blob: 685497751d6e17f7a3fca116cb3acddc18cfba7c [file] [log] [blame]
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[23],{321:function(e,t,r){"use strict";r.r(t),t.default='# Grouped Bar Chart\n\nA grouped bar chart is also called the gathered bar chart. When more than two data series placed one by one on the same axis, the chart will be grouped bar chart. It is equivalent to a basic bar chart combined with two or more charts.\n\n<iframe max-width="830" width="100%" height="400" \nsrc="">\n</iframe>\n\nA grouped bar chart usually used to compare several groups of data that included the same kind of variables. Same as the bar chart, the length of the bars is proportional related to the categorical data. Every series have an individual color or different saturation of the same color system so that the user can distinguish and compare each set of data.\n\n<iframe max-width="830" width="100%" height="400" \n src="">\n</iframe>\n\n\n## Suggestion for Using Grouped Bar Chart\n\n1. The difficulty of chart reading will be tremendous if there are many series in one group. Therefore, we suggest you use a stacked bar chart rather than a grouped bar chart in this situation.\n\n2. The gap between the two groups should be bigger than the gap inside the group, to avoid visually incorrect classification.'}}]);