fix a typo in en contributing page.
diff --git a/_jade/en/contributing.jade b/_jade/en/contributing.jade
index ff8c74a..ce85075 100644
--- a/_jade/en/contributing.jade
+++ b/_jade/en/contributing.jade
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
                 p As we mentioned above, we appreciate the help for ECharts in any forms. When we find someone making continuous contributions in the community, we will invite him/her to be our committer or PMC member.
                 p Being a committer means you have the "write" access to the ECharts project, which enables you to contribute more easily and efficiently.
                 p The Project Management Committee (PMC) is a committee charged with responsibility and governance of ECharts, whose members are directly responsible for overseeing releases and the healthy development of the community. More information can be found at <a href="">Project Management Committee</a>.
-                p We don't have a fixed single standard for selecting a committer or PMC member because we value all kinds of help offered. Generally, current PMC members watch the continuous contributors in the community and start discussion and votes for the candidates, and invite to to be a committer or PPMC member after the vote passes.
+                p We don't have a fixed single standard for selecting a committer or PMC member because we value all kinds of help offered. Generally, current PMC members watch the continuous contributors in the community and start discussion and votes for the candidates, and invite to to be a committer or PMC member after the vote passes.
         include ../components/footer