blob: cdbf4ad5b4e89ee6865ff19e5e907bf6c4daf90d [file] [log] [blame]
// jsdelivr CDN may have possibility that having 403 links. This scripts check if any resource is 403 and use purge API to update it.
const pathTool = require('path');
const globby = require('globby');
const {runTasks} = require('./task');
const fetch = require('node-fetch').default;
const rootDir = pathTool.resolve(__dirname, '../');
function getCdnUrl(fileUrl) {
return `${fileUrl}`;
function getPurgeUrl(fileUrl) {
return `${fileUrl}`;
// Only reject when url is 403. Don't check if url is 404 or other status
function checkIsUrl403(url) {
return fetch(encodeURI(url), {
method: 'HEAD'
}).then(response => {
console.log('Check', url, response.status);
if (response.status === 403) {
throw '403 URL';
function purgeUrl(url) {
return fetch(encodeURI(url)).then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
if (json.success) {
console.log('Purge Success', url);
else {
console.error('Purge Fail', url);
async function find403Urls(files) {
const totalLen = files.length;
let finished = 0;
return (await runTasks(files, async (filePath) => {
let is403 = false;
try {
await checkIsUrl403(getCdnUrl(filePath));
catch {
is403 = true;
console.log(`${finished} / ${totalLen} (${(finished / totalLen * 100).toFixed(0)}%)`);
return is403 ? filePath : '';
}, 10)).filter(a => !!a);
async function run() {
const files = await globby([
'!examples/en/**/*', // Not check english content because they don't use jsdelivr
// It's won't be uploaded to github
], {
cwd: rootDir
const files403 = await find403Urls(files);
let successPurged = 0;
if (files403.length) {
console.log(`Purging ${files403.length} 403 URLs`);
const totalLen = files403.length;
let finished = 0;
await runTasks(files403, async(filePath) => {
try {
await purgeUrl(getPurgeUrl(filePath));
catch (e) {
console.log('Purge Error', filePath);
console.log(`${finished} / ${totalLen} (${(finished / totalLen * 100).toFixed(0)}%)`)
}, 10);
console.log(`Found ${files403.length} in ${files.length} is 403`);
console.log(`Successed purged ${successPurged}`);