update the statements about PPMC because of the graduation.
diff --git a/_jade/en/contributing.jade b/_jade/en/contributing.jade
index 2dfc4d7..ff8c74a 100644
--- a/_jade/en/contributing.jade
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                 p In the issue list, we also have a <a href="https://github.com/apache/echarts/labels/doc" target="_blank">"doc"</a> label. We appreciate pull requests to fix them indeed!
-                h2 Becoming a PPMC Member or Committer!
-                p As we mentioned above, we appreciate the help for ECharts in any forms. When we find someone making continuous contributions in the community, we will invite him/her to be our PPMC member or committer.
+                h2 Becoming a Committer or PMC Member!
+                p As we mentioned above, we appreciate the help for ECharts in any forms. When we find someone making continuous contributions in the community, we will invite him/her to be our committer or PMC member.
                 p Being a committer means you have the "write" access to the ECharts project, which enables you to contribute more easily and efficiently.
-                p The Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) helps a Podling learn how to govern itself. More information can be found at <a href="https://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html">Podling Project Management Committee</a>.
-                p We don't have a fixed single standard for selecting a PPMC member or committer because we value all kinds of help offered. Generally, current PPMC members watch the continuous contributors in the community and start discussion and votes for the candidates, and invite to to be a PPMC member or committer after the vote passes.
+                p The Project Management Committee (PMC) is a committee charged with responsibility and governance of ECharts, whose members are directly responsible for overseeing releases and the healthy development of the community. More information can be found at <a href="https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html">Project Management Committee</a>.
+                p We don't have a fixed single standard for selecting a committer or PMC member because we value all kinds of help offered. Generally, current PMC members watch the continuous contributors in the community and start discussion and votes for the candidates, and invite to to be a committer or PPMC member after the vote passes.
         include ../components/footer
diff --git a/_jade/zh/contributing.jade b/_jade/zh/contributing.jade
index 4c0c156..6c3f58a 100644
--- a/_jade/zh/contributing.jade
+++ b/_jade/zh/contributing.jade
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
-                h2 成为 PPMC 成员或 Committer!
-                p 正如上面所说,我们非常欢迎社区以任何形式为 ECharts 项目作贡献。当我们发现社区中长期持续贡献的伙伴,会邀请他们成为 PPMC 成员或者 Committer。
+                h2 成为 Committer 或 PMC 成员!
+                p 正如上面所说,我们非常欢迎社区以任何形式为 ECharts 项目作贡献。当我们发现社区中长期持续贡献的伙伴,会邀请他们成为 Committer 或者 PMC 成员。
                 p 成为 Committer 意味着你拥有对 ECharts 项目的“写”权限,可以更方便高效地为项目贡献。
-                p PPMC(Podling Project Management Committee)是孵化项目管理委员会的意思。PPMC 成员帮助 ECharts 项目在孵化期间学习自我管理。更多详细信息请参考 <a href="https://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html">Podling Project Management Committee</a>。
-                p 成为 PPMC 成员和 Committer 没有唯一固定的标准,因为我们鼓励不同形式的贡献。通常来说,现在的 PPMC 成员会考察社区贡献者的表现,在发现有符合标准的人选后,会在内部发起讨论和投票,投票通过后将邀请其成为 PPMC 成员或 Committer。
+                p PMC(Project Management Committee)是项目管理委员会的意思。PMC 成员负责帮助 ECharts 项目进行决策和管理。更多详细信息请参考 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html">Project Management Committee</a>。
+                p 成为 Committer 和 PMC 成员没有唯一固定的标准,因为我们鼓励不同形式的贡献。通常来说,现在的 PMC 成员会考察社区贡献者的表现,在发现有符合标准的人选后,会在内部发起讨论和投票,投票通过后将邀请其成为 Committer 或 PMC 成员。
         include ../components/footer