blob: af304e273de3891682905861fee78d21041e3076 [file] [log] [blame]
// 1. shadow
// 2. Image: sx, sy, sw, sh
import { createElement } from './core';
import PathProxy from '../core/PathProxy';
import BoundingRect from '../core/BoundingRect';
import * as matrix from '../core/matrix';
import * as textContain from '../contain/text';
import * as textHelper from '../graphic/helper/text';
import Text from '../graphic/Text';
var CMD = PathProxy.CMD;
var arrayJoin = Array.prototype.join;
var NONE = 'none';
var mathRound = Math.round;
var mathSin = Math.sin;
var mathCos = Math.cos;
var PI = Math.PI;
var PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
var degree = 180 / PI;
var EPSILON = 1e-4;
function round4(val) {
return mathRound(val * 1e4) / 1e4;
function isAroundZero(val) {
return val < EPSILON && val > -EPSILON;
function pathHasFill(style, isText) {
var fill = isText ? style.textFill : style.fill;
return fill != null && fill !== NONE;
function pathHasStroke(style, isText) {
var stroke = isText ? style.textStroke : style.stroke;
return stroke != null && stroke !== NONE;
function setTransform(svgEl, m) {
if (m) {
attr(svgEl, 'transform', 'matrix(' +, ',') + ')');
function attr(el, key, val) {
if (!val || val.type !== 'linear' && val.type !== 'radial') {
// Don't set attribute for gradient, since it need new dom nodes
if (typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf('NaN') > -1) {
el.setAttribute(key, val);
function attrXLink(el, key, val) {
el.setAttributeNS('', key, val);
function bindStyle(svgEl, style, isText, el) {
if (pathHasFill(style, isText)) {
var fill = isText ? style.textFill : style.fill;
fill = fill === 'transparent' ? NONE : fill;
* This is a temporary fix for Chrome's clipping bug
* that happens when a clip-path is referring another one.
* This fix should be used before Chrome's bug is fixed.
* For an element that has clip-path, and fill is none,
* set it to be "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.002)" will hide the element.
* Otherwise, it will show black fill color.
* 0.002 is used because this won't work for alpha values smaller
* than 0.002.
* See
* for more information.
if (svgEl.getAttribute('clip-path') !== 'none' && fill === NONE) {
fill = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.002)';
attr(svgEl, 'fill', fill);
attr(svgEl, 'fill-opacity', style.fillOpacity != null ? style.fillOpacity * style.opacity : style.opacity);
} else {
attr(svgEl, 'fill', NONE);
if (pathHasStroke(style, isText)) {
var stroke = isText ? style.textStroke : style.stroke;
stroke = stroke === 'transparent' ? NONE : stroke;
attr(svgEl, 'stroke', stroke);
var strokeWidth = isText ? style.textStrokeWidth : style.lineWidth;
var strokeScale = !isText && style.strokeNoScale ? el.getLineScale() : 1;
attr(svgEl, 'stroke-width', strokeWidth / strokeScale); // stroke then fill for text; fill then stroke for others
attr(svgEl, 'paint-order', isText ? 'stroke' : 'fill');
attr(svgEl, 'stroke-opacity', style.strokeOpacity != null ? style.strokeOpacity : style.opacity);
var lineDash = style.lineDash;
if (lineDash) {
attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dasharray', style.lineDash.join(','));
attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dashoffset', mathRound(style.lineDashOffset || 0));
} else {
attr(svgEl, 'stroke-dasharray', '');
style.lineCap && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-linecap', style.lineCap);
style.lineJoin && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-linejoin', style.lineJoin);
style.miterLimit && attr(svgEl, 'stroke-miterlimit', style.miterLimit);
} else {
attr(svgEl, 'stroke', NONE);
function pathDataToString(path) {
var str = [];
var data =;
var dataLength = path.len();
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength;) {
var cmd = data[i++];
var cmdStr = '';
var nData = 0;
switch (cmd) {
case CMD.M:
cmdStr = 'M';
nData = 2;
case CMD.L:
cmdStr = 'L';
nData = 2;
case CMD.Q:
cmdStr = 'Q';
nData = 4;
case CMD.C:
cmdStr = 'C';
nData = 6;
case CMD.A:
var cx = data[i++];
var cy = data[i++];
var rx = data[i++];
var ry = data[i++];
var theta = data[i++];
var dTheta = data[i++];
var psi = data[i++];
var clockwise = data[i++];
var dThetaPositive = Math.abs(dTheta);
var isCircle = isAroundZero(dThetaPositive - PI2) && !isAroundZero(dThetaPositive);
var large = false;
if (dThetaPositive >= PI2) {
large = true;
} else if (isAroundZero(dThetaPositive)) {
large = false;
} else {
large = (dTheta > -PI && dTheta < 0 || dTheta > PI) === !!clockwise;
var x0 = round4(cx + rx * mathCos(theta));
var y0 = round4(cy + ry * mathSin(theta)); // It will not draw if start point and end point are exactly the same
// We need to shift the end point with a small value
// FIXME A better way to draw circle ?
if (isCircle) {
if (clockwise) {
dTheta = PI2 - 1e-4;
} else {
dTheta = -PI2 + 1e-4;
large = true;
if (i === 9) {
// Move to (x0, y0) only when CMD.A comes at the
// first position of a shape.
// For instance, when drawing a ring, CMD.A comes
// after CMD.M, so it's unnecessary to move to
// (x0, y0).
str.push('M', x0, y0);
var x = round4(cx + rx * mathCos(theta + dTheta));
var y = round4(cy + ry * mathSin(theta + dTheta)); // FIXME Ellipse
str.push('A', round4(rx), round4(ry), mathRound(psi * degree), +large, +clockwise, x, y);
case CMD.Z:
cmdStr = 'Z';
case CMD.R:
var x = round4(data[i++]);
var y = round4(data[i++]);
var w = round4(data[i++]);
var h = round4(data[i++]);
str.push('M', x, y, 'L', x + w, y, 'L', x + w, y + h, 'L', x, y + h, 'L', x, y);
cmdStr && str.push(cmdStr);
for (var j = 0; j < nData; j++) {
// PENDING With scale
return str.join(' ');
var svgPath = {};
export { svgPath as path };
svgPath.brush = function (el) {
var style =;
var svgEl = el.__svgEl;
if (!svgEl) {
svgEl = createElement('path');
el.__svgEl = svgEl;
if (!el.path) {
var path = el.path;
if (el.__dirtyPath) {
el.buildPath(path, el.shape);
el.__dirtyPath = false;
var pathStr = pathDataToString(path);
if (pathStr.indexOf('NaN') < 0) {
// Ignore illegal path, which may happen such in out-of-range
// data in Calendar series.
attr(svgEl, 'd', pathStr);
bindStyle(svgEl, style, false, el);
setTransform(svgEl, el.transform);
if (style.text != null) {
svgTextDrawRectText(el, el.getBoundingRect());
var svgImage = {};
export { svgImage as image };
svgImage.brush = function (el) {
var style =;
var image = style.image;
if (image instanceof HTMLImageElement) {
var src = image.src;
image = src;
if (!image) {
var x = style.x || 0;
var y = style.y || 0;
var dw = style.width;
var dh = style.height;
var svgEl = el.__svgEl;
if (!svgEl) {
svgEl = createElement('image');
el.__svgEl = svgEl;
if (image !== el.__imageSrc) {
attrXLink(svgEl, 'href', image); // Caching image src
el.__imageSrc = image;
attr(svgEl, 'width', dw);
attr(svgEl, 'height', dh);
attr(svgEl, 'x', x);
attr(svgEl, 'y', y);
setTransform(svgEl, el.transform);
if (style.text != null) {
svgTextDrawRectText(el, el.getBoundingRect());
var svgText = {};
export { svgText as text };
var tmpRect = new BoundingRect();
var svgTextDrawRectText = function (el, rect, textRect) {
var style =;
el.__dirty && textHelper.normalizeTextStyle(style, true);
var text = style.text; // Convert to string
if (text == null) {
// Draw no text only when text is set to null, but not ''
} else {
text += '';
var textSvgEl = el.__textSvgEl;
if (!textSvgEl) {
textSvgEl = createElement('text');
el.__textSvgEl = textSvgEl;
var x;
var y;
var textPosition = style.textPosition;
var distance = style.textDistance;
var align = style.textAlign || 'left';
if (typeof style.fontSize === 'number') {
style.fontSize += 'px';
var font = style.font || [style.fontStyle || '', style.fontWeight || '', style.fontSize || '', style.fontFamily || ''].join(' ') || textContain.DEFAULT_FONT;
var verticalAlign = getVerticalAlignForSvg(style.textVerticalAlign);
textRect = textContain.getBoundingRect(text, font, align, verticalAlign);
var lineHeight = textRect.lineHeight; // Text position represented by coord
if (textPosition instanceof Array) {
x = rect.x + textPosition[0];
y = rect.y + textPosition[1];
} else {
var newPos = textContain.adjustTextPositionOnRect(textPosition, rect, distance);
x = newPos.x;
y = newPos.y;
verticalAlign = getVerticalAlignForSvg(newPos.textVerticalAlign);
align = newPos.textAlign;
attr(textSvgEl, 'alignment-baseline', verticalAlign);
if (font) { = font;
var textPadding = style.textPadding; // Make baseline top
attr(textSvgEl, 'x', x);
attr(textSvgEl, 'y', y);
bindStyle(textSvgEl, style, true, el);
if (el instanceof Text || {
// Transform text with element
setTransform(textSvgEl, el.transform);
} else {
if (el.transform) {
rect = tmpRect;
} else {
var pos = el.transformCoordToGlobal(rect.x, rect.y);
rect.x = pos[0];
rect.y = pos[1];
el.transform = matrix.identity(matrix.create());
} // Text rotation, but no element transform
var origin = style.textOrigin;
if (origin === 'center') {
x = textRect.width / 2 + x;
y = textRect.height / 2 + y;
} else if (origin) {
x = origin[0] + x;
y = origin[1] + y;
var rotate = -style.textRotation || 0;
var transform = matrix.create(); // Apply textRotate to element matrix
matrix.rotate(transform, transform, rotate);
var pos = [el.transform[4], el.transform[5]];
matrix.translate(transform, transform, pos);
setTransform(textSvgEl, transform);
var textLines = text.split('\n');
var nTextLines = textLines.length;
var textAnchor = align; // PENDING
if (textAnchor === 'left') {
textAnchor = 'start';
textPadding && (x += textPadding[3]);
} else if (textAnchor === 'right') {
textAnchor = 'end';
textPadding && (x -= textPadding[1]);
} else if (textAnchor === 'center') {
textAnchor = 'middle';
textPadding && (x += (textPadding[3] - textPadding[1]) / 2);
var dy = 0;
if (verticalAlign === 'after-edge') {
dy = -textRect.height + lineHeight;
textPadding && (dy -= textPadding[2]);
} else if (verticalAlign === 'middle') {
dy = (-textRect.height + lineHeight) / 2;
textPadding && (y += (textPadding[0] - textPadding[2]) / 2);
} else {
textPadding && (dy += textPadding[0]);
} // Font may affect position of each tspan elements
if (el.__text !== text || el.__textFont !== font) {
var tspanList = el.__tspanList || [];
el.__tspanList = tspanList;
for (var i = 0; i < nTextLines; i++) {
// Using cached tspan elements
var tspan = tspanList[i];
if (!tspan) {
tspan = tspanList[i] = createElement('tspan');
attr(tspan, 'alignment-baseline', verticalAlign);
attr(tspan, 'text-anchor', textAnchor);
} else {
tspan.innerHTML = '';
attr(tspan, 'x', x);
attr(tspan, 'y', y + i * lineHeight + dy);
} // Remove unsed tspan elements
for (; i < tspanList.length; i++) {
tspanList.length = nTextLines;
el.__text = text;
el.__textFont = font;
} else if (el.__tspanList.length) {
// Update span x and y
var len = el.__tspanList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var tspan = el.__tspanList[i];
if (tspan) {
attr(tspan, 'x', x);
attr(tspan, 'y', y + i * lineHeight + dy);
function getVerticalAlignForSvg(verticalAlign) {
if (verticalAlign === 'middle') {
return 'middle';
} else if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
return 'after-edge';
} else {
return 'hanging';
svgText.drawRectText = svgTextDrawRectText;
svgText.brush = function (el) {
var style =;
if (style.text != null) {
// 强制设置 textPosition
style.textPosition = [0, 0];
svgTextDrawRectText(el, {
x: style.x || 0,
y: style.y || 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
}, el.getBoundingRect());