blob: ba20d7cdb75b4f799c8afed4b33fcf024a3ce69e [file] [log] [blame]
window.__EC_DOC_option_title = {
"id": {
"desc": "<p>Component ID, not specified by default. If specified, it can be used to refer the component in option or API.</p>\n"
"show": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Set this to <code class=\"codespan\">false</code> to prevent the title from showing</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": "true"
"text": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The main title text, supporting for <code class=\"codespan\">\\n</code> for newlines.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "text"
"link": {
"desc": "<p>The hyper link of main title text.</p>\n"
"target": {
"desc": "<p>Open the hyper link of main title in specified tab.</p>\n<p><strong>options: </strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;self&#39;</code> opening it in current tab</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;blank&#39;</code> opening it in a new tab</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"
"textStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>main title text color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "'#333'"
"textStyle.fontStyle": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>main title font style.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;italic&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;oblique&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,italic,oblique"
"textStyle.fontWeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>main title font thick weight.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bold&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bolder&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lighter&#39;</code></li>\n<li>100 | 200 | 300 | 400...</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,bold,bolder,lighter"
"textStyle.fontFamily": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>main title font family.</p>\n<p>Can also be &#39;serif&#39; , &#39;monospace&#39;, ...</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "sans-serif",
"options": "sans-serif,serif,monospace,Arial,Courier New"
"textStyle.fontSize": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>main title font size.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "18",
"min": "1",
"step": "1"
"textStyle.lineHeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Line height of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n lineHeight: 56,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `lineHeight` is not set, then it will be 56\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "12"
"textStyle.width": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Width of text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "100",
"min": "1",
"max": "500",
"step": "1"
"textStyle.height": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Height of text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "50",
"min": "1",
"max": "500",
"step": "1"
"textStyle.textBorderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke color of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"textStyle.textBorderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke line width of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"textStyle.textBorderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>Stroke line type of the text.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\ntextBorderType: [5, 10],\n\ntextBorderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"textStyle.textBorderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"textStyle.textShadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#000"
"textStyle.textShadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow blue of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"textStyle.textShadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"textStyle.textShadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"textStyle.overflow": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Determine how to display the text when it&#39;s overflow. Available when <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> is set.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;truncate&#39;</code> Truncate the text and trailing with <code class=\"codespan\">ellipsis</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;break&#39;</code> Break by word</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;breakAll&#39;</code> Break by character.</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "truncate,break,breakAll"
"textStyle.ellipsis": {
"desc": "<p>Ellipsis to be displayed when <code class=\"codespan\">overflow</code> is set to <code class=\"codespan\">truncate</code>.</p>\n"
"textStyle.lineOverflow": {
"desc": "<p>Determine how to display the text when it&#39;s overflow on height.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;truncate&#39;</code> Truncate the overflow lines.</li>\n</ul>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>&quot;Rich text styles&quot; can be defined in this <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> property. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">label: {\n // Styles defined in &#39;rich&#39; can be applied to some fragments\n // of text by adding some markers to those fragment, like\n // `{styleName|text content text content}`.\n // `&#39;\\n&#39;` is the newline character.\n formatter: [\n &#39;{a|Style &quot;a&quot; is applied to this snippet}&#39;\n &#39;{b|Style &quot;b&quot; is applied to this snippet}This snippet use default style{x|use style &quot;x&quot;}&#39;\n ].join(&#39;\\n&#39;),\n\n rich: {\n a: {\n color: &#39;red&#39;,\n lineHeight: 10\n },\n b: {\n backgroundColor: {\n image: &#39;xxx/xxx.jpg&#39;\n },\n height: 40\n },\n x: {\n fontSize: 18,\n fontFamily: &#39;Microsoft YaHei&#39;,\n borderColor: &#39;#449933&#39;,\n borderRadius: 4\n },\n ...\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>For more details, see <a href=\"tutorial.html#Rich%20Text\" target=\"_blank\">Rich Text</a> please.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> text color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "null"
"<style_name>.fontStyle": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font style.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;italic&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;oblique&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,italic,oblique"
"<style_name>.fontWeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font thick weight.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bold&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bolder&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lighter&#39;</code></li>\n<li>100 | 200 | 300 | 400...</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,bold,bolder,lighter"
"<style_name>.fontFamily": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font family.</p>\n<p>Can also be &#39;serif&#39; , &#39;monospace&#39;, ...</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "sans-serif",
"options": "sans-serif,serif,monospace,Arial,Courier New"
"<style_name>.fontSize": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font size.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "12",
"min": "1",
"step": "1"
"<style_name>.align": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Horizontal alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n align: right,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `align` is not set, then it will be right\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"<style_name>.verticalAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Vertical alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n verticalAlign: bottom,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `verticalAlign` is not set, then it will be bottom\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "top,middle,bottom"
"<style_name>.lineHeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Line height of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n lineHeight: 56,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `lineHeight` is not set, then it will be 56\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "12"
"<style_name>.backgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>Can be color string, like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#123234&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;red&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(0,23,11,0.3)&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Or image can be used, for example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">backgroundColor: {\n image: &#39;xxx/xxx.png&#39;\n // It can be URL of a image,\n // or dataURI,\n // or HTMLImageElement,\n // or HTMLCanvasElement.\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">width</code> or <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> can be specified when using background image, or\nauto adapted by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"<style_name>.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border color of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"<style_name>.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border width of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>the text fragment border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"<style_name>.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"<style_name>.borderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT, RB, LB"
"<style_name>.padding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of the text fragment, for example:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4, 5, 6]</code>: represents padding of <code class=\"codespan\">[top, right, bottom, left]</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: 4</code>: represents <code class=\"codespan\">padding: [4, 4, 4, 4]</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4]</code>: represents <code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4, 3, 4]</code>.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"<style_name>.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"<style_name>.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Show blur of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.width": {
"desc": "<p>Width of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. In most cases, there is no need to specify it. You may want to use it in some cases like make simple table or using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">width</code> can also be percent string, like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;100%&#39;</code>, which represents the percent of <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> (that is, the width without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>) of its container box. It is based on <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> because that each text fragment is layout based on the <code class=\"codespan\">content box</code>, where it makes no sense that calculating width based on <code class=\"codespan\">outerWith</code> in prectice.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.height": {
"desc": "<p>Height of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. You may want to use it in some cases like using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.textBorderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke color of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"<style_name>.textBorderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke line width of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textBorderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>Stroke line type of the text.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\ntextBorderType: [5, 10],\n\ntextBorderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"<style_name>.textBorderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"<style_name>.textShadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#000"
"<style_name>.textShadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow blue of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textShadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textShadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"subtext": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Subtitle text, supporting for <code class=\"codespan\">\\n</code> for newlines.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "text"
"sublink": {
"desc": "<p>The hyper link of subtitle text.</p>\n"
"subtarget": {
"desc": "<p>Open the hyper link of subtitle in specified tab, options:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;self&#39;</code> opening it in current tab</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;blank&#39;</code> opening it in a new tab</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"
"subtextStyle.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>subtitle text color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "'#aaa'"
"subtextStyle.fontStyle": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>subtitle font style.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;italic&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;oblique&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,italic,oblique"
"subtextStyle.fontWeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>subtitle font thick weight.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bold&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bolder&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lighter&#39;</code></li>\n<li>100 | 200 | 300 | 400...</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,bold,bolder,lighter"
"subtextStyle.fontFamily": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>subtitle font family.</p>\n<p>Can also be &#39;serif&#39; , &#39;monospace&#39;, ...</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "sans-serif",
"options": "sans-serif,serif,monospace,Arial,Courier New"
"subtextStyle.fontSize": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>subtitle font size.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "12",
"min": "1",
"step": "1"
"subtextStyle.align": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Horizontal alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n align: right,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `align` is not set, then it will be right\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"subtextStyle.verticalAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Vertical alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n verticalAlign: bottom,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `verticalAlign` is not set, then it will be bottom\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "top,middle,bottom"
"subtextStyle.lineHeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Line height of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n lineHeight: 56,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `lineHeight` is not set, then it will be 56\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "12"
"subtextStyle.width": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Width of text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "100",
"min": "1",
"max": "500",
"step": "1"
"subtextStyle.height": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Height of text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "50",
"min": "1",
"max": "500",
"step": "1"
"subtextStyle.textBorderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke color of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"subtextStyle.textBorderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke line width of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"subtextStyle.textBorderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>Stroke line type of the text.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\ntextBorderType: [5, 10],\n\ntextBorderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"subtextStyle.textBorderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"subtextStyle.textShadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#000"
"subtextStyle.textShadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow blue of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"subtextStyle.textShadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"subtextStyle.textShadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"subtextStyle.overflow": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Determine how to display the text when it&#39;s overflow. Available when <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> is set.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;truncate&#39;</code> Truncate the text and trailing with <code class=\"codespan\">ellipsis</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;break&#39;</code> Break by word</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;breakAll&#39;</code> Break by character.</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "truncate,break,breakAll"
"subtextStyle.ellipsis": {
"desc": "<p>Ellipsis to be displayed when <code class=\"codespan\">overflow</code> is set to <code class=\"codespan\">truncate</code>.</p>\n"
"subtextStyle.lineOverflow": {
"desc": "<p>Determine how to display the text when it&#39;s overflow on height.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;truncate&#39;</code> Truncate the overflow lines.</li>\n</ul>\n"
"": {
"desc": "<p>&quot;Rich text styles&quot; can be defined in this <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> property. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">label: {\n // Styles defined in &#39;rich&#39; can be applied to some fragments\n // of text by adding some markers to those fragment, like\n // `{styleName|text content text content}`.\n // `&#39;\\n&#39;` is the newline character.\n formatter: [\n &#39;{a|Style &quot;a&quot; is applied to this snippet}&#39;\n &#39;{b|Style &quot;b&quot; is applied to this snippet}This snippet use default style{x|use style &quot;x&quot;}&#39;\n ].join(&#39;\\n&#39;),\n\n rich: {\n a: {\n color: &#39;red&#39;,\n lineHeight: 10\n },\n b: {\n backgroundColor: {\n image: &#39;xxx/xxx.jpg&#39;\n },\n height: 40\n },\n x: {\n fontSize: 18,\n fontFamily: &#39;Microsoft YaHei&#39;,\n borderColor: &#39;#449933&#39;,\n borderRadius: 4\n },\n ...\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p>For more details, see <a href=\"tutorial.html#Rich%20Text\" target=\"_blank\">Rich Text</a> please.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.color": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> text color.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "null"
"<style_name>.fontStyle": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font style.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;italic&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;oblique&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,italic,oblique"
"<style_name>.fontWeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font thick weight.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;normal&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bold&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bolder&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;lighter&#39;</code></li>\n<li>100 | 200 | 300 | 400...</li>\n</ul>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "normal",
"options": "normal,bold,bolder,lighter"
"<style_name>.fontFamily": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font family.</p>\n<p>Can also be &#39;serif&#39; , &#39;monospace&#39;, ...</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "sans-serif",
"options": "sans-serif,serif,monospace,Arial,Courier New"
"<style_name>.fontSize": {
"desc": "\n\n<p> font size.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "12",
"min": "1",
"step": "1"
"<style_name>.align": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Horizontal alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">align</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n align: right,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `align` is not set, then it will be right\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "left,center,right"
"<style_name>.verticalAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Vertical alignment of text, automatic by default.</p>\n<p>Options are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">verticalAlign</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n verticalAlign: bottom,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `verticalAlign` is not set, then it will be bottom\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "top,middle,bottom"
"<style_name>.lineHeight": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Line height of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>If <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> is not set in <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">lineHeight</code> in parent level will be used. For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n lineHeight: 56,\n rich: {\n a: {\n // `lineHeight` is not set, then it will be 56\n }\n }\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "12"
"<style_name>.backgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color of the text fragment.</p>\n<p>Can be color string, like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#123234&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;red&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(0,23,11,0.3)&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Or image can be used, for example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">backgroundColor: {\n image: &#39;xxx/xxx.png&#39;\n // It can be URL of a image,\n // or dataURI,\n // or HTMLImageElement,\n // or HTMLCanvasElement.\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">width</code> or <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> can be specified when using background image, or\nauto adapted by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"<style_name>.borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border color of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#fff"
"<style_name>.borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border width of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.borderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>the text fragment border type.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\nborderType: [5, 10],\n\nborderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"<style_name>.borderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">borderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"<style_name>.borderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border radius of the text fragment.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT, RB, LB"
"<style_name>.padding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Padding of the text fragment, for example:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4, 5, 6]</code>: represents padding of <code class=\"codespan\">[top, right, bottom, left]</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: 4</code>: represents <code class=\"codespan\">padding: [4, 4, 4, 4]</code>.</li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4]</code>: represents <code class=\"codespan\">padding: [3, 4, 3, 4]</code>.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"<style_name>.shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"<style_name>.shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Show blur of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text block.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.width": {
"desc": "<p>Width of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. In most cases, there is no need to specify it. You may want to use it in some cases like make simple table or using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">width</code> can also be percent string, like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;100%&#39;</code>, which represents the percent of <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> (that is, the width without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>) of its container box. It is based on <code class=\"codespan\">contentWidth</code> because that each text fragment is layout based on the <code class=\"codespan\">content box</code>, where it makes no sense that calculating width based on <code class=\"codespan\">outerWith</code> in prectice.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.height": {
"desc": "<p>Height of the text block. It is the width of the text by default. You may want to use it in some cases like using background image (see <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code>).</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> specifies the width and height of the content, without <code class=\"codespan\">padding</code>.</p>\n<p>Notice, <code class=\"codespan\">width</code> and <code class=\"codespan\">height</code> only work when <code class=\"codespan\">rich</code> specified.</p>\n"
"<style_name>.textBorderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke color of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"<style_name>.textBorderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Storke line width of the text.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textBorderType": {
"desc": "\n\n\n<p>Stroke line type of the text.</p>\n<p>Possible values are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;solid&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dashed&#39;</code></li>\n<li><code class=\"codespan\">&#39;dotted&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code>, it can also be a number or a number array to specify the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">dash array</a> of the line. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderDashOffset</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n\ntextBorderType: [5, 10],\n\ntextBorderDashOffset: 5\n}\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"default": "solid",
"options": "solid,dashed,dotted"
"<style_name>.textBorderDashOffset": {
"desc": "<blockquote>\n<p>Since <code class=\"codespan\">v5.0.0</code></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n\n<p>To set the line dash offset. With \n<code class=\"codespan\">textBorderType</code>\n, we can make the line style more flexible.</p>\n<p>Refer to MDN <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">lineDashOffset</a> for more details.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "1",
"default": "0"
"<style_name>.textShadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#000"
"<style_name>.textShadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow blue of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textShadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow X offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"<style_name>.textShadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow Y offset of the text itself.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"step": "0.5"
"textAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The horizontal align of the component (including &quot;text&quot; and &quot;subtext&quot;).</p>\n<p>Optional values: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;auto&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "auto,left,center,right",
"default": "auto"
"textVerticalAlign": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The vertical align of the component (including &quot;text&quot; and &quot;subtext&quot;).</p>\n<p>Optional values: <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;auto&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "enum",
"options": "auto,top,middle,bottom",
"default": "auto"
"triggerEvent": {
"desc": "<p>Set this to <code class=\"codespan\">true</code> to enable triggering events</p>\n"
"padding": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>title space around content. The unit is px. Default values for each position are 5. And they can be set to different values with left, right, top, and bottom.</p>\n<p>Examples: </p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">// Set padding to be 5\npadding: 5\n// Set the top and bottom paddings to be 5, and left and right paddings to be 10\npadding: [5, 10]\n// Set each of the four paddings seperately\npadding: [\n 5, // up\n 10, // right\n 5, // down\n 10, // left\n]\n</code></pre>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "T,R,B,L"
"itemGap": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The gap between the main title and subtitle.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"min": "0",
"default": "10",
"step": "1"
"zlevel": {
"desc": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> value of all graphical elements in .</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> is used to make layers with Canvas. Graphical elements with different <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> values will be placed in different Canvases, which is a common optimization technique. We can put those frequently changed elements (like those with animations) to a separate <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>. Notice that too many Canvases will increase memory cost, and should be used carefully on mobile phones to avoid crash.</p>\n<p>Canvases with bigger <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code> will be placed on Canvases with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>.</p>\n"
"z": {
"desc": "<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> value of all graphical elements in , which controls order of drawing graphical components. Components with smaller <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values may be overwritten by those with larger <code class=\"codespan\">z</code> values.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">z</code> has a lower priority to <code class=\"codespan\">zlevel</code>, and will not create new Canvas.</p>\n"
"left": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between title component and the left side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>; and it can also be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>If the <code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;left&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;center&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;right&#39;</code>, then the component will be aligned automatically based on position.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"top": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between title component and the top side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">top</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>; and it can also be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>If the <code class=\"codespan\">left</code> value is set to be <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;top&#39;</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;middle&#39;</code>, or <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;bottom&#39;</code>, then the component will be aligned automatically based on position.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"right": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between title component and the right side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">right</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"bottom": {
"desc": "<p>Distance between title component and the bottom side of the container.</p>\n<p><code class=\"codespan\">bottom</code> value can be instant pixel value like <code class=\"codespan\">20</code>; it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;20%&#39;</code>.</p>\n<p>Adaptive by default.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "percent",
"default": "0%"
"backgroundColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Background color of title, which is transparent by default.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Color can be represented in RGB, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgb(128, 128, 128)&#39;</code>. RGBA can be used when you need alpha channel, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)&#39;</code>. You may also use hexadecimal format, for example <code class=\"codespan\">&#39;#ccc&#39;</code>.</p>\n</blockquote>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color"
"borderColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border color of title. Support the same color format as backgroundColor.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": "#ccc"
"borderWidth": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Border width of title.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"borderRadius": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>The radius of rounded corner. Its unit is px. And it supports use array to respectively specify the 4 corner radiuses.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code>borderRadius: 5, // consistently set the size of 4 rounded corners\nborderRadius: [5, 5, 0, 0] // (clockwise upper left, upper right, bottom right and bottom left)\n</code></pre>",
"uiControl": {
"type": "vector",
"min": "0",
"dims": "LT,RT,RB,LB"
"shadowBlur": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Size of shadow blur. This attribute should be used along with <code class=\"codespan\">shadowColor</code>,<code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetX</code>, <code class=\"codespan\">shadowOffsetY</code> to set shadow to component.</p>\n<p>For example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">{\n shadowColor: &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;,\n shadowBlur: 10\n}\n</code></pre>\n<p><strong>Attention</strong>: This property works only if <code class=\"codespan\">show: true</code> is configured and <code class=\"codespan\">backgroundColor</code> is defined other than <code class=\"codespan\">transparent</code>.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "",
"min": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"shadowColor": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Shadow color. Support same format as <code class=\"codespan\">color</code>.</p>\n<p><strong>Attention</strong>: This property works only if <code class=\"codespan\">show: true</code> configured.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "color",
"default": ""
"shadowOffsetX": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the horizontal direction of shadow.</p>\n<p><strong>Attention</strong>: This property works only if <code class=\"codespan\">show: true</code> configured.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"
"shadowOffsetY": {
"desc": "\n\n<p>Offset distance on the vertical direction of shadow.</p>\n<p><strong>Attention</strong>: This property works only if <code class=\"codespan\">show: true</code> configured.</p>\n",
"uiControl": {
"type": "number",
"default": "0",
"step": "0.5"