fix typos and update links in feature
diff --git a/_jade/en/feature.jade b/_jade/en/feature.jade
index 12ab07f..6caf867 100644
--- a/_jade/en/feature.jade
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                 p In addition to PC and mobile browsers, ECharts can also be used with node-canvas on Node for efficient server-side rendering (SSR). And ECharts supports <a href="" target="_blank">WeChat MiniProgram</a> since v4.0.
-                p Community contributors also provide us with a variety of different language extensions. For example, <a href="" target="_blank">pyecharts</a> for Python, <a href="" target="_blank">recharts</a> for R, <a href="" target="_blank">ECharts.jl</a> for Julia and so on.
+                p Community contributors also provide us with a lot of <a href="#{host}/en/download-extension.html" target="_blank">extensions for various languages</a>. For example, <a href="" target="_blank">pyecharts</a> for Python, <a href="" target="_blank">echarty</a> for R, <a href="" target="_blank">ECharts.jl</a> for Julia and so on.
                 p We hope that the platform and language will not be the limit for everyone to use ECharts for visualization!
                 h2#interaction Interactive Data Exploration In-Depth
                 p Interaction is an important means of mining information from data. Overview first, zoom filtering to view details as needed is a basic requirement for data visualization interaction.
-                p ECharts has been on the road of <em>interaction</em>. We have provided <a href="option.html#legend" target="_blank">legend</a>, <a href="option.html#visualMap" target="_blank">visualMap</a>, <a href="option.html#dataZoom" target="_blank">dataZoom</a>, <a href="option.html#tooltip" target="_blank">tooltip</a>, <a href="option.html#brush" target="_blank">brushing</a> and other ready-to-use interactive components, which can perform interactive operations such as multi-dimensional data screening, view zooming, and display details on the data.
+                p ECharts has been on the road of <em>interaction</em>. We have provided <a href="option.html#legend" target="_blank">legend</a>, <a href="option.html#visualMap" target="_blank">visualMap</a>, <a href="option.html#dataZoom" target="_blank">dataZoom</a>, <a href="option.html#tooltip" target="_blank">tooltip</a>, <a href="option.html#brush" target="_blank">brush</a> and other ready-to-use interactive components, which can perform interactive operations such as multi-dimensional data screening, view zooming, and display details on the data.
                 //- iframe(data-src="#{host}/examples/en/view.html?c=map-parallel-prices&reset=1&edit=1", width="60%", height="540")
                 iframe(data-src="#{host}/examples/en/view.html?c=scatter-matrix&reset=1&edit=1", width="60%", height="540")
diff --git a/_jade/zh/feature.jade b/_jade/zh/feature.jade
index c18729c..b918f00 100644
--- a/_jade/zh/feature.jade
+++ b/_jade/zh/feature.jade
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
                 p 除了 PC 和移动端的浏览器,ECharts 还能在 node 上配合 node-canvas 进行高效的服务端渲染(SSR)。从 4.0 开始我们还和微信小程序的团队合作,提供了 ECharts 对<a href="" target="_blank">微信小程序</a>的适配!
-                p 社区热心的贡献者也为我们提供了丰富的其它语言扩展,比如 Python 的<a href="" target="_blank">pyecharts</a>,R 语言的 <a href="" target="_blank">recharts</a>, Julia 的 <a href="" target="_blank">ECharts.jl</a> 等等。
+                p 社区热心的贡献者也为我们提供了丰富的<a href="#{host}/zh/download-extension.html" target="_blank">其它语言扩展</a>,比如 Python 的 <a href="" target="_blank">pyecharts</a>,R 语言的 <a href="" target="_blank">echarty</a>, Julia 的 <a href="" target="_blank">ECharts.jl</a> 等等。
                 p 我们希望平台和语言都不会成为大家使用 ECharts 实现可视化的限制!