blob: 3fad277422ead6ddd7e4ddb27e7adfe8cc20f7b9 [file] [log] [blame]
import { __DEV__ } from '../../config';
import * as echarts from '../../echarts';
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as visualSolution from '../../visual/visualSolution';
import Model from '../../model/Model';
var BrushModel = echarts.extendComponentModel({
type: 'brush',
dependencies: ['geo', 'grid', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'parallel', 'series'],
* @protected
defaultOption: {
// inBrush: null,
// outOfBrush: null,
toolbox: null,
// Default value see preprocessor.
brushLink: null,
// Series indices array, broadcast using dataIndex.
// or 'all', which means all series. 'none' or null means no series.
seriesIndex: 'all',
// seriesIndex array, specify series controlled by this brush component.
geoIndex: null,
xAxisIndex: null,
yAxisIndex: null,
brushType: 'rect',
// Default brushType, see BrushController.
brushMode: 'single',
// Default brushMode, 'single' or 'multiple'
transformable: true,
// Default transformable.
brushStyle: {
// Default brushStyle
borderWidth: 1,
color: 'rgba(120,140,180,0.3)',
borderColor: 'rgba(120,140,180,0.8)'
throttleType: 'fixRate',
// Throttle in brushSelected event. 'fixRate' or 'debounce'.
// If null, no throttle. Valid only in the first brush component
throttleDelay: 0,
// Unit: ms, 0 means every event will be triggered.
// 试验效果
removeOnClick: true,
z: 10000
* @readOnly
* @type {Array.<Object>}
areas: [],
* Current activated brush type.
* If null, brush is inactived.
* see module:echarts/component/helper/BrushController
* @readOnly
* @type {string}
brushType: null,
* Current brush opt.
* see module:echarts/component/helper/BrushController
* @readOnly
* @type {Object}
brushOption: {},
* @readOnly
* @type {Array.<Object>}
coordInfoList: [],
optionUpdated: function (newOption, isInit) {
var thisOption = this.option;
!isInit && visualSolution.replaceVisualOption(thisOption, newOption, ['inBrush', 'outOfBrush']);
thisOption.inBrush = thisOption.inBrush || {}; // Always give default visual, consider setOption at the second time.
thisOption.outOfBrush = thisOption.outOfBrush || {
* If ranges is null/undefined, range state remain.
* @param {Array.<Object>} [ranges]
setAreas: function (areas) {
// If ranges is null/undefined, range state remain.
// This helps user to dispatchAction({type: 'brush'}) with no areas
// set but just want to get the current brush select info from a `brush` event.
if (!areas) {
this.areas =, function (area) {
return generateBrushOption(this.option, area);
}, this);
* see module:echarts/component/helper/BrushController
* @param {Object} brushOption
setBrushOption: function (brushOption) {
this.brushOption = generateBrushOption(this.option, brushOption);
this.brushType = this.brushOption.brushType;
function generateBrushOption(option, brushOption) {
return zrUtil.merge({
brushType: option.brushType,
brushMode: option.brushMode,
transformable: option.transformable,
brushStyle: new Model(option.brushStyle).getItemStyle(),
removeOnClick: option.removeOnClick,
z: option.z
}, brushOption, true);
export default BrushModel;