blob: 4f4dd7ff90647ccc9cd61284ebf88aab117e80ef [file] [log] [blame]
import BaseBarSeries from './BaseBarSeries';
var PictorialBarSeries = BaseBarSeries.extend({
type: 'series.pictorialBar',
dependencies: ['grid'],
defaultOption: {
symbol: 'circle',
// Customized bar shape
symbolSize: null,
// Can be ['100%', '100%'], null means auto.
symbolRotate: null,
symbolPosition: null,
// 'start' or 'end' or 'center', null means auto.
symbolOffset: null,
symbolMargin: null,
// start margin and end margin. Can be a number or a percent string.
// Auto margin by defualt.
symbolRepeat: false,
// false/null/undefined, means no repeat.
// Can be true, means auto calculate repeat times and cut by data.
// Can be a number, specifies repeat times, and do not cut by data.
// Can be 'fixed', means auto calculate repeat times but do not cut by data.
symbolRepeatDirection: 'end',
// 'end' means from 'start' to 'end'.
symbolClip: false,
symbolBoundingData: null,
// Can be 60 or -40 or [-40, 60]
symbolPatternSize: 400,
// 400 * 400 px
barGap: '-100%',
// In most case, overlap is needed.
// z can be set in data item, which is z2 actually.
// Disable progressive
progressive: 0,
hoverAnimation: false // Open only when needed.
getInitialData: function (option) {
// Disable stack.
option.stack = null;
return PictorialBarSeries.superApply(this, 'getInitialData', arguments);
export default PictorialBarSeries;