tree: 2ec9e91a5f9131c2557194fd912e56c13db23f31 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .github/
  2. .scripts/
  3. components/
  4. en/
  5. examples/
  6. layouts/
  7. v4/
  8. zh/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .htaccess
  11. 404.html
  12. about.html
  13. api.html
  14. builder.html
  15. changelog.html
  16. cheat-sheet.html
  17. coding-standard.html
  18. committer.html
  19. demo.html
  20. download-extension.html
  21. download-map.html
  22. download-theme.html
  23. download.html
  24. download3.html
  25. events.html
  26. examples.html
  27. faq.html
  28. feature.html
  29. index.html
  30. maillist.html
  31. manually-redirect.html
  32. option-gl.html
  33. option.html
  34. option3.html
  36. resources.html
  37. security.html
  38. spreadsheet.html
  39. theme-builder.html
  40. tutorial.html

Apache ECharts Website


Clone this project, alone with echarts, echarts-www, echarts-examples, echarts-doc under the same directory.

Debug Locally

Edit echarts-www/config/env.debug.js and echarts-examples/config/env.debug.js. Change host to be the path to local debug server and examples.

For example, if you use http-server to start a server under echarts-website directory, host in the two projects should be and accordingly.

  1. Run gulp release --dev under echarts-examples.

  2. Run sh under echarts-doc.

  3. Run gulp release --dev under echarts-www.

  4. Run a server under echarts-website directory and test.

Build Release

Check the “echarts release guide” please.