blob: d8912ea88ef91fb2d773254021c7837b06be386a [file] [log] [blame]
* Hasher <>
* @author Miller Medeiros
* @version 1.2.0 (2013/11/11 03:18 PM)
* Released under the MIT License
;(function () {
var factory = function(signals){
/*jshint white:false*/
/*global signals:false, window:false*/
* Hasher
* @namespace History Manager for rich-media applications.
* @name hasher
var hasher = (function(window){
// Private Vars
// frequency that it will check hash value on IE 6-7 since it doesn't
// support the hashchange event
// local storage for brevity and better compression --------------------------------
document = window.document,
history = window.history,
Signal = signals.Signal,
// local vars ----------------------------------------------------------------------
_frame, //iframe used for legacy IE (6-7)
_hashValRegexp = /#(.*)$/,
_baseUrlRegexp = /(\?.*)|(\#.*)/,
_hashRegexp = /^\#/,
// sniffing/feature detection -------------------------------------------------------
//hack based on this:
_isIE = (!+"\v1"),
// hashchange is supported by FF3.6+, IE8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+ but
// feature detection fails on IE compatibility mode, so we need to
// check documentMode
_isHashChangeSupported = ('onhashchange' in window) && document.documentMode !== 7,
//check if is IE6-7 since hash change is only supported on IE8+ and
//changing hash value on IE6-7 doesn't generate history record.
_isLegacyIE = _isIE && !_isHashChangeSupported,
_isLocal = (location.protocol === 'file:');
// Private Methods
function _escapeRegExp(str){
return String(str || '').replace(/\W/g, "\\$&");
function _trimHash(hash){
if (!hash) return '';
var regexp = new RegExp('^' + _escapeRegExp(hasher.prependHash) + '|' + _escapeRegExp(hasher.appendHash) + '$', 'g');
return hash.replace(regexp, '');
function _getWindowHash(){
//parsed full URL instead of getting window.location.hash because Firefox decode hash value (and all the other browsers don't)
//also because of IE8 bug with hash query in local file [issue #6]
var result = _hashValRegexp.exec( hasher.getURL() );
var path = (result && result[1]) || '';
try {
return hasher.raw? path : decodeURIComponent(path);
} catch (e) {
// in case user did not set `hasher.raw` and decodeURIComponent
// throws an error (see #57)
return path;
function _getFrameHash(){
return (_frame)? _frame.contentWindow.frameHash : null;
function _createFrame(){
_frame = document.createElement('iframe');
_frame.src = 'about:blank'; = 'none';
function _updateFrame(){
if(_frame && _hash !== _getFrameHash()){
var frameDoc = _frame.contentWindow.document;;
//update iframe content to force new history record.
//based on Really Simple History, SWFAddress and YUI.history.
frameDoc.write('<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><script type="text/javascript">var frameHash="' + _hash + '";</script></head><body>&nbsp;</body></html>');
function _registerChange(newHash, isReplace){
if(_hash !== newHash){
var oldHash = _hash;
_hash = newHash; //should come before event dispatch to make sure user can get proper value inside event handler
} else {
_frame.contentWindow.frameHash = newHash;
hasher.changed.dispatch(_trimHash(newHash), _trimHash(oldHash));
if (_isLegacyIE) {
* @private
_checkHistory = function(){
var windowHash = _getWindowHash(),
frameHash = _getFrameHash();
if(frameHash !== _hash && frameHash !== windowHash){
//detect changes made pressing browser history buttons.
//Workaround since history.back() and history.forward() doesn't
//update hash value on IE6/7 but updates content of the iframe.
//needs to trim hash since value stored already have
//prependHash + appendHash for fast check.
} else if (windowHash !== _hash){
//detect if hash changed (manually or using setHash)
} else {
* @private
_checkHistory = function(){
var windowHash = _getWindowHash();
if(windowHash !== _hash){
function _addListener(elm, eType, fn){
elm.addEventListener(eType, fn, false);
} else if (elm.attachEvent){
elm.attachEvent('on' + eType, fn);
function _removeListener(elm, eType, fn){
elm.removeEventListener(eType, fn, false);
} else if (elm.detachEvent){
elm.detachEvent('on' + eType, fn);
function _makePath(paths){
paths =;
var path = paths.join(hasher.separator);
path = path? hasher.prependHash + path.replace(_hashRegexp, '') + hasher.appendHash : path;
return path;
function _encodePath(path){
//used encodeURI instead of encodeURIComponent to preserve '?', '/',
//'#'. Fixes Safari bug [issue #8]
path = encodeURI(path);
if(_isIE && _isLocal){
//fix IE8 local file bug [issue #6]
path = path.replace(/\?/, '%3F');
return path;
// Public (API)
hasher = /** @lends hasher */ {
* hasher Version Number
* @type string
* @constant
VERSION : '1.2.0',
* Boolean deciding if hasher encodes/decodes the hash or not.
* <ul>
* <li>default value: false;</li>
* </ul>
* @type boolean
raw : false,
* String that should always be added to the end of Hash value.
* <ul>
* <li>default value: '';</li>
* <li>will be automatically removed from `hasher.getHash()`</li>
* <li>avoid conflicts with elements that contain ID equal to hash value;</li>
* </ul>
* @type string
appendHash : '',
* String that should always be added to the beginning of Hash value.
* <ul>
* <li>default value: '/';</li>
* <li>will be automatically removed from `hasher.getHash()`</li>
* <li>avoid conflicts with elements that contain ID equal to hash value;</li>
* </ul>
* @type string
prependHash : '/',
* String used to split hash paths; used by `hasher.getHashAsArray()` to split paths.
* <ul>
* <li>default value: '/';</li>
* </ul>
* @type string
separator : '/',
* Signal dispatched when hash value changes.
* - pass current hash as 1st parameter to listeners and previous hash value as 2nd parameter.
* @type signals.Signal
changed : new Signal(),
* Signal dispatched when hasher is stopped.
* - pass current hash as first parameter to listeners
* @type signals.Signal
stopped : new Signal(),
* Signal dispatched when hasher is initialized.
* - pass current hash as first parameter to listeners.
* @type signals.Signal
initialized : new Signal(),
* Start listening/dispatching changes in the hash/history.
* <ul>
* <li>hasher won't dispatch CHANGE events by manually typing a new value or pressing the back/forward buttons before calling this method.</li>
* </ul>
init : function(){
if(_isActive) return;
_hash = _getWindowHash();
//thought about branching/overloading hasher.init() to avoid checking multiple times but
//don't think worth doing it since it probably won't be called multiple times.
_addListener(window, 'hashchange', _checkHistory);
}else {
if(! _frame){
_checkInterval = setInterval(_checkHistory, POOL_INTERVAL);
_isActive = true;
* Stop listening/dispatching changes in the hash/history.
* <ul>
* <li>hasher won't dispatch CHANGE events by manually typing a new value or pressing the back/forward buttons after calling this method, unless you call hasher.init() again.</li>
* <li>hasher will still dispatch changes made programatically by calling hasher.setHash();</li>
* </ul>
stop : function(){
if(! _isActive) return;
_removeListener(window, 'hashchange', _checkHistory);
_checkInterval = null;
_isActive = false;
* @return {boolean} If hasher is listening to changes on the browser history and/or hash value.
isActive : function(){
return _isActive;
* @return {string} Full URL.
getURL : function(){
return window.location.href;
* @return {string} Retrieve URL without query string and hash.
getBaseURL : function(){
return hasher.getURL().replace(_baseUrlRegexp, ''); //removes everything after '?' and/or '#'
* Set Hash value, generating a new history record.
* @param {...string} path Hash value without '#'. Hasher will join
* path segments using `hasher.separator` and prepend/append hash value
* with `hasher.appendHash` and `hasher.prependHash`
* @example hasher.setHash('lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor') -> '#/lorem/ipsum/dolor'
setHash : function(path){
path = _makePath.apply(null, arguments);
if(path !== _hash){
// we should store raw value
if (path === _hash) {
// we check if path is still === _hash to avoid error in
// case of multiple consecutive redirects [issue #39]
if (! hasher.raw) {
path = _encodePath(path);
window.location.hash = '#' + path;
* Set Hash value without keeping previous hash on the history record.
* Similar to calling `window.location.replace("#/hash")` but will also work on IE6-7.
* @param {...string} path Hash value without '#'. Hasher will join
* path segments using `hasher.separator` and prepend/append hash value
* with `hasher.appendHash` and `hasher.prependHash`
* @example hasher.replaceHash('lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor') -> '#/lorem/ipsum/dolor'
replaceHash : function(path){
path = _makePath.apply(null, arguments);
if(path !== _hash){
// we should store raw value
_registerChange(path, true);
if (path === _hash) {
// we check if path is still === _hash to avoid error in
// case of multiple consecutive redirects [issue #39]
if (! hasher.raw) {
path = _encodePath(path);
window.location.replace('#' + path);
* @return {string} Hash value without '#', `hasher.appendHash` and `hasher.prependHash`.
getHash : function(){
//didn't used actual value of the `window.location.hash` to avoid breaking the application in case `window.location.hash` isn't available and also because value should always be synched.
return _trimHash(_hash);
* @return {Array.<string>} Hash value split into an Array.
getHashAsArray : function(){
return hasher.getHash().split(hasher.separator);
* Removes all event listeners, stops hasher and destroy hasher object.
* - IMPORTANT: hasher won't work after calling this method, hasher Object will be deleted.
dispose : function(){
_frame = hasher = window.hasher = null;
* @return {string} A string representation of the object.
toString : function(){
return '[hasher version="'+ hasher.VERSION +'" hash="'+ hasher.getHash() +'"]';
hasher.initialized.memorize = true; //see #33
return hasher;
return hasher;
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['signals'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory(require('signals'));
} else {
/*jshint sub:true */
window['hasher'] = factory(window['signals']);