add universal transition cases
diff --git a/public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-bar.js b/public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-bar.js
similarity index 100%
rename from public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-bar.js
rename to public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-bar.js
diff --git a/public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-cluster.js b/public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-cluster.js
similarity index 100%
rename from public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-cluster.js
rename to public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-cluster.js
diff --git a/public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-pie.js b/public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-pie.js
similarity index 100%
rename from public/data/custom-aggregate-scatter-pie.js
rename to public/data/archive/custom-aggregate-scatter-pie.js
diff --git a/public/data/custom-one-to-one-morph.js b/public/data/archive/custom-one-to-one-morph.js
similarity index 100%
rename from public/data/custom-one-to-one-morph.js
rename to public/data/archive/custom-one-to-one-morph.js
diff --git a/public/data/bar-drilldown.js b/public/data/bar-drilldown.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a95a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/data/bar-drilldown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+title: Bar Chart Drilldown Animation.
+category: bar
+titleCN: 柱状图下钻动画
+difficulty: 5
+option = {
+    xAxis: {
+        data: ['Animals', 'Fruits', 'Cars']
+    },
+    yAxis: {},
+    dataGroupId: '',
+    animationDurationUpdate: 500,
+    series: {
+        type: 'bar',
+        id: 'sales',
+        data: [{
+            value: 5,
+            groupId: 'animals'
+        }, {
+            value: 2,
+            groupId: 'fruits'
+        }, {
+            value: 4,
+            groupId: 'cars'
+        }],
+        universalTransition: {
+            enabled: true,
+            divideShape: 'clone'
+        }
+    }
+var drilldownData = [{
+    dataGroupId: 'animals',
+    data: [
+        ['Cats', 4],
+        ['Dogs', 2],
+        ['Cows', 1],
+        ['Sheep', 2],
+        ['Pigs', 1]
+    ]
+}, {
+    dataGroupId: 'fruits',
+    data: [
+        ['Apples', 4],
+        ['Oranges', 2]
+    ]
+}, {
+    dataGroupId: 'cars',
+    data: [
+        ['Toyota', 4],
+        ['Opel', 2],
+        ['Volkswagen', 2]
+    ]
+myChart.on('click', function (event) {
+    if ( {
+        var subData = drilldownData.find(function (data) {
+            return data.dataGroupId ===;
+        });
+        if (!subData) {
+            return;
+        }
+        myChart.setOption({
+            xAxis: {
+                data: (item) {
+                    return item[0];
+                })
+            },
+            series: {
+                type: 'bar',
+                id: 'sales',
+                dataGroupId: subData.dataGroupId,
+                data: (item) {
+                    return item[1];
+                }),
+                universalTransition: {
+                    enabled: true,
+                    divideShape: 'clone'
+                }
+            },
+            graphic: [{
+                type: 'text',
+                left: 50,
+                top: 20,
+                style: {
+                    text: 'Back',
+                    fontSize: 18
+                },
+                onclick: function () {
+                    myChart.setOption(option);
+                }
+            }]
+        });
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/data/custom-gantt-flight.js b/public/data/custom-gantt-flight.js
index 7f2c469..df7cbc3 100644
--- a/public/data/custom-gantt-flight.js
+++ b/public/data/custom-gantt-flight.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 title: Gantt Chart of Airport Flights
-category: 'custom, dataZoom, drag'
+category: custom, dataZoom, drag
 titleCN: 机场航班甘特图
 difficulty: 4
diff --git a/public/data/custom-hexbin.js b/public/data/custom-hexbin.js
index 0052228..b34933d 100644
--- a/public/data/custom-hexbin.js
+++ b/public/data/custom-hexbin.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 title: Hexagonal Binning
-category: 'custom, map'
+category: custom, map
 titleCN: 六边形分箱图(自定义系列)
 difficulty: 6
diff --git a/public/data/map-bar-morph.js b/public/data/map-bar-morph.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc9f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/data/map-bar-morph.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+title: Morphing between Map and Bar
+category: map, animation
+titleCN: 地图柱状图变形动画
+$.get(ROOT_PATH + '/data/asset/geo/USA.json', function (usaJson) {
+    myChart.hideLoading();
+    echarts.registerMap('USA', usaJson, {
+        Alaska: {              // 把阿拉斯加移到美国主大陆左下方
+            left: -131,
+            top: 25,
+            width: 15
+        },
+        Hawaii: {
+            left: -110,        // 夏威夷
+            top: 28,
+            width: 5
+        },
+        'Puerto Rico': {       // 波多黎各
+            left: -76,
+            top: 26,
+            width: 2
+        }
+    });
+    var data = [
+        {name: 'Alabama', value: 4822023},
+        {name: 'Alaska', value: 731449},
+        {name: 'Arizona', value: 6553255},
+        {name: 'Arkansas', value: 2949131},
+        {name: 'California', value: 38041430},
+        {name: 'Colorado', value: 5187582},
+        {name: 'Connecticut', value: 3590347},
+        {name: 'Delaware', value: 917092},
+        {name: 'District of Columbia', value: 632323},
+        {name: 'Florida', value: 19317568},
+        {name: 'Georgia', value: 9919945},
+        {name: 'Hawaii', value: 1392313},
+        {name: 'Idaho', value: 1595728},
+        {name: 'Illinois', value: 12875255},
+        {name: 'Indiana', value: 6537334},
+        {name: 'Iowa', value: 3074186},
+        {name: 'Kansas', value: 2885905},
+        {name: 'Kentucky', value: 4380415},
+        {name: 'Louisiana', value: 4601893},
+        {name: 'Maine', value: 1329192},
+        {name: 'Maryland', value: 5884563},
+        {name: 'Massachusetts', value: 6646144},
+        {name: 'Michigan', value: 9883360},
+        {name: 'Minnesota', value: 5379139},
+        {name: 'Mississippi', value: 2984926},
+        {name: 'Missouri', value: 6021988},
+        {name: 'Montana', value: 1005141},
+        {name: 'Nebraska', value: 1855525},
+        {name: 'Nevada', value: 2758931},
+        {name: 'New Hampshire', value: 1320718},
+        {name: 'New Jersey', value: 8864590},
+        {name: 'New Mexico', value: 2085538},
+        {name: 'New York', value: 19570261},
+        {name: 'North Carolina', value: 9752073},
+        {name: 'North Dakota', value: 699628},
+        {name: 'Ohio', value: 11544225},
+        {name: 'Oklahoma', value: 3814820},
+        {name: 'Oregon', value: 3899353},
+        {name: 'Pennsylvania', value: 12763536},
+        {name: 'Rhode Island', value: 1050292},
+        {name: 'South Carolina', value: 4723723},
+        {name: 'South Dakota', value: 833354},
+        {name: 'Tennessee', value: 6456243},
+        {name: 'Texas', value: 26059203},
+        {name: 'Utah', value: 2855287},
+        {name: 'Vermont', value: 626011},
+        {name: 'Virginia', value: 8185867},
+        {name: 'Washington', value: 6897012},
+        {name: 'West Virginia', value: 1855413},
+        {name: 'Wisconsin', value: 5726398},
+        {name: 'Wyoming', value: 576412},
+        {name: 'Puerto Rico', value: 3667084}
+    ];
+    var mapOption = {
+        visualMap: {
+            left: 'right',
+            min: 500000,
+            max: 38000000,
+            inRange: {
+                color: ['#313695', '#4575b4', '#74add1', '#abd9e9', '#e0f3f8', '#ffffbf', '#fee090', '#fdae61', '#f46d43', '#d73027', '#a50026']
+            },
+            text: ['High', 'Low'],
+            calculable: true
+        },
+        series: [
+            {
+                id: 'population',
+                type: 'map',
+                roam: true,
+                map: 'USA',
+                animationDurationUpdate: 1000,
+                universalTransition: true,
+                data: data
+            }
+        ]
+    };
+    var barOption = {
+        xAxis: {
+            type: 'category',
+            axisLabel: {
+                rotate: 30
+            },
+            data: (item) {
+                return;
+            })
+        },
+        yAxis: {
+        },
+        animationDurationUpdate: 1000,
+        series: {
+            type: 'bar',
+            id: 'population',
+            data: (item) {
+                return item.value;
+            }),
+            universalTransition: true
+        }
+    };
+    var currentOption = mapOption;
+    myChart.setOption(mapOption);
+    setInterval(function () {
+        currentOption = currentOption === mapOption ? barOption : mapOption;
+        myChart.setOption(currentOption, true);
+    }, 2000);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/data/map-usa.js b/public/data/map-usa.js
index 1c0b125..c4e57a7 100644
--- a/public/data/map-usa.js
+++ b/public/data/map-usa.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 title: USA Population Estimates (2012)
 category: map
-titleCN: USA Population Estimates (2012)
+titleCN: 2012 年美国人口统计
@@ -75,11 +75,7 @@
                         show: true
-                // 文本位置修正
-                textFixed: {
-                    Alaska: [20, -20]
-                },
-                data:[
+                data: [
                     {name: 'Alabama', value: 4822023},
                     {name: 'Alaska', value: 731449},
                     {name: 'Arizona', value: 6553255},
diff --git a/public/data/pictorialBar-bar-transition.js b/public/data/pictorialBar-bar-transition.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a89d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/data/pictorialBar-bar-transition.js
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+title: 象形主图变形为柱状图
+category: pictorialBar, animation
+titleCN: Aggregate Scatter to Bar
+difficulty: 4
+var pathSymbols = {
+    reindeer: 'path://M-22.788,24.521c2.08-0.986,3.611-3.905,4.984-5.892 c-2.686,2.782-5.047,5.884-9.102,7.312c-0.992,0.005-0.25-2.016,0.34-2.362l1.852-0.41c0.564-0.218,0.785-0.842,0.902-1.347 c2.133-0.727,4.91-4.129,6.031-6.194c1.748-0.7,4.443-0.679,5.734-2.293c1.176-1.468,0.393-3.992,1.215-6.557 c0.24-0.754,0.574-1.581,1.008-2.293c-0.611,0.011-1.348-0.061-1.959-0.608c-1.391-1.245-0.785-2.086-1.297-3.313 c1.684,0.744,2.5,2.584,4.426,2.586C-8.46,3.012-8.255,2.901-8.04,2.824c6.031-1.952,15.182-0.165,19.498-3.937 c1.15-3.933-1.24-9.846-1.229-9.938c0.008-0.062-1.314-0.004-1.803-0.258c-1.119-0.771-6.531-3.75-0.17-3.33 c0.314-0.045,0.943,0.259,1.439,0.435c-0.289-1.694-0.92-0.144-3.311-1.946c0,0-1.1-0.855-1.764-1.98 c-0.836-1.09-2.01-2.825-2.992-4.031c-1.523-2.476,1.367,0.709,1.816,1.108c1.768,1.704,1.844,3.281,3.232,3.983 c0.195,0.203,1.453,0.164,0.926-0.468c-0.525-0.632-1.367-1.278-1.775-2.341c-0.293-0.703-1.311-2.326-1.566-2.711 c-0.256-0.384-0.959-1.718-1.67-2.351c-1.047-1.187-0.268-0.902,0.521-0.07c0.789,0.834,1.537,1.821,1.672,2.023 c0.135,0.203,1.584,2.521,1.725,2.387c0.102-0.259-0.035-0.428-0.158-0.852c-0.125-0.423-0.912-2.032-0.961-2.083 c-0.357-0.852-0.566-1.908-0.598-3.333c0.4-2.375,0.648-2.486,0.549-0.705c0.014,1.143,0.031,2.215,0.602,3.247 c0.807,1.496,1.764,4.064,1.836,4.474c0.561,3.176,2.904,1.749,2.281-0.126c-0.068-0.446-0.109-2.014-0.287-2.862 c-0.18-0.849-0.219-1.688-0.113-3.056c0.066-1.389,0.232-2.055,0.277-2.299c0.285-1.023,0.4-1.088,0.408,0.135 c-0.059,0.399-0.131,1.687-0.125,2.655c0.064,0.642-0.043,1.768,0.172,2.486c0.654,1.928-0.027,3.496,1,3.514 c1.805-0.424,2.428-1.218,2.428-2.346c-0.086-0.704-0.121-0.843-0.031-1.193c0.221-0.568,0.359-0.67,0.312-0.076 c-0.055,0.287,0.031,0.533,0.082,0.794c0.264,1.197,0.912,0.114,1.283-0.782c0.15-0.238,0.539-2.154,0.545-2.522 c-0.023-0.617,0.285-0.645,0.309,0.01c0.064,0.422-0.248,2.646-0.205,2.334c-0.338,1.24-1.105,3.402-3.379,4.712 c-0.389,0.12-1.186,1.286-3.328,2.178c0,0,1.729,0.321,3.156,0.246c1.102-0.19,3.707-0.027,4.654,0.269 c1.752,0.494,1.531-0.053,4.084,0.164c2.26-0.4,2.154,2.391-1.496,3.68c-2.549,1.405-3.107,1.475-2.293,2.984 c3.484,7.906,2.865,13.183,2.193,16.466c2.41,0.271,5.732-0.62,7.301,0.725c0.506,0.333,0.648,1.866-0.457,2.86 c-4.105,2.745-9.283,7.022-13.904,7.662c-0.977-0.194,0.156-2.025,0.803-2.247l1.898-0.03c0.596-0.101,0.936-0.669,1.152-1.139 c3.16-0.404,5.045-3.775,8.246-4.818c-4.035-0.718-9.588,3.981-12.162,1.051c-5.043,1.423-11.449,1.84-15.895,1.111 c-3.105,2.687-7.934,4.021-12.115,5.866c-3.271,3.511-5.188,8.086-9.967,10.414c-0.986,0.119-0.48-1.974,0.066-2.385l1.795-0.618 C-22.995,25.682-22.849,25.035-22.788,24.521z',
+    plane: 'path://M1.112,32.559l2.998,1.205l-2.882,2.268l-2.215-0.012L1.112,32.559z M37.803,23.96 c0.158-0.838,0.5-1.509,0.961-1.904c-0.096-0.037-0.205-0.071-0.344-0.071c-0.777-0.005-2.068-0.009-3.047-0.009 c-0.633,0-1.217,0.066-1.754,0.18l2.199,1.804H37.803z M39.738,23.036c-0.111,0-0.377,0.325-0.537,0.924h1.076 C40.115,23.361,39.854,23.036,39.738,23.036z M39.934,39.867c-0.166,0-0.674,0.705-0.674,1.986s0.506,1.986,0.674,1.986 s0.672-0.705,0.672-1.986S40.102,39.867,39.934,39.867z M38.963,38.889c-0.098-0.038-0.209-0.07-0.348-0.073 c-0.082,0-0.174,0-0.268-0.001l-7.127,4.671c0.879,0.821,2.42,1.417,4.348,1.417c0.979,0,2.27-0.006,3.047-0.01 c0.139,0,0.25-0.034,0.348-0.072c-0.646-0.555-1.07-1.643-1.07-2.967C37.891,40.529,38.316,39.441,38.963,38.889z M32.713,23.96 l-12.37-10.116l-4.693-0.004c0,0,4,8.222,4.827,10.121H32.713z M59.311,32.374c-0.248,2.104-5.305,3.172-8.018,3.172H39.629 l-25.325,16.61L9.607,52.16c0,0,6.687-8.479,7.95-10.207c1.17-1.6,3.019-3.699,3.027-6.407h-2.138 c-5.839,0-13.816-3.789-18.472-5.583c-2.818-1.085-2.396-4.04-0.031-4.04h0.039l-3.299-11.371h3.617c0,0,4.352,5.696,5.846,7.5 c2,2.416,4.503,3.678,8.228,3.87h30.727c2.17,0,4.311,0.417,6.252,1.046c3.49,1.175,5.863,2.7,7.199,4.027 C59.145,31.584,59.352,32.025,59.311,32.374z M22.069,30.408c0-0.815-0.661-1.475-1.469-1.475c-0.812,0-1.471,0.66-1.471,1.475 s0.658,1.475,1.471,1.475C21.408,31.883,22.069,31.224,22.069,30.408z M27.06,30.408c0-0.815-0.656-1.478-1.466-1.478 c-0.812,0-1.471,0.662-1.471,1.478s0.658,1.477,1.471,1.477C26.404,31.885,27.06,31.224,27.06,30.408z M32.055,30.408 c0-0.815-0.66-1.475-1.469-1.475c-0.808,0-1.466,0.66-1.466,1.475s0.658,1.475,1.466,1.475 C31.398,31.883,32.055,31.224,32.055,30.408z M37.049,30.408c0-0.815-0.658-1.478-1.467-1.478c-0.812,0-1.469,0.662-1.469,1.478 s0.656,1.477,1.469,1.477C36.389,31.885,37.049,31.224,37.049,30.408z M42.039,30.408c0-0.815-0.656-1.478-1.465-1.478 c-0.811,0-1.469,0.662-1.469,1.478s0.658,1.477,1.469,1.477C41.383,31.885,42.039,31.224,42.039,30.408z M55.479,30.565 c-0.701-0.436-1.568-0.896-2.627-1.347c-0.613,0.289-1.551,0.476-2.73,0.476c-1.527,0-1.639,2.263,0.164,2.316 C52.389,32.074,54.627,31.373,55.479,30.565z',
+    train: 'path://M67.335,33.596L67.335,33.596c-0.002-1.39-1.153-3.183-3.328-4.218h-9.096v-2.07h5.371 c-4.939-2.07-11.199-4.141-14.89-4.141H19.72v12.421v5.176h38.373c4.033,0,8.457-1.035,9.142-5.176h-0.027 c0.076-0.367,0.129-0.751,0.129-1.165L67.335,33.596L67.335,33.596z M27.999,30.413h-3.105v-4.141h3.105V30.413z M35.245,30.413 h-3.104v-4.141h3.104V30.413z M42.491,30.413h-3.104v-4.141h3.104V30.413z M49.736,30.413h-3.104v-4.141h3.104V30.413z  M14.544,40.764c1.143,0,2.07-0.927,2.07-2.07V35.59V25.237c0-1.145-0.928-2.07-2.07-2.07H-9.265c-1.143,0-2.068,0.926-2.068,2.07 v10.351v3.105c0,1.144,0.926,2.07,2.068,2.07H14.544L14.544,40.764z M8.333,26.272h3.105v4.141H8.333V26.272z M1.087,26.272h3.105 v4.141H1.087V26.272z M-6.159,26.272h3.105v4.141h-3.105V26.272z M-9.265,41.798h69.352v1.035H-9.265V41.798z',
+    ship: 'path://M16.678,17.086h9.854l-2.703,5.912c5.596,2.428,11.155,5.575,16.711,8.607c3.387,1.847,6.967,3.75,10.541,5.375 v-6.16l-4.197-2.763v-5.318L33.064,12.197h-11.48L20.43,15.24h-4.533l-1.266,3.286l0.781,0.345L16.678,17.086z M49.6,31.84 l0.047,1.273L27.438,20.998l0.799-1.734L49.6,31.84z M33.031,15.1l12.889,8.82l0.027,0.769L32.551,16.1L33.031,15.1z M22.377,14.045 h9.846l-1.539,3.365l-2.287-1.498h1.371l0.721-1.352h-2.023l-0.553,1.037l-0.541-0.357h-0.34l0.359-0.684h-2.025l-0.361,0.684 h-3.473L22.377,14.045z M23.695,20.678l-0.004,0.004h0.004V20.678z M24.828,18.199h-2.031l-0.719,1.358h2.029L24.828,18.199z  M40.385,34.227c-12.85-7.009-25.729-14.667-38.971-12.527c1.26,8.809,9.08,16.201,8.213,24.328 c-0.553,4.062-3.111,0.828-3.303,7.137c15.799,0,32.379,0,48.166,0l0.066-4.195l1.477-7.23 C50.842,39.812,45.393,36.961,40.385,34.227z M13.99,35.954c-1.213,0-2.195-1.353-2.195-3.035c0-1.665,0.98-3.017,2.195-3.017 c1.219,0,2.195,1.352,2.195,3.017C16.186,34.604,15.213,35.954,13.99,35.954z M23.691,20.682h-2.02l-0.588,1.351h2.023 L23.691,20.682z M19.697,18.199l-0.721,1.358h2.025l0.727-1.358H19.697z',
+    car: 'path://M49.592,40.883c-0.053,0.354-0.139,0.697-0.268,0.963c-0.232,0.475-0.455,0.519-1.334,0.475 c-1.135-0.053-2.764,0-4.484,0.068c0,0.476,0.018,0.697,0.018,0.697c0.111,1.299,0.697,1.342,0.931,1.342h3.7 c0.326,0,0.628,0,0.861-0.154c0.301-0.196,0.43-0.772,0.543-1.78c0.017-0.146,0.025-0.336,0.033-0.56v-0.01 c0-0.068,0.008-0.154,0.008-0.25V41.58l0,0C49.6,41.348,49.6,41.09,49.592,40.883L49.592,40.883z M6.057,40.883 c0.053,0.354,0.137,0.697,0.268,0.963c0.23,0.475,0.455,0.519,1.334,0.475c1.137-0.053,2.762,0,4.484,0.068 c0,0.476-0.018,0.697-0.018,0.697c-0.111,1.299-0.697,1.342-0.93,1.342h-3.7c-0.328,0-0.602,0-0.861-0.154 c-0.309-0.18-0.43-0.772-0.541-1.78c-0.018-0.146-0.027-0.336-0.035-0.56v-0.01c0-0.068-0.008-0.154-0.008-0.25V41.58l0,0 C6.057,41.348,6.057,41.09,6.057,40.883L6.057,40.883z M49.867,32.766c0-2.642-0.344-5.224-0.482-5.507 c-0.104-0.207-0.766-0.749-2.271-1.773c-1.522-1.042-1.487-0.887-1.766-1.566c0.25-0.078,0.492-0.224,0.639-0.241 c0.326-0.034,0.345,0.274,1.023,0.274c0.68,0,2.152-0.18,2.453-0.48c0.301-0.303,0.396-0.405,0.396-0.672 c0-0.268-0.156-0.818-0.447-1.146c-0.293-0.327-1.541-0.49-2.273-0.585c-0.729-0.095-0.834,0-1.022,0.121 c-0.304,0.189-0.32,1.919-0.32,1.919l-0.713,0.018c-0.465-1.146-1.11-3.452-2.117-5.269c-1.103-1.979-2.256-2.599-2.737-2.754 c-0.474-0.146-0.904-0.249-4.131-0.576c-3.298-0.344-5.922-0.388-8.262-0.388c-2.342,0-4.967,0.052-8.264,0.388 c-3.229,0.336-3.66,0.43-4.133,0.576s-1.633,0.775-2.736,2.754c-1.006,1.816-1.652,4.123-2.117,5.269L9.87,23.109 c0,0-0.008-1.729-0.318-1.919c-0.189-0.121-0.293-0.225-1.023-0.121c-0.732,0.104-1.98,0.258-2.273,0.585 c-0.293,0.327-0.447,0.878-0.447,1.146c0,0.267,0.094,0.379,0.396,0.672c0.301,0.301,1.773,0.48,2.453,0.48 c0.68,0,0.697-0.309,1.023-0.274c0.146,0.018,0.396,0.163,0.637,0.241c-0.283,0.68-0.24,0.524-1.764,1.566 c-1.506,1.033-2.178,1.566-2.271,1.773c-0.139,0.283-0.482,2.865-0.482,5.508s0.189,5.02,0.189,5.86c0,0.354,0,0.976,0.076,1.565 c0.053,0.354,0.129,0.697,0.268,0.966c0.232,0.473,0.447,0.516,1.334,0.473c1.137-0.051,2.779,0,4.477,0.07 c1.135,0.043,2.297,0.086,3.33,0.11c2.582,0.051,1.826-0.379,2.928-0.36c1.102,0.016,5.447,0.196,9.424,0.196 c3.976,0,8.332-0.182,9.423-0.196c1.102-0.019,0.346,0.411,2.926,0.36c1.033-0.018,2.195-0.067,3.332-0.11 c1.695-0.062,3.348-0.121,4.477-0.07c0.886,0.043,1.103,0,1.332-0.473c0.132-0.269,0.218-0.611,0.269-0.966 c0.086-0.592,0.078-1.213,0.078-1.565C49.678,37.793,49.867,35.408,49.867,32.766L49.867,32.766z M13.219,19.735 c0.412-0.964,1.652-2.9,2.256-3.244c0.145-0.087,1.426-0.491,4.637-0.706c2.953-0.198,6.217-0.276,7.73-0.276 c1.513,0,4.777,0.078,7.729,0.276c3.201,0.215,4.502,0.611,4.639,0.706c0.775,0.533,1.842,2.28,2.256,3.244 c0.412,0.965,0.965,2.858,0.861,3.116c-0.104,0.258,0.104,0.388-1.291,0.275c-1.387-0.103-10.088-0.216-14.185-0.216 c-4.088,0-12.789,0.113-14.184,0.216c-1.395,0.104-1.188-0.018-1.291-0.275C12.254,22.593,12.805,20.708,13.219,19.735 L13.219,19.735z M16.385,30.511c-0.619,0.155-0.988,0.491-1.764,0.482c-0.775,0-2.867-0.353-3.314-0.371 c-0.447-0.017-0.842,0.302-1.076,0.362c-0.23,0.06-0.688-0.104-1.377-0.318c-0.688-0.216-1.092-0.155-1.316-1.094 c-0.232-0.93,0-2.264,0-2.264c1.488-0.068,2.928,0.069,5.621,0.826c2.693,0.758,4.191,2.213,4.191,2.213 S17.004,30.357,16.385,30.511L16.385,30.511z M36.629,37.293c-1.23,0.164-6.386,0.207-8.794,0.207c-2.412,0-7.566-0.051-8.799-0.207 c-1.256-0.164-2.891-1.67-1.764-2.865c1.523-1.627,1.24-1.576,4.701-2.023C24.967,32.018,27.239,32,27.834,32 c0.584,0,2.865,0.025,5.859,0.404c3.461,0.447,3.178,0.396,4.699,2.022C39.521,35.623,37.887,37.129,36.629,37.293L36.629,37.293z  M48.129,29.582c-0.232,0.93-0.629,0.878-1.318,1.093c-0.688,0.216-1.145,0.371-1.377,0.319c-0.231-0.053-0.627-0.371-1.074-0.361 c-0.448,0.018-2.539,0.37-3.313,0.37c-0.772,0-1.146-0.328-1.764-0.481c-0.621-0.154-0.966-0.154-0.966-0.154 s1.49-1.464,4.191-2.213c2.693-0.758,4.131-0.895,5.621-0.826C48.129,27.309,48.361,28.643,48.129,29.582L48.129,29.582z'
+var labelSetting = {
+    show: true,
+    position: 'right',
+    offset: [10, 0],
+    textStyle: {
+        fontSize: 16
+    }
+function makeOption(type, symbol) {
+    return {
+        title: {
+            text: 'Vehicles in X City'
+        },
+        legend: {
+            data: ['2015', '2016']
+        },
+        tooltip: {
+            trigger: 'axis',
+            axisPointer: {
+                type: 'shadow'
+            }
+        },
+        grid: {
+            containLabel: true,
+            left: 20
+        },
+        yAxis: {
+            data: ['reindeer', 'ship', 'plane', 'train', 'car'],
+            inverse: true,
+            axisLine: {show: false},
+            axisTick: {show: false},
+            axisLabel: {
+                margin: 30,
+                fontSize: 14
+            },
+            axisPointer: {
+                label: {
+                    show: true,
+                    margin: 30
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        xAxis: {
+            splitLine: {show: false},
+            axisLabel: {show: false},
+            axisTick: {show: false},
+            axisLine: {show: false}
+        },
+        animationDurationUpdate: 500,
+        series: [{
+            name: '2015',
+            id: 'bar1',
+            type: type,
+            label: labelSetting,
+            symbolRepeat: true,
+            symbolSize: ['80%', '60%'],
+            barCategoryGap: '40%',
+            universalTransition: {
+                enabled: true,
+                delay: function (idx, total) {
+                    return (idx / total) * 1000;
+                }
+            },
+            data: [{
+                value: 157,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.reindeer
+            }, {
+                value: 21,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.ship
+            }, {
+                value: 66,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.plane
+            }, {
+                value: 78,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.train
+            }, {
+                value: 123,
+                symbol: symbol ||
+            }]
+        }, {
+            name: '2016',
+            id: 'bar2',
+            type: type,
+            barGap: '10%',
+            label: labelSetting,
+            symbolRepeat: true,
+            symbolSize: ['80%', '60%'],
+            universalTransition: {
+                enabled: true,
+                delay: function (idx, total) {
+                    return (idx / total) * 1000;
+                }
+            },
+            data: [{
+                value: 184,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.reindeer
+            }, {
+                value: 29,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.ship
+            }, {
+                value: 73,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.plane
+            }, {
+                value: 91,
+                symbol: symbol || pathSymbols.train
+            }, {
+                value: 95,
+                symbol: symbol ||
+            }]
+        }]
+    };
+var options = [
+    makeOption('pictorialBar'),
+    makeOption('bar'),
+    makeOption('pictorialBar', 'diamond')
+var optionIndex = 0;
+option = options[optionIndex];
+setInterval(function () {
+    optionIndex = (optionIndex + 1) % options.length;
+    myChart.setOption(options[optionIndex]);
+}, 2500);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/data/scatter-aggregate-bar.js b/public/data/scatter-aggregate-bar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1070d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/data/scatter-aggregate-bar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+title: 散点图聚合为柱状图动画
+category: scatter, animation
+titleCN: Aggregate Scatter to Bar
+difficulty: 4
+var femaleData = [[161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6],
+    [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2],
+    [172.5, 55.2], [170.9, 54.2], [172.9, 62.5], [153.4, 42.0], [160.0, 50.0],
+    [147.2, 49.8], [168.2, 49.2], [175.0, 73.2], [157.0, 47.8], [167.6, 68.8],
+    [159.5, 50.6], [175.0, 82.5], [166.8, 57.2], [176.5, 87.8], [170.2, 72.8],
+    [174.0, 54.5], [173.0, 59.8], [179.9, 67.3], [170.5, 67.8], [160.0, 47.0],
+    [154.4, 46.2], [162.0, 55.0], [176.5, 83.0], [160.0, 54.4], [152.0, 45.8],
+    [162.1, 53.6], [170.0, 73.2], [160.2, 52.1], [161.3, 67.9], [166.4, 56.6],
+    [168.9, 62.3], [163.8, 58.5], [167.6, 54.5], [160.0, 50.2], [161.3, 60.3],
+    [167.6, 58.3], [165.1, 56.2], [160.0, 50.2], [170.0, 72.9], [157.5, 59.8],
+    [167.6, 61.0], [160.7, 69.1], [163.2, 55.9], [152.4, 46.5], [157.5, 54.3],
+    [168.3, 54.8], [180.3, 60.7], [165.5, 60.0], [165.0, 62.0], [164.5, 60.3],
+    [156.0, 52.7], [160.0, 74.3], [163.0, 62.0], [165.7, 73.1], [161.0, 80.0],
+    [162.0, 54.7], [166.0, 53.2], [174.0, 75.7], [172.7, 61.1], [167.6, 55.7],
+    [151.1, 48.7], [164.5, 52.3], [163.5, 50.0], [152.0, 59.3], [169.0, 62.5],
+    [164.0, 55.7], [161.2, 54.8], [155.0, 45.9], [170.0, 70.6], [176.2, 67.2],
+    [170.0, 69.4], [162.5, 58.2], [170.3, 64.8], [164.1, 71.6], [169.5, 52.8],
+    [163.2, 59.8], [154.5, 49.0], [159.8, 50.0], [173.2, 69.2], [170.0, 55.9],
+    [161.4, 63.4], [169.0, 58.2], [166.2, 58.6], [159.4, 45.7], [162.5, 52.2],
+    [159.0, 48.6], [162.8, 57.8], [159.0, 55.6], [179.8, 66.8], [162.9, 59.4],
+    [161.0, 53.6], [151.1, 73.2], [168.2, 53.4], [168.9, 69.0], [173.2, 58.4],
+    [171.8, 56.2], [178.0, 70.6], [164.3, 59.8], [163.0, 72.0], [168.5, 65.2],
+    [166.8, 56.6], [172.7, 105.2], [163.5, 51.8], [169.4, 63.4], [167.8, 59.0],
+    [159.5, 47.6], [167.6, 63.0], [161.2, 55.2], [160.0, 45.0], [163.2, 54.0],
+    [162.2, 50.2], [161.3, 60.2], [149.5, 44.8], [157.5, 58.8], [163.2, 56.4],
+    [172.7, 62.0], [155.0, 49.2], [156.5, 67.2], [164.0, 53.8], [160.9, 54.4],
+    [162.8, 58.0], [167.0, 59.8], [160.0, 54.8], [160.0, 43.2], [168.9, 60.5],
+    [158.2, 46.4], [156.0, 64.4], [160.0, 48.8], [167.1, 62.2], [158.0, 55.5],
+    [167.6, 57.8], [156.0, 54.6], [162.1, 59.2], [173.4, 52.7], [159.8, 53.2],
+    [170.5, 64.5], [159.2, 51.8], [157.5, 56.0], [161.3, 63.6], [162.6, 63.2],
+    [160.0, 59.5], [168.9, 56.8], [165.1, 64.1], [162.6, 50.0], [165.1, 72.3],
+    [166.4, 55.0], [160.0, 55.9], [152.4, 60.4], [170.2, 69.1], [162.6, 84.5],
+    [170.2, 55.9], [158.8, 55.5], [172.7, 69.5], [167.6, 76.4], [162.6, 61.4],
+    [167.6, 65.9], [156.2, 58.6], [175.2, 66.8], [172.1, 56.6], [162.6, 58.6],
+    [160.0, 55.9], [165.1, 59.1], [182.9, 81.8], [166.4, 70.7], [165.1, 56.8],
+    [177.8, 60.0], [165.1, 58.2], [175.3, 72.7], [154.9, 54.1], [158.8, 49.1],
+    [172.7, 75.9], [168.9, 55.0], [161.3, 57.3], [167.6, 55.0], [165.1, 65.5],
+    [175.3, 65.5], [157.5, 48.6], [163.8, 58.6], [167.6, 63.6], [165.1, 55.2],
+    [165.1, 62.7], [168.9, 56.6], [162.6, 53.9], [164.5, 63.2], [176.5, 73.6],
+    [168.9, 62.0], [175.3, 63.6], [159.4, 53.2], [160.0, 53.4], [170.2, 55.0],
+    [162.6, 70.5], [167.6, 54.5], [162.6, 54.5], [160.7, 55.9], [160.0, 59.0],
+    [157.5, 63.6], [162.6, 54.5], [152.4, 47.3], [170.2, 67.7], [165.1, 80.9],
+    [172.7, 70.5], [165.1, 60.9], [170.2, 63.6], [170.2, 54.5], [170.2, 59.1],
+    [161.3, 70.5], [167.6, 52.7], [167.6, 62.7], [165.1, 86.3], [162.6, 66.4],
+    [152.4, 67.3], [168.9, 63.0], [170.2, 73.6], [175.2, 62.3], [175.2, 57.7],
+    [160.0, 55.4], [165.1, 104.1], [174.0, 55.5], [170.2, 77.3], [160.0, 80.5],
+    [167.6, 64.5], [167.6, 72.3], [167.6, 61.4], [154.9, 58.2], [162.6, 81.8],
+    [175.3, 63.6], [171.4, 53.4], [157.5, 54.5], [165.1, 53.6], [160.0, 60.0],
+    [174.0, 73.6], [162.6, 61.4], [174.0, 55.5], [162.6, 63.6], [161.3, 60.9],
+    [156.2, 60.0], [149.9, 46.8], [169.5, 57.3], [160.0, 64.1], [175.3, 63.6],
+    [169.5, 67.3], [160.0, 75.5], [172.7, 68.2], [162.6, 61.4], [157.5, 76.8],
+    [176.5, 71.8], [164.4, 55.5], [160.7, 48.6], [174.0, 66.4], [163.8, 67.3]
+var maleDeta = [[174.0, 65.6], [175.3, 71.8], [193.5, 80.7], [186.5, 72.6], [187.2, 78.8],
+    [181.5, 74.8], [184.0, 86.4], [184.5, 78.4], [175.0, 62.0], [184.0, 81.6],
+    [180.0, 76.6], [177.8, 83.6], [192.0, 90.0], [176.0, 74.6], [174.0, 71.0],
+    [184.0, 79.6], [192.7, 93.8], [171.5, 70.0], [173.0, 72.4], [176.0, 85.9],
+    [176.0, 78.8], [180.5, 77.8], [172.7, 66.2], [176.0, 86.4], [173.5, 81.8],
+    [178.0, 89.6], [180.3, 82.8], [180.3, 76.4], [164.5, 63.2], [173.0, 60.9],
+    [183.5, 74.8], [175.5, 70.0], [188.0, 72.4], [189.2, 84.1], [172.8, 69.1],
+    [170.0, 59.5], [182.0, 67.2], [170.0, 61.3], [177.8, 68.6], [184.2, 80.1],
+    [186.7, 87.8], [171.4, 84.7], [172.7, 73.4], [175.3, 72.1], [180.3, 82.6],
+    [182.9, 88.7], [188.0, 84.1], [177.2, 94.1], [172.1, 74.9], [167.0, 59.1],
+    [169.5, 75.6], [174.0, 86.2], [172.7, 75.3], [182.2, 87.1], [164.1, 55.2],
+    [163.0, 57.0], [171.5, 61.4], [184.2, 76.8], [174.0, 86.8], [174.0, 72.2],
+    [177.0, 71.6], [186.0, 84.8], [167.0, 68.2], [171.8, 66.1], [182.0, 72.0],
+    [167.0, 64.6], [177.8, 74.8], [164.5, 70.0], [192.0, 101.6], [175.5, 63.2],
+    [171.2, 79.1], [181.6, 78.9], [167.4, 67.7], [181.1, 66.0], [177.0, 68.2],
+    [174.5, 63.9], [177.5, 72.0], [170.5, 56.8], [182.4, 74.5], [197.1, 90.9],
+    [180.1, 93.0], [175.5, 80.9], [180.6, 72.7], [184.4, 68.0], [175.5, 70.9],
+    [180.6, 72.5], [177.0, 72.5], [177.1, 83.4], [181.6, 75.5], [176.5, 73.0],
+    [175.0, 70.2], [174.0, 73.4], [165.1, 70.5], [177.0, 68.9], [192.0, 102.3],
+    [176.5, 68.4], [169.4, 65.9], [182.1, 75.7], [179.8, 84.5], [175.3, 87.7],
+    [184.9, 86.4], [177.3, 73.2], [167.4, 53.9], [178.1, 72.0], [168.9, 55.5],
+    [157.2, 58.4], [180.3, 83.2], [170.2, 72.7], [177.8, 64.1], [172.7, 72.3],
+    [165.1, 65.0], [186.7, 86.4], [165.1, 65.0], [174.0, 88.6], [175.3, 84.1],
+    [185.4, 66.8], [177.8, 75.5], [180.3, 93.2], [180.3, 82.7], [177.8, 58.0],
+    [177.8, 79.5], [177.8, 78.6], [177.8, 71.8], [177.8, 116.4], [163.8, 72.2],
+    [188.0, 83.6], [198.1, 85.5], [175.3, 90.9], [166.4, 85.9], [190.5, 89.1],
+    [166.4, 75.0], [177.8, 77.7], [179.7, 86.4], [172.7, 90.9], [190.5, 73.6],
+    [185.4, 76.4], [168.9, 69.1], [167.6, 84.5], [175.3, 64.5], [170.2, 69.1],
+    [190.5, 108.6], [177.8, 86.4], [190.5, 80.9], [177.8, 87.7], [184.2, 94.5],
+    [176.5, 80.2], [177.8, 72.0], [180.3, 71.4], [171.4, 72.7], [172.7, 84.1],
+    [172.7, 76.8], [177.8, 63.6], [177.8, 80.9], [182.9, 80.9], [170.2, 85.5],
+    [167.6, 68.6], [175.3, 67.7], [165.1, 66.4], [185.4, 102.3], [181.6, 70.5],
+    [172.7, 95.9], [190.5, 84.1], [179.1, 87.3], [175.3, 71.8], [170.2, 65.9],
+    [193.0, 95.9], [171.4, 91.4], [177.8, 81.8], [177.8, 96.8], [167.6, 69.1],
+    [167.6, 82.7], [180.3, 75.5], [182.9, 79.5], [176.5, 73.6], [186.7, 91.8],
+    [188.0, 84.1], [188.0, 85.9], [177.8, 81.8], [174.0, 82.5], [177.8, 80.5],
+    [171.4, 70.0], [185.4, 81.8], [185.4, 84.1], [188.0, 90.5], [188.0, 91.4],
+    [182.9, 89.1], [176.5, 85.0], [175.3, 69.1], [175.3, 73.6], [188.0, 80.5],
+    [188.0, 82.7], [175.3, 86.4], [170.5, 67.7], [179.1, 92.7], [177.8, 93.6],
+    [175.3, 70.9], [182.9, 75.0], [170.8, 93.2], [188.0, 93.2], [180.3, 77.7],
+    [177.8, 61.4], [185.4, 94.1], [168.9, 75.0], [185.4, 83.6], [180.3, 85.5],
+    [174.0, 73.9], [167.6, 66.8], [182.9, 87.3], [160.0, 72.3], [180.3, 88.6],
+    [167.6, 75.5], [186.7, 101.4], [175.3, 91.1], [175.3, 67.3], [175.9, 77.7],
+    [175.3, 81.8], [179.1, 75.5], [181.6, 84.5], [177.8, 76.6], [182.9, 85.0],
+    [177.8, 102.5], [184.2, 77.3], [179.1, 71.8], [176.5, 87.9], [188.0, 94.3],
+    [174.0, 70.9], [167.6, 64.5], [170.2, 77.3], [167.6, 72.3], [188.0, 87.3],
+    [174.0, 80.0], [176.5, 82.3], [180.3, 73.6], [167.6, 74.1], [188.0, 85.9],
+    [180.3, 73.2], [167.6, 76.3], [183.0, 65.9], [183.0, 90.9], [179.1, 89.1],
+    [170.2, 62.3], [177.8, 82.7], [179.1, 79.1], [190.5, 98.2], [177.8, 84.1],
+    [180.3, 83.2], [180.3, 83.2]
+function calculateAverage(data, dim) {
+    var total = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+        total += data[i][dim];
+    }
+    return total /= data.length;
+var scatterOption = option = {
+    xAxis: {
+        scale: true
+    },
+    yAxis: {
+        scale: true
+    },
+    series: [{
+        type: 'scatter',
+        id: 'female',
+        dataGroupId: 'female',
+        universalTransition: {
+            enabled: true,
+            delay: function (idx, count) {
+                return Math.random() * 400;
+            }
+        },
+        data: femaleData
+    }, {
+        type: 'scatter',
+        id: 'male',
+        dataGroupId: 'male',
+        universalTransition: {
+            enabled: true,
+            delay: function (idx, count) {
+                return Math.random() * 400;
+            }
+        },
+        data: maleDeta
+    }]
+var barOption = {
+    xAxis: {
+        type: 'category',
+        data: ['Female', 'Male']
+    },
+    yAxis: {},
+    series: [{
+        type: 'bar',
+        id: 'total',
+        data: [{
+            value: calculateAverage(maleDeta, 0),
+            groupId: 'male'
+        }, {
+            value: calculateAverage(femaleData, 0),
+            groupId: 'female'
+        }],
+        universalTransition: {
+            enabled: true,
+            seriesKey: ['female', 'male'],
+            delay: function (idx, count) {
+                return Math.random() * 400;
+            }
+        }
+    }]
+var currentOption = scatterOption;
+setInterval(function () {
+    currentOption = currentOption === scatterOption ? barOption : scatterOption;
+    myChart.setOption(currentOption, true);
+}, 2000);
\ No newline at end of file