blob: 83708d871a78f4b169c0109913a38fc6515f0ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import GlobalModel from '../model/Global';
import {ParsedModelFinder} from '../util/model';
import ExtensionAPI from '../core/ExtensionAPI';
import { DimensionDefinitionLoose, ScaleDataValue, DimensionName } from '../util/types';
import Axis from './Axis';
import { BoundingRect } from '../util/graphic';
import { MatrixArray } from 'zrender/src/core/matrix';
import ComponentModel from '../model/Component';
import { RectLike } from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect';
import type { PrepareCustomInfo } from '../chart/custom/install';
export interface CoordinateSystemCreator {
create: (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) => CoordinateSystemMaster[];
// FIXME current dimensions must be string[].
// check and unify the definition.
// FIXME:TS check where used (seams only HeatmapSeries used?)
// Some coordinate system do not have static dimensions (like parallel)
dimensions?: DimensionName[];
// dimensionsInfo like [{name: ..., type: ...}, 'xxx', ...]
getDimensionsInfo?: () => DimensionDefinitionLoose[];
* The instance get from `CoordinateSystemManger` is `CoordinateSystemMaster`.
export interface CoordinateSystemMaster {
// FIXME current dimensions must be string[].
// check and unify the definition.
// Should be the same as its coordinateSystemCreator.
dimensions: DimensionName[];
model?: ComponentModel;
update?: (ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) => void;
// This methods is also responsible for determine whether this
// coodinate system is applicable to the given `finder`.
// Each coordinate system will be tried, util one returns none
// null/undefined value.
ecModel: GlobalModel, finder: ParsedModelFinder, value: ScaleDataValue | ScaleDataValue[]
): number | number[];
// This methods is also responsible for determine whether this
// coodinate system is applicable to the given `finder`.
// Each coordinate system will be tried, util one returns none
// null/undefined value.
ecModel: GlobalModel, finder: ParsedModelFinder, pixelValue: number | number[]
): number | number[];
// @param point Point in global pixel coordinate system.
// The signature of this method should be the same as `CoordinateSystemExecutive`
containPoint(point: number[]): boolean;
// Must be implemented when `axisPointerEnabled` is `true`.
getAxes?: () => Axis[];
axisPointerEnabled?: boolean;
getTooltipAxes?: (dim: DimensionName | 'auto') => {baseAxes: Axis[], otherAxes: Axis[]};
* Get layout rect or coordinate system
getRect?: () => RectLike
* For example: cartesian is CoordinateSystem.
* series.coordinateSystem is CoordinateSystem.
export interface CoordinateSystem {
type: string
* Master of coordinate system. For example:
* Grid is master of cartesian.
master?: CoordinateSystemMaster
// Should be the same as its coordinateSystemCreator.
dimensions: DimensionName[];
model?: ComponentModel;
* @param data
* @param reserved Defined by the coordinate system itself
* @param out
* @return {Array.<number>} point Point in global pixel coordinate system.
data: ScaleDataValue | ScaleDataValue[],
reserved?: any,
out?: number[]
): number[];
* Some coord sys (like Parallel) might do not have `pointToData`,
* or the meaning of this kind of features is not clear yet.
* @param point point Point in global pixel coordinate system.
* @param reserved Defined by the coordinate system itself
* @param out
* @return data
point: number[],
reserved?: any,
out?: number[]
): number | number[];
// @param point Point in global pixel coordinate system.
containPoint(point: number[]): boolean;
getAxis?: (dim?: DimensionName) => Axis;
getBaseAxis?: () => Axis;
getOtherAxis?: (baseAxis: Axis) => Axis;
clampData?: (data: ScaleDataValue[], out?: number[]) => number[];
getRoamTransform?: () => MatrixArray;
getArea?: () => CoordinateSystemClipArea
// Only `coord/View.js` implements `getBoundingRect`.
// But if other coord sys implement it, should follow this signature.
getBoundingRect?: () => BoundingRect;
// Currently only Cartesian2D implements it.
// But if other coordinate systems implement it, should follow this signature.
getAxesByScale?: (scaleType: string) => Axis[];
prepareCustoms?: PrepareCustomInfo;
* Like GridModel, PolarModel, ...
export interface CoordinateSystemHostModel extends ComponentModel {
coordinateSystem?: CoordinateSystemMaster
* Clip area will be returned by getArea of CoordinateSystem.
* It is used to clip the graphic elements with the contain methods.
export interface CoordinateSystemClipArea {
contain(x: number, y: number): boolean
export function isCoordinateSystemType<T extends CoordinateSystem, S = T['type']>(
coordSys: CoordinateSystem, type: S
): coordSys is T {
return (coordSys.type as unknown as S) === type;