doc: update index design
diff --git a/_jade/en/index.jade b/_jade/en/index.jade
index ffe294e..9276544 100644
--- a/_jade/en/index.jade
+++ b/_jade/en/index.jade
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
                         h2 ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization
-                        p.note <i class="note-icon"><img classs="lazy" data-src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/note.svg?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}" /></i> Please cite the following paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities.
+                        p.note <i class="note-icon"><img classs="lazy" data-src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/note.svg?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}" /></i> You are welcomed to cite this paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities.
                Visual Informatics, 2018
                             a(href="") [PDF]
diff --git a/_jade/zh/index.jade b/_jade/zh/index.jade
index 7a90a8b..08ee6fd 100644
--- a/_jade/zh/index.jade
+++ b/_jade/zh/index.jade
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-                .home-brand-panel.description
+                .home-brand-panel.description.container
                         .home-apache Apache
                         .home-brand ECharts
@@ -39,81 +39,53 @@
-                    .features
-                        .title
-                            .content ECharts Features
-                            hr
-                            p 我们希望 ECharts 可能满足你的任何数据可视化的需求,并且让这一切都变得更加
-                            p 简单、美好、强大,相信 ECharts 一直在成长
-                            p.more 更多功能,等你体验
-                        .list
-                            .list-line
-                                .list-item(feat="0")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-1
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-1
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 超多图表类型和强大的自定义,满足千万种可能
-                                            .content
-                                                p 30多种图表和强大的自定义功能,类型不设限,机会无极限。
-                                                p 满足你千变万化的数据和场景,更注重满足你的个性化需求
-                                .list-item(feat="1")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-2
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-2
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 千万级别数据量的前端展现,仍然轻松流畅
-                                            .content
-                                                p 使用增量渲染、对流加载等技术,配合各种细致的优化,在展现
-                                                p 千万级的数据量的同时依然能进行流畅的图表交互
-                                .list-item(feat="2")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-3
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-3
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 打破与图表的边界,获得更多的体验机会
-                                            .content
-                                                p 无论是「无障碍访问」还是「多设备兼容」,我们一直在持续
-                                                p 拓展更多可能性,希望更多的人,在更多的场景,都能获得顺畅
-                                                p 如一的美好体验
-                            .list-hr
-                            .list-line
-                                .list-item(feat="3")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-4
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-4
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 开箱即用,做图表变得更简单
-                                            .content
-                                                p 提供开箱即用的组件和配置,极简配置即可实现万千可能。
-                                                p 支持多种数据格式、多渲染方案,直接使用毫无压力
-                                .list-item(feat="4")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-5
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-5
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 多维度的数据分析,发掘更多数据的价值
-                                            .content
-                                                p 数据自由刷选 —— 自由选择数据,发掘数据背后的更多秘密
-                                                p 多图表联动查看 —— 对多个图表数据联动查看,多维有效分析
-                                                p dataset 数据变换——对数据自由的过滤、统计,深度探索数据
-                                                p storytelling ——  提升数据自己讲故事的能力,更加生动的展现
-                                .list-item(feat="5")
-                                    .item
-                                        .left
-                                            .icon-bg#bg-icon-6
-                                            .feature-icon-panel#icon-6
-                                        .right
-                                            h3 才华与颜值兼备,玩转图表新可能
-                                            .content
-                                                p 完善的图表交互,让你一上手就自然顺手,与数据实现轻松互动
-                                                p 恰当的动画,更自然的反馈与图形过渡,更易理解数据间的联系
-                                                p 细致且多样的样式与主题设计,一切都只为更好地展现你的数据
+                    .index-features
+                        h2 特性
+                        hr
+                    .row
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-1
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-1
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 丰富的图表类型
+                                p 内置的 20 多种图表、强大的自定义系列以及来自社区贡献的扩展插件,助你轻松实现各种可视化需求。
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-2
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-2
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 强劲的渲染引擎
+                                p 采用增量渲染、流式加载等技术,千万级数据的图表也能在网页上流畅交互。
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-3
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-3
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 丰富的图表类型
+                                p 内置的 20 多种图表、强大的自定义系列以及来自社区贡献的扩展插件,助你轻松实现各种可视化需求。
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-4
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-4
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 丰富的图表类型
+                                p 内置的 20 多种图表、强大的自定义系列以及来自社区贡献的扩展插件,助你轻松实现各种可视化需求。
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-5
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-5
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 丰富的图表类型
+                                p 内置的 20 多种图表、强大的自定义系列以及来自社区贡献的扩展插件,助你轻松实现各种可视化需求。
+                        .col-md-6.index-feature
+                            .index-feature-left
+                                .index-feature-icon-bg#bg-icon-6
+                                .index-feature-icon#icon-6
+                            .index-feature-right
+                                h3 丰富的图表类型
+                                p 内置的 20 多种图表、强大的自定义系列以及来自社区贡献的扩展插件,助你轻松实现各种可视化需求。
+                    a.more(href='#') 了解更多特性
                 var animationMap = {};
@@ -146,18 +118,18 @@
                     var num = +$(this).attr('feat');
                     var list = $('.list-item .item');
-                    if (num === 0 || num === 3) {
-                        $(list[num]).css('border-bottom', 0);
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+                    //- if (num === 0 || num === 3) {
+                    //-     $(list[num]).css('border-bottom', 0);
+                    //- }
-                    if (num === 1 || num === 4) {
-                        $(list[num - 1]).css('border-bottom', 0);
-                        $(list[num]).css('border-bottom', 0);
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+                    //- if (num === 1 || num === 4) {
+                    //-     $(list[num - 1]).css('border-bottom', 0);
+                    //-     $(list[num]).css('border-bottom', 0);
+                    //- }
-                    if (num === 2 || num === 5) {
-                        $(list[num - 1]).css('border-bottom', 0);
-                    }
+                    //- if (num === 2 || num === 5) {
+                    //-     $(list[num - 1]).css('border-bottom', 0);
+                    //- }
                     var id = $(this).find('.feature-icon-panel')[0].id;
@@ -194,7 +166,7 @@
                             h2 ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization
-                            p.note Please cite the following paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities.
+                            p.note 如果您在科研项目、产品、学术论文、技术报告、新闻报告、教育、专利以及其他相关活动中使用了 Apache ECharts,欢迎引用本论文。
                                 a(href="").pdf Visual Informatics, 2018 [PDF]
@@ -264,7 +236,7 @@
                     h3 关注我们
-                    p 可以通过以下渠道关注 ECharts,及时获得更多最新动态
+                    p 关注我们以及时获得更多最新动态
diff --git a/_scss/_pages.index.scss b/_scss/_pages.index.scss
index 3677f32..4233db1 100644
--- a/_scss/_pages.index.scss
+++ b/_scss/_pages.index.scss
@@ -18,16 +18,15 @@
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@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@
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@@ -53,6 +51,7 @@
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+            margin-left: 50px;
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@@ -72,8 +71,8 @@
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@@ -115,7 +114,8 @@
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@@ -140,26 +140,8 @@
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@@ -169,10 +151,6 @@
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-    margin-top: -10px;
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@@ -258,199 +236,68 @@
     margin-top: 100px;
-.companies {
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-    overflow-y: hidden;
-    width: 100%;
-    height: 80px;
-    white-space: nowrap;
-    background: white;
-    margin: 69px 0 90px 0;
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+    padding-top: 50px;
-    img {
-        padding: 15px;
-        height: 100%;
+    hr {
+        display: inline-block;
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-#feature-section {
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+    .index-features {
+        margin-top: 20px;
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+        h2 {
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+        .index-feature {
+            margin: 30px 0;
+            padding: 0 50px;
-        .features {
-            margin-top: 20px;
-            text-align: center;
+            .index-feature-left {
+                display: inline-block;
+                position: absolute;
+                width: 107px;
+                height: 99px;
+            }
-            .title {
-                .content {
-                    font-size: 35px;
+                .index-feature-icon {
+                    position: absolute;
+                    width: 50%;
+                    left: 28%;
+                    top: 22.5%;
+                }
+            .index-feature-right {
+                display: inline-block;
+                margin-left: 127px;
+                h3 {
+                    margin-top: 10px;
+                    font-size: 16px;
                     font-weight: bold;
-                    color: #090909;
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-                .line {
-                    color: #86BCF2;
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-                    width: 36px;
-                    margin: 0px;
-                    height:1px;
-                    border:0px;
-                    background-color: #86BCF2;
-                    color: #86BCF2;
+                    color: $clr-darker;
                 p {
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-        .feature-detail {
-            margin-bottom: 20px;
-            position: relative;
-            transform: translateY(50%);
-            & > .col {
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-                margin-top: 8px;
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-            #col-analysis h2 {
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-            #col-data h2 {
-                margin-top: 100px;
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     overflow: hidden;
     height: 720px;
@@ -470,8 +317,7 @@
     .container {
-        width: 1195px;
-        max-width: 1440px;
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@@ -507,16 +353,21 @@
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@@ -645,27 +496,6 @@
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@@ -692,26 +522,13 @@
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-            transform: none;
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+            position: relative;
+            left: 50%;
+            margin-left: -143px;
+            top: 50px;
+            opacity: 0.5;
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diff --git a/_scss/_settings.colors.scss b/_scss/_settings.colors.scss
index dda06b7..6c10b69 100644
--- a/_scss/_settings.colors.scss
+++ b/_scss/_settings.colors.scss
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
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