blob: 2a2301e503bfbe7220af69c7a56e35b8cd2f70c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file The file used to draw sankey view
* @author Deqing Li(
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic';
import * as echarts from '../../echarts';
var SankeyShape = graphic.extendShape({
shape: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 0,
cpx1: 0,
cpy1: 0,
cpx2: 0,
cpy2: 0,
extent: 0
buildPath: function (ctx, shape) {
var halfExtent = shape.extent / 2;
ctx.moveTo(shape.x1, shape.y1 - halfExtent);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(shape.cpx1, shape.cpy1 - halfExtent, shape.cpx2, shape.cpy2 - halfExtent, shape.x2, shape.y2 - halfExtent);
ctx.lineTo(shape.x2, shape.y2 + halfExtent);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(shape.cpx2, shape.cpy2 + halfExtent, shape.cpx1, shape.cpy1 + halfExtent, shape.x1, shape.y1 + halfExtent);
export default echarts.extendChartView({
type: 'sankey',
* @private
* @type {module:echarts/chart/sankey/SankeySeries}
_model: null,
render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
var graph = seriesModel.getGraph();
var group =;
var layoutInfo = seriesModel.layoutInfo;
var nodeData = seriesModel.getData();
var edgeData = seriesModel.getData('edge');
this._model = seriesModel;
group.attr('position', [layoutInfo.x, layoutInfo.y]); // generate a bezire Curve for each edge
graph.eachEdge(function (edge) {
var curve = new SankeyShape();
curve.dataIndex = edge.dataIndex;
curve.seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex;
curve.dataType = 'edge';
var lineStyleModel = edge.getModel('lineStyle.normal');
var curvature = lineStyleModel.get('curveness');
var n1Layout = edge.node1.getLayout();
var n2Layout = edge.node2.getLayout();
var edgeLayout = edge.getLayout();
curve.shape.extent = Math.max(1, edgeLayout.dy);
var x1 = n1Layout.x + n1Layout.dx;
var y1 = n1Layout.y + + edgeLayout.dy / 2;
var x2 = n2Layout.x;
var y2 = n2Layout.y + edgeLayout.ty + edgeLayout.dy / 2;
var cpx1 = x1 * (1 - curvature) + x2 * curvature;
var cpy1 = y1;
var cpx2 = x1 * curvature + x2 * (1 - curvature);
var cpy2 = y2;
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: x2,
y2: y2,
cpx1: cpx1,
cpy1: cpy1,
cpx2: cpx2,
cpy2: cpy2
curve.setStyle(lineStyleModel.getItemStyle()); // Special color, use source node color or target node color
switch ( {
case 'source': = edge.node1.getVisual('color');
case 'target': = edge.node2.getVisual('color');
graphic.setHoverStyle(curve, edge.getModel('lineStyle.emphasis').getItemStyle());
edgeData.setItemGraphicEl(edge.dataIndex, curve);
}); // generate a rect for each node
graph.eachNode(function (node) {
var layout = node.getLayout();
var itemModel = node.getModel();
var labelModel = itemModel.getModel('label.normal');
var labelHoverModel = itemModel.getModel('label.emphasis');
var rect = new graphic.Rect({
shape: {
x: layout.x,
y: layout.y,
width: node.getLayout().dx,
height: node.getLayout().dy
style: itemModel.getModel('itemStyle.normal').getItemStyle()
var hoverStyle = node.getModel('itemStyle.emphasis').getItemStyle();
graphic.setLabelStyle(, hoverStyle, labelModel, labelHoverModel, {
labelFetcher: seriesModel,
labelDataIndex: node.dataIndex,
isRectText: true
rect.setStyle('fill', node.getVisual('color'));
graphic.setHoverStyle(rect, hoverStyle);
nodeData.setItemGraphicEl(node.dataIndex, rect);
rect.dataType = 'node';
if (!this._data && seriesModel.get('animation')) {
group.setClipPath(createGridClipShape(group.getBoundingRect(), seriesModel, function () {
this._data = seriesModel.getData();
dispose: function () {}
}); // add animation to the view
function createGridClipShape(rect, seriesModel, cb) {
var rectEl = new graphic.Rect({
shape: {
x: rect.x - 10,
y: rect.y - 10,
width: 0,
height: rect.height + 20
graphic.initProps(rectEl, {
shape: {
width: rect.width + 20,
height: rect.height + 20
}, seriesModel, cb);
return rectEl;