| extends ../layouts/basic |
| |
| block extra_head |
| - var isCN = ecWWWLang == 'zh'; |
| |
| title #{isCN ? 'ECharts 在线构建' : 'ECharts Online Builder'} |
| |
| block content |
| - var isCN = ecWWWLang == 'zh'; |
| |
| nav(class='navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top') |
| if isCN |
| include ./nav |
| else |
| include ../en/nav |
| .page-main |
| block vars |
| |
| #builder |
| .page-info |
| #title.container |
| h1 #{isCN ? '在线定制' : 'Online Builder'} |
| if isCN |
| p 可自由选择所需图表、坐标系、组件进行打包下载。 |
| p 注意:打包的源文件来自 jsdelivr CDN,非 Apache 官方源代码和编译产物 |
| else |
| p Bundle and download the needed charts and components. |
| p NOTE: The bundler downloads sources from jsdelivr CDN, It's not an official apache source release or distribution. |
| div.download-version |
| if isCN |
| span 选择版本 |
| else |
| span Select a version |
| select#versions |
| |
| .page-content |
| #configuration.container |
| |
| section#charts |
| h3 #{isCN ? '图表' : 'Chart'} |
| span #{isCN ? 'chart' : ''} |
| p.desc #{isCN ? '选择要打包的图表' : 'Select the charts needed to be packed'} |
| if isCN |
| span.warn (注:开发环境建议不压缩代码,代码压缩会去掉大部分常见的警告和错误提示) |
| else |
| br |
| span.warn (The warnings and hints will not be printed on the browser console if using "Code Compression") |
| |
| ul |
| each names, key in charts |
| li(class=names[2] ? 'checked' : '') |
| img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/builder/chart/#{key}.svg?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}", alt="") |
| input(type="checkbox" name="#{key}") |
| <h5>#{isCN ? names[0] : ''} <div>#{names[1]}</div></h5> |
| |
| section#coords |
| h3 #{isCN ? '坐标系' : 'Coordinate Systems'} |
| span #{isCN ? 'coordinate systems' : ''} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 选择要打包的坐标系,有些图表像散点图,折线图可以被应用到多个坐标系上 |
| else |
| p.desc Select coordinate systems needed to be packed. Some of the charts like "scatter", "line", "graph", "custom" can layout on multiple coordiante systems. |
| |
| ul |
| each names, key in coords |
| li(class=names[2] ? 'checked' : '') |
| img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/builder/component/#{key}.svg?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}", alt="") |
| input(type="checkbox" name="#{key}") |
| <h5>#{isCN ? names[0] : ''} <div>#{names[1]}</div></h5> |
| |
| section#components |
| h3 #{isCN ? '组件' : 'Component'} |
| span #{isCN ? 'component' : ''} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 选择要打包的组件 |
| else |
| p.desc Select components needed to be packed. |
| |
| ul |
| each names, key in components |
| li(class=names[2] ? 'checked' : '') |
| img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/builder/component/#{key}.svg?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}", alt="") |
| input(type="checkbox" name="#{names[3] || key}") |
| <h5>#{isCN ? names[0] : ''} <div>#{names[1]}</div></h5> |
| |
| section#other |
| h3 #{isCN ? '其它选项' : 'Others'} |
| span #{isCN ? 'others' : ''} |
| div.other-option |
| input(type="checkbox" id="svg" name="svg") |
| label(for="svg") #{isCN ? 'SVG 渲染' : 'SVG Renderer'} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 是否包括 SVG 渲染器,从而能支持使用 SVG 来绘制图表 |
| else |
| p.desc Whether to include the SVG Renderer, which enables rendering based on SVG. |
| div.other-option |
| input(type="checkbox" id="vml" name="vml") |
| label(for="vml") #{isCN ? '兼容 IE8' : 'Available on IE8 (VML Renderer)'} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 是否包括对 IE8 的兼容代码 |
| else |
| p.desc Whether to include the VML Renderer to support rendering on IE8. |
| div.other-option |
| input(type="checkbox" id="api" name="api" checked="checked") |
| label(for="api") #{isCN ? '工具集' : 'Utilities'} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 是否在 echarts 对象上挂载常用工具集。一般都会挂载,除非对生成的文件的体积有苛求,并且不需要用这些工具集。 |
| else |
| p.desc Whether to mount utilities on the echarts namespace. Utilities are usually included, unless requiring minimum bundle size and not need them. |
| div.other-option |
| input(type="checkbox" id="compress" name="compress" checked="checked") |
| label(for="compress") #{isCN ? '代码压缩' : 'Code Compression'} |
| if isCN |
| p.desc 是否使用 UglifyJS 压缩后的代码,开发环境建议不压缩代码,代码压缩会去掉大部分常见的警告和错误提示。 |
| else |
| p.desc Whether to Compress code. It is recommended not to compress code in the development environment, because warnings and hints will be removed after compressing. |
| |
| #action |
| a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary#build(href="javascript:;") #{isCN ? '下载' : 'Download'} |
| |
| if isCN |
| include ./footer |
| else |
| include ../en/footer |
| |
| block extra_js |
| script(src="https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/compare-versions@3.6.0/index.min.js") |
| script. |
| var $versionsDom = document.querySelector('#versions'); |
| |
| fetch('https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/echarts', { |
| mode: 'cors' |
| }).then(res => res.json()).then(json => { |
| const versions = json.versions.filter(version => compareVersions(version, '3.8.0') >= 0); |
| versions.forEach(version => { |
| const $optionDom = document.createElement('option'); |
| $optionDom.value = version; |
| $optionDom.innerHTML = version; |
| $versionsDom.appendChild($optionDom); |
| }); |
| $versionsDom.value = json.tags.latest; |
| }); |
| |
| function updateCheckbox() { |
| $('#charts input, #components input, #coords input').each(function () { |
| $(this).attr('checked', $(this).parent().hasClass('checked')); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| $('#charts li, #components li, #coords li').click(function () { |
| $(this).toggleClass('checked'); |
| |
| updateCheckbox(); |
| }); |
| |
| updateCheckbox(); |
| |
| // Build |
| $("#build").click(function () { |
| var charts = []; |
| $('#charts .checked input').each(function () { |
| charts.push($(this).attr('name')); |
| }); |
| |
| var components = []; |
| $('#coords .checked input').each(function () { |
| components.push($(this).attr('name')); |
| }); |
| $('#components .checked input').each(function () { |
| components.push($(this).attr('name')); |
| }); |
| |
| var parameters = 'charts=' + charts.join(',') + '&components=' + components.join(','); |
| |
| if (!$('#compress').prop('checked')) { |
| parameters += '&source=true'; |
| } |
| if ($('#vml').prop('checked')) { |
| parameters += '&vml=true'; |
| } |
| if ($('#svg').prop('checked')) { |
| parameters += '&svg=true'; |
| } |
| if ($('#api').prop('checked')) { |
| parameters += '&api=true'; |
| } |
| |
| parameters += `&version=${$versionsDom.value || ''}`; |
| |
| //- var email = $('#email').val(); |
| var log = parameters; |
| //- if (email) { |
| //- log += '&email=' + email; |
| //- } |
| _hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'builder', 'build', '#{downloadVersion}', log]); |
| |
| window.open('#{host}/#{ecWWWLang}/builder/echarts.html?' + parameters); |
| }); |