blob: adf432b7a503fa3650b5ffc334c9c5afb4c23d5b [file] [log] [blame]
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import VisualMapView from './VisualMapView';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic';
import { createSymbol } from '../../util/symbol';
import * as layout from '../../util/layout';
import * as helper from './helper';
var PiecewiseVisualMapView = VisualMapView.extend({
type: 'visualMap.piecewise',
* @protected
* @override
doRender: function () {
var thisGroup =;
var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel;
var textGap = visualMapModel.get('textGap');
var textStyleModel = visualMapModel.textStyleModel;
var textFont = textStyleModel.getFont();
var textFill = textStyleModel.getTextColor();
var itemAlign = this._getItemAlign();
var itemSize = visualMapModel.itemSize;
var viewData = this._getViewData();
var endsText = viewData.endsText;
var showLabel = zrUtil.retrieve(visualMapModel.get('showLabel', true), !endsText);
endsText && this._renderEndsText(thisGroup, endsText[0], itemSize, showLabel, itemAlign);
zrUtil.each(viewData.viewPieceList, renderItem, this);
endsText && this._renderEndsText(thisGroup, endsText[1], itemSize, showLabel, itemAlign);'orient'), thisGroup, visualMapModel.get('itemGap'));
function renderItem(item) {
var piece = item.piece;
var itemGroup = new graphic.Group();
itemGroup.onclick = zrUtil.bind(this._onItemClick, this, piece);
this._enableHoverLink(itemGroup, item.indexInModelPieceList);
var representValue = visualMapModel.getRepresentValue(piece);
this._createItemSymbol(itemGroup, representValue, [0, 0, itemSize[0], itemSize[1]]);
if (showLabel) {
var visualState = this.visualMapModel.getValueState(representValue);
itemGroup.add(new graphic.Text({
style: {
x: itemAlign === 'right' ? -textGap : itemSize[0] + textGap,
y: itemSize[1] / 2,
text: piece.text,
textVerticalAlign: 'middle',
textAlign: itemAlign,
textFont: textFont,
textFill: textFill,
opacity: visualState === 'outOfRange' ? 0.5 : 1
* @private
_enableHoverLink: function (itemGroup, pieceIndex) {
itemGroup.on('mouseover', zrUtil.bind(onHoverLink, this, 'highlight')).on('mouseout', zrUtil.bind(onHoverLink, this, 'downplay'));
function onHoverLink(method) {
var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel;
visualMapModel.option.hoverLink && this.api.dispatchAction({
type: method,
batch: helper.convertDataIndex(visualMapModel.findTargetDataIndices(pieceIndex))
* @private
_getItemAlign: function () {
var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel;
var modelOption = visualMapModel.option;
if (modelOption.orient === 'vertical') {
return helper.getItemAlign(visualMapModel, this.api, visualMapModel.itemSize);
} else {
// horizontal, most case left unless specifying right.
var align = modelOption.align;
if (!align || align === 'auto') {
align = 'left';
return align;
* @private
_renderEndsText: function (group, text, itemSize, showLabel, itemAlign) {
if (!text) {
var itemGroup = new graphic.Group();
var textStyleModel = this.visualMapModel.textStyleModel;
itemGroup.add(new graphic.Text({
style: {
x: showLabel ? itemAlign === 'right' ? itemSize[0] : 0 : itemSize[0] / 2,
y: itemSize[1] / 2,
textVerticalAlign: 'middle',
textAlign: showLabel ? itemAlign : 'center',
text: text,
textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(),
textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor()
* @private
* @return {Object} {peiceList, endsText} The order is the same as screen pixel order.
_getViewData: function () {
var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel;
var viewPieceList =, function (piece, index) {
return {
piece: piece,
indexInModelPieceList: index
var endsText = visualMapModel.get('text'); // Consider orient and inverse.
var orient = visualMapModel.get('orient');
var inverse = visualMapModel.get('inverse'); // Order of model pieceList is always [low, ..., high]
if (orient === 'horizontal' ? inverse : !inverse) {
} // Origin order of endsText is [high, low]
else if (endsText) {
endsText = endsText.slice().reverse();
return {
viewPieceList: viewPieceList,
endsText: endsText
* @private
_createItemSymbol: function (group, representValue, shapeParam) {
group.add(createSymbol(this.getControllerVisual(representValue, 'symbol'), shapeParam[0], shapeParam[1], shapeParam[2], shapeParam[3], this.getControllerVisual(representValue, 'color')));
* @private
_onItemClick: function (piece) {
var visualMapModel = this.visualMapModel;
var option = visualMapModel.option;
var selected = zrUtil.clone(option.selected);
var newKey = visualMapModel.getSelectedMapKey(piece);
if (option.selectedMode === 'single') {
selected[newKey] = true;
zrUtil.each(selected, function (o, key) {
selected[key] = key === newKey;
} else {
selected[newKey] = !selected[newKey];
type: 'selectDataRange',
from: this.uid,
selected: selected
export default PiecewiseVisualMapView;