8251, 0.8846948119205952, "Portugal"]
}, {
"name": "Brazil",
"value": [6836, 0.7329746375335339, "Brazil"]
}, {
"name": "Israel",
"value": [6092, 0.6532009203999837, "Israel"]
}, {
"name": "Sweden",
"value": [4947, 0.5304308852952593, "Sweden"]
}, {
"name": "Norway",
"value": [4863, 0.52142417529631, "Norway"]
}, {
"name": "Australia",
"value": [4862, 0.5213169525582273, "Australia"]
}, {
"name": "Czechia",
"value": [3508, 0.37613736519421254, "Czechia"]
}, {
"name": "Ireland",
"value": [3447, 0.3695967781711661, "Ireland"]
}, {
"name": "Denmark",
"value": [3290, 0.35276280829217765, "Denmark"]
}, {
"name": "Chile",
"value": [3031, 0.3249921191287509, "Chile"]
}, {
"name": "Malaysia",
"value": [2908, 0.31180372234457526, "Malaysia"]
}, {
"name": "Russia",
"value": [2777, 0.2977575436557378, "Russia"]
}, {
"name": "Ecuador",
"value": [2748, 0.29464808425133865, "Ecuador"]
}, {
"name": "Poland",
"value": [2554, 0.2738468730632893, "Poland"]
}, {
"name": "Romania",
"value": [2460, 0.2637679356835128, "Romania"]
var option = {
backgroundColor: '#333',
visualMap: {
dimension: 0,
left: 10,
itemWidth: 12,
min: data[29].value[0],
max: data[0].value[0],
text: ['High', 'Low'],
textStyle: {
color: '#ddd'
inRange: {
color: ['lightskyblue', 'yellow', 'orangered', 'red']
series: [{
type: 'pie',
data: data,
roseType: 'radius',
radius: ['30%', '70%']
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main6', {
title: 'Case from',
height: 300,
option: option
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
const option = {
backgroundColor: '#2c343c',
visualMap: {
show: false,
min: 80,
max: 600,
inRange: {
colorLightness: [0, 1]
series : [
name: '访问来源',
type: 'pie',
radius: '55%',
{value:235, name:'视频广告'},
{value:274, name:'联盟广告'},
{value:310, name:'邮件营销'},
{value:335, name:'直接访问'},
{value:400, name:'搜索引擎'}
roseType: 'angle',
label: {
textStyle: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'
labelLine: {
smooth: true,
minTurnAngle: 120,
lineStyle: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'
itemStyle: {
color: '#c23531',
shadowBlur: 200,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main7', {
title: 'Case from',
height: 300,
option: option
'echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */
], function (echarts) {
const option = {
series: [
name: '访问来源',
type: 'pie',
radius: '50%',
center: ['25%', '50%'],
data: [
{ value: 1, name: '搜索引擎' },
emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowOffsetX: 0,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
label: {
position: 'inside'
name: '访问来源1',
type: 'pie',
radius: '50%',
center: ['75%', '50%'],
data: [
{ value: 1, name: '搜索引擎' },
emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowOffsetX: 0,
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
label: {
position: 'outside'
setTimeout(() => {
option.series[0].label.position = 'outside';
option.series[1].label.position = 'inside';
}, 2000);
setTimeout(() => {
option.series[0].label.position = 'inside';
option.series[1].label.position = 'outside';
}, 4000);
setTimeout(() => {
option.series[0].label.position = 'outside';
option.series[1].label.position = 'inside';
}, 6000);
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main8', {
title: 'labelLine should be hidden when position is not \'outside\'',
height: 300,
option: option