blob: 4b6e02a6eef561cb3dcd959f62b791b1e096a5ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import {
DataTransformOption, ExternalDataTransform, ExternalSource, ExternalDimensionDefinition
} from '../../../../src/data/helper/transform';
import {
DimensionName, DimensionLoose, OptionDataValue
} from '../../../../src/util/types';
import { hasOwn, assert, map, each } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { quantile } from '../../../../src/util/number';
* @usage
* ```js
* dataset: [{
* source: [
* ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'tag'],
* [12, 0.33, 5200, 'AA'],
* [21, 0.65, 7100, 'AA'],
* [51, 0.15, 1100, 'BB'],
* [71, 0.75, 9100, 'BB'],
* ...
* ]
* }, {
* transform: {
* type: 'my:aggregate',
* config: {
* resultDimensions: [
* // by default, use the same name with `from`.
* { from: 'aa', method: 'sum' },
* { from: 'bb', method: 'count' },
* { from: 'cc' }, // method by default: use the first value.
* { from: 'dd', method: 'Q1' },
* { from: 'tag' }
* ],
* groupBy: 'tag'
* }
* }
* // Then the result data will be:
* // [
* // ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'tag'],
* // [12, 0.33, 5200, 'AA'],
* // [21, 0.65, 8100, 'BB'],
* // ...
* // ]
* }]
* ```
* Current supported methods (case insensitive):
* 'sum'
* 'count'
* 'average'
* 'Q1'
* 'Q3'
* 'Q2' or 'median'
* 'min'
* 'max'
export interface AggregateTransformOption extends DataTransformOption {
type: 'myTransform:aggregate';
config: {
// Mandatory
resultDimensions: {
// Optional. The name of the result dimensions.
// If not provided, inherit the name from `from`.
name: DimensionName;
// Mandatory. `from` is used to reference dimension from `source`.
from: DimensionLoose;
// Optional. Aggregate method. Currently only these method supported.
// If not provided, use `'first'`.
method: AggregateMethodLoose;
// Optional
groupBy: DimensionLoose;
'SUM': true,
'COUNT': true,
'FIRST': true,
'AVERAGE': true,
'Q1': true,
'Q2': true,
'Q3': true,
'MIN': true,
'MAX': true
} as const;
} as const;
Q1: true,
Q2: true,
Q3: true
} as const;
const METHOD_ALIAS = {
} as const;
type AggregateMethodLoose =
| 'sum' | 'count' | 'first' | 'average' | 'Q1' | 'Q2' | 'Q3' | 'median' | 'min' | 'max';
type AggregateMethodInternal = keyof typeof METHOD_INTERNAL;
class ResultDimInfoInternal {
readonly method: AggregateMethodInternal;
readonly name: DimensionName;
readonly index: number;
readonly indexInUpstream: number;
readonly collectionInfoList = [] as {
method: AggregateMethodInternal;
indexInLine: number;
// FIXME: refactor
readonly gatheredValuesByGroup: { [groupVal: string]: number[] } = {};
readonly gatheredValuesNoGroup = [] as number[];
readonly needGatherValues: boolean = false;
__collectionResult: TravelResult<CollectionResultLine>;
private _collectionInfoMap = {} as {
// number is the index of `list`
[method in AggregateMethodInternal]: number
index: number,
indexInUpstream: number,
method: AggregateMethodInternal,
name: DimensionName,
needGatherValues: boolean
) {
this.method = method; = name;
this.index = index;
this.indexInUpstream = indexInUpstream;
this.needGatherValues = needGatherValues;
addCollectionInfo(item: ResultDimInfoInternal['collectionInfoList'][number]) {
this._collectionInfoMap[item.method] = this.collectionInfoList.length;
getCollectionInfo(method: AggregateMethodInternal) {
return this.collectionInfoList[this._collectionInfoMap[method]];
// FIXME: temp implementation. Need refactor.
gatherValue(groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition, groupVal: OptionDataValue, value: OptionDataValue) {
// FIXME: convert to number compulsorily temporarily.
value = +value;
if (groupByDimInfo) {
if (groupVal != null) {
const groupValStr = groupVal + '';
const values = this.gatheredValuesByGroup[groupValStr]
|| (this.gatheredValuesByGroup[groupValStr] = []);
else {
type CreateInTravel<LINE> = (
upstream: ExternalSource,
dataIndex: number,
dimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[],
groupByDimInfo?: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
groupByVal?: OptionDataValue
) => LINE;
type UpdateInTravel<LINE> = (
upstream: ExternalSource,
dataIndex: number,
targetLine: LINE,
dimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[],
groupByDimInfo?: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
groupByVal?: OptionDataValue
) => void;
export const transform: ExternalDataTransform<AggregateTransformOption> = {
type: 'myTransform:aggregate',
transform: function (params) {
const upstream = params.upstream;
const config = params.config;
const groupByDimInfo = prepareGroupByDimInfo(config, upstream);
const { finalResultDimInfoList, collectionDimInfoList } = prepareDimensions(
config, upstream, groupByDimInfo
// Collect
let collectionResult: TravelResult<CollectionResultLine>;
if (collectionDimInfoList.length) {
collectionResult = travel(
each(collectionDimInfoList, dimInfo => {
dimInfo.__collectionResult = collectionResult;
// FIXME: just for Q1, Q2, Q3: need asc.
each(dimInfo.gatheredValuesByGroup, values => {
// Calculate
const finalResult = travel(
return {
dimensions: map(finalResultDimInfoList, item =>,
data: finalResult.outList
function prepareDimensions(
config: AggregateTransformOption['config'],
upstream: ExternalSource,
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition
): {
finalResultDimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[];
collectionDimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[];
} {
const resultDimensionsConfig = config.resultDimensions;
const finalResultDimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[] = [];
const collectionDimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[] = [];
let gIndexInLine = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < resultDimensionsConfig.length; i++) {
const resultDimInfoConfig = resultDimensionsConfig[i];
const dimInfoInUpstream = upstream.getDimensionInfo(resultDimInfoConfig.from);
assert(dimInfoInUpstream, 'Can not find dimension by `from`: ' + resultDimInfoConfig.from);
const rawMethod = resultDimInfoConfig.method;
groupByDimInfo.index !== dimInfoInUpstream.index || rawMethod == null,
`Dimension ${} is the "groupBy" dimension, must not have any "method".`
const method = normalizeMethod(rawMethod);
assert(method, 'method is required');
const name = != null ? :;
const finalResultDimInfo = new ResultDimInfoInternal(
// For collection.
let needCollect = false;
if (hasOwn(METHOD_NEEDS_COLLECT, method)) {
needCollect = true;
const collectionTargetMethods = METHOD_NEEDS_COLLECT[method as keyof typeof METHOD_NEEDS_COLLECT];
for (let j = 0; j < collectionTargetMethods.length; j++) {
method: collectionTargetMethods[j],
indexInLine: gIndexInLine++
if (hasOwn(METHOD_NEEDS_GATHER_VALUES, method)) {
needCollect = true;
if (needCollect) {
return { collectionDimInfoList, finalResultDimInfoList };
function prepareGroupByDimInfo(
config: AggregateTransformOption['config'],
upstream: ExternalSource
): ExternalDimensionDefinition {
const groupByConfig = config.groupBy;
let groupByDimInfo;
if (groupByConfig != null) {
groupByDimInfo = upstream.getDimensionInfo(groupByConfig);
assert(groupByDimInfo, 'Can not find dimension by `groupBy`: ' + groupByConfig);
return groupByDimInfo;
interface TravelResult<LINE> {
mapByGroup: { [groupVal: string]: LINE };
outList: LINE[];
function travel<LINE>(
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
upstream: ExternalSource,
resultDimInfoList: ResultDimInfoInternal[],
doCreate: CreateInTravel<LINE>,
doUpdate: UpdateInTravel<LINE>
): TravelResult<LINE> {
const outList: TravelResult<LINE>['outList'] = [];
let mapByGroup: TravelResult<LINE>['mapByGroup'];
if (groupByDimInfo) {
mapByGroup = {};
for (let dataIndex = 0, len = upstream.count(); dataIndex < len; dataIndex++) {
const groupByVal = upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, groupByDimInfo.index);
// PENDING: when value is null/undefined
if (groupByVal == null) {
const groupByValStr = groupByVal + '';
if (!hasOwn(mapByGroup, groupByValStr)) {
const newLine = doCreate(upstream, dataIndex, resultDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal);
mapByGroup[groupByValStr] = newLine;
else {
const targetLine = mapByGroup[groupByValStr];
doUpdate(upstream, dataIndex, targetLine, resultDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal);
else {
const targetLine = doCreate(upstream, 0, resultDimInfoList);
for (let dataIndex = 1, len = upstream.count(); dataIndex < len; dataIndex++) {
doUpdate(upstream, dataIndex, targetLine, resultDimInfoList);
return { mapByGroup, outList };
function normalizeMethod(method: AggregateMethodLoose): AggregateMethodInternal {
if (method == null) {
return 'FIRST';
let methodInternal = method.toUpperCase() as AggregateMethodInternal;
methodInternal = hasOwn(METHOD_ALIAS, methodInternal)
? METHOD_ALIAS[methodInternal as keyof typeof METHOD_ALIAS]
: methodInternal;
assert(hasOwn(METHOD_INTERNAL, methodInternal), `Illegal method ${method}.`);
return methodInternal;
type CollectionResultLine = number[];
const createCollectionResultLine: CreateInTravel<CollectionResultLine> = (
upstream, dataIndex, collectionDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
) => {
const newLine = [] as number[];
for (let i = 0; i < collectionDimInfoList.length; i++) {
const dimInfo = collectionDimInfoList[i];
const collectionInfoList = dimInfo.collectionInfoList;
for (let j = 0; j < collectionInfoList.length; j++) {
const collectionInfo = collectionInfoList[j];
// FIXME: convert to number compulsorily temporarily.
newLine[collectionInfo.indexInLine] = +lineCreator[collectionInfo.method](
upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
// FIXME: refactor
if (dimInfo.needGatherValues) {
const val = upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream);
dimInfo.gatherValue(groupByDimInfo, groupByVal, val);
return newLine;
const updateCollectionResultLine: UpdateInTravel<CollectionResultLine> = (
upstream, dataIndex, targetLine: number[], collectionDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
) => {
for (let i = 0; i < collectionDimInfoList.length; i++) {
const dimInfo = collectionDimInfoList[i];
const collectionInfoList = dimInfo.collectionInfoList;
for (let j = 0; j < collectionInfoList.length; j++) {
const collectionInfo = collectionInfoList[j];
const indexInLine = collectionInfo.indexInLine;
// FIXME: convert to number compulsorily temporarily.
targetLine[indexInLine] = +lineUpdater[collectionInfo.method](
targetLine[indexInLine], upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
// FIXME: refactor
if (dimInfo.needGatherValues) {
const val = upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream);
dimInfo.gatherValue(groupByDimInfo, groupByVal, val);
type FinalResultLine = OptionDataValue[];
const createFinalResultLine: CreateInTravel<FinalResultLine> = (
upstream, dataIndex, finalResultDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
) => {
const newLine = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalResultDimInfoList.length; i++) {
const dimInfo = finalResultDimInfoList[i];
const method = dimInfo.method;
newLine[i] = isGroupByDimension(groupByDimInfo, dimInfo)
? groupByVal
: lineCreator[method](
upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
return newLine;
const updateFinalResultLine: UpdateInTravel<FinalResultLine> = (
upstream, dataIndex, targetLine, finalResultDimInfoList, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
) => {
for (let i = 0; i < finalResultDimInfoList.length; i++) {
const dimInfo = finalResultDimInfoList[i];
if (isGroupByDimension(groupByDimInfo, dimInfo)) {
const method = dimInfo.method;
targetLine[i] = lineUpdater[method](
targetLine[i], upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal
function isGroupByDimension(
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
targetDimInfo: ResultDimInfoInternal
): boolean {
return groupByDimInfo && targetDimInfo.indexInUpstream === groupByDimInfo.index;
function asc(list: number[]) {
list.sort((a, b) => {
return a - b;
const lineCreator: {
[key in AggregateMethodInternal]: (
upstream: ExternalSource,
dataIndex: number,
dimInfo: ResultDimInfoInternal,
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
groupByVal: OptionDataValue
) => OptionDataValue
} = {
'SUM'() {
return 0;
'COUNT'() {
return 1;
'FIRST'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream);
'MIN'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream);
'MAX'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream);
'AVERAGE'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal) {
// FIXME: refactor, bad implementation.
const collectLine = groupByDimInfo
? dimInfo.__collectionResult.mapByGroup[groupByVal + '']
: dimInfo.__collectionResult.outList[0];
return (upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream) as number)
/ collectLine[dimInfo.getCollectionInfo('COUNT').indexInLine];
// FIXME: refactor
'Q1'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal) {
return lineCreatorForQ(0.25, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal);
'Q2'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal) {
return lineCreatorForQ(0.5, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal);
'Q3'(upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal) {
return lineCreatorForQ(0.75, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal);
const lineUpdater: {
[key in AggregateMethodInternal]: (
val: OptionDataValue,
upstream: ExternalSource,
dataIndex: number,
dimInfo: ResultDimInfoInternal,
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
groupByVal: OptionDataValue
) => OptionDataValue
} = {
'SUM'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
// FIXME: handle other types
return (val as number) + (upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream) as number);
'COUNT'(val) {
return (val as number) + 1;
'FIRST'(val) {
return val;
'MIN'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return Math.min(val as number, upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream) as number);
'MAX'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return Math.max(val as number, upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream) as number);
'AVERAGE'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo, groupByDimInfo, groupByVal) {
// FIXME: refactor, bad implementation.
const collectLine = groupByDimInfo
? dimInfo.__collectionResult.mapByGroup[groupByVal + '']
: dimInfo.__collectionResult.outList[0];
return (val as number)
+ (upstream.retrieveValue(dataIndex, dimInfo.indexInUpstream) as number)
/ collectLine[dimInfo.getCollectionInfo('COUNT').indexInLine];
'Q1'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return val;
'Q2'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return val;
'Q3'(val, upstream, dataIndex, dimInfo) {
return val;
function lineCreatorForQ(
percent: number,
dimInfo: ResultDimInfoInternal,
groupByDimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition,
groupByVal: OptionDataValue
) {
const gatheredValues = groupByDimInfo
? dimInfo.gatheredValuesByGroup[groupByVal + '']
: dimInfo.gatheredValuesNoGroup;
return quantile(gatheredValues, percent);