blob: 19213b55fb5f2d5e743f17ce03cfac943068ccb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// (1) The code `if (__DEV__) ...` can be removed by build tool.
// (2) If intend to use `__DEV__`, this module should be imported. Use a global
// variable `__DEV__` may cause that miss the declaration (see #6535), or the
// declaration is behind of the using position (for example in `Model.extent`,
// And tools like rollup can not analysis the dependency if not import).
var dev; // In browser
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
dev = window.__DEV__;
} // In node
else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
dev = global.__DEV__;
if (typeof dev === 'undefined') {
dev = true;
export var __DEV__ = dev;