blob: c494ad6e1fb3814fd6e4e18fd53b47a5eee1d295 [file] [log] [blame]
title: Tooltip and DataZoom on Mobile
category: 'line, dataZoom'
titleCN: 移动端上的 dataZoom 和 tooltip
difficulty: 10
var base = +new Date(2016, 9, 3);
var oneDay = 24 * 3600 * 1000;
var valueBase = Math.random() * 300;
var valueBase2 = Math.random() * 50;
var data = [];
var data2 = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var now = new Date(base += oneDay);
var dayStr = [now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()].join('-');
valueBase = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 20 + valueBase);
valueBase <= 0 && (valueBase = Math.random() * 300);
data.push([dayStr, valueBase]);
valueBase2 = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 20 + valueBase2);
valueBase2 <= 0 && (valueBase2 = Math.random() * 50);
data2.push([dayStr, valueBase2]);
option = {
title: {
left: 'center',
text: '触屏 tooltip 和 dataZoom 示例',
subtext: '"tootip" and "dataZoom" on mobile device',
legend: {
top: 'bottom',
data: ['意向']
tooltip: {
triggerOn: 'none',
position: function (pt) {
return [pt[0], 130];
toolbox: {
left: 'center',
itemSize: 25,
top: 55,
feature: {
dataZoom: {
yAxisIndex: 'none'
restore: {}
xAxis: {
type: 'time',
// boundaryGap: [0, 0],
axisPointer: {
value: '2016-10-7',
snap: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#7581BD',
width: 2
label: {
show: true,
formatter: function (params) {
return echarts.format.formatTime('yyyy-MM-dd', params.value);
backgroundColor: '#7581BD'
handle: {
show: true,
color: '#7581BD'
splitLine: {
show: false
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisTick: {
inside: true
splitLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
inside: true,
formatter: '{value}\n'
z: 10
grid: {
top: 110,
left: 15,
right: 15,
height: 160
dataZoom: [{
type: 'inside',
throttle: 50
series: [
name: '模拟数据',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
sampling: 'average',
itemStyle: {
color: '#0770FF'
stack: 'a',
areaStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(58,77,233,0.8)'
}, {
offset: 1,
color: 'rgba(58,77,233,0.3)'
data: data
name: '模拟数据',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
stack: 'a',
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
sampling: 'average',
itemStyle: {
color: '#F2597F'
areaStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(213,72,120,0.8)'
}, {
offset: 1,
color: 'rgba(213,72,120,0.3)'
data: data2