blob: ec33237337fdb7dcc7b9ce7dafe3e69f930f2c12 [file] [log] [blame]
const fs = require('fs');
const marked = require('marked');
const etpl = require('../dep/etpl');
const globby = require('globby');
const htmlparser2 = require('htmlparser2');
async function convert(opts) {
// globby does not support '\' yet
const mdPath = opts.path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
const sectionsAnyOf = opts.sectionsAnyOf;
const entry = opts.entry;
const tplEnv = opts.tplEnv;
const maxDepth = opts.maxDepth || 10;
const engineConfig = {
commandOpen: '{{',
commandClose: '}}',
missTarget: 'error'
const etplEngine = new etpl.Engine(engineConfig);
etplEngine.addFilter('default', function (source, defaultVal) {
return (source === '' || source == null) ? defaultVal : source;
const files = (await globby([mdPath])).filter(function (fileName) {
return fileName.indexOf('__') !== 0;
const mdTpls = (fileName) {
return fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf-8');
let mdStr;
// ETPL do not support global variables, without which we have to pass
// parameters like `galleryViewPath` each time `{{use: ...}}` used, which
// is easy to forget. So we mount global variables on Object prototype when
// ETPL rendering.
// I know this approach is ugly, but I am sorry that I have no time to make
// a pull request to ETPL yet.
Object.keys(tplEnv).forEach(function (key) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
throw new Error(key + ' can not be used in tpl config');
Object.prototype[key] = tplEnv[key];
function clearEnvVariables() {
// Restore the global variables.
Object.keys(tplEnv).forEach(function (key) {
delete Object.prototype[key];
try {
// Render tpl
mdStr = etplEngine.getRenderer(entry)({});
catch (e) {
// Fild wichi file has error.
mdTpls.forEach((tpl, idx) => {
try {
const debugEngine = new etpl.Engine(engineConfig);
const renderer = debugEngine.compile(tpl);
catch (e) {
console.error(`Has syntax error in ${files[idx]}`)
throw e;
// Markdown to JSON
const schema = mdToJsonSchema(mdStr, maxDepth, opts.imageRoot, entry);
// console.log(mdStr);
let topLevel =;
(sectionsAnyOf || []).forEach(function (componentName) {
const newProperties = = {};
const componentNameParsed = componentName.split('.');
componentName = componentNameParsed[0];
for (const name in topLevel) {
if (componentNameParsed.length > 1) {
newProperties[name] = topLevel[name];
const secondLevel = topLevel[name].properties;
const secondNewProps = topLevel[name].properties = {};
for (const secondName in secondLevel) {
secondName, componentNameParsed[1], secondNewProps, secondLevel
else {
makeOptionArr(name, componentName, newProperties, topLevel);
topLevel = newProperties;
function makeOptionArr(nm, cptName, newProps, level) {
const nmParsed = nm.split('.');
if (nmParsed[0] === cptName) {
newProps[cptName] = newProps[cptName] || {
'type': 'Array',
'items': {
'anyOf': []
// Use description in excatly #series
if (cptName === nm) {
newProps[cptName].description = level[nm].description;
else {
else {
newProps[nm] = level[nm];
return schema;
function mdToJsonSchema(mdStr, maxDepth, imagePath, entry) {
const renderer = new marked.Renderer();
const originalHTMLRenderer = renderer.html; = function (href, title, text) {
if (href.match(/^~/)) { // Property link
return '<a href="#' + href.slice(1) + '">' + text + '</a>';
else {
// All other links are opened in new page
return '<a href="' + href + '" target="_blank">' + text + '</a>';
renderer.image = function (href, title, text) {
let size = (text || '').split('x');
if (isNaN(size[0])) {
size[0] = 'auto';
if (isNaN(size[1])) {
size[1] = 'auto';
if (href.match(/^~/)) { // Property link
return '<img width="' + size[0] + '" height="' + size[1] + '" src="documents/' + imagePath + href.slice(1) + '">';
else {
// All other links are opened in new page
return '<img width="' + size[0] + '" height="' + size[1] + '" src="' + href + '">';
renderer.codespan = function (code) {
return '<code class="codespan">' + code + '</code>';
let currentLevel = 0;
const result = {
'$schema': '',
'option': {
'type': 'Object',
'properties': {},
let current = result.option;
const stacks = [current];
function top() {
return stacks[stacks.length - 1];
function _unescape(html) {
return html.replace(/&([#\w]+);/g, function(_, n) {
n = n.toLowerCase();
if (n === 'colon') return ':';
if (n.charAt(0) === '#') {
return n.charAt(1) === 'x'
? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n.substring(2), 16))
: String.fromCharCode(+n.substring(1));
return '';
function convertType(val) {
val = _unescape(val.trim());
switch (val) {
case 'null':
return null;
case 'true':
return true;
case 'false':
return false;
if (!isNaN(val)) {
return +val;
return val;
function appendProperty(name, property) {
var parent = top();
var types = parent.type;
var properties;
if (types[0] === 'Array') {
// Name is index
// if (name == +name) {
// if (top().items && !(top().items instanceof Array)) {
// throw new Error('Can\'t mix number indices with string properties');
// }
// properties = top().items = top().items || [];
// }
// else {
top().items = top().items || {
type: 'Object',
properties: {}
if (top().items instanceof Array) {
throw new Error('Can\'t mix number indices with string properties');
properties = top();
// }
else {
top().properties = top().properties || {};
properties = top().properties;
properties[name] = property;
function parseUIControl(html, property, codeMap) {
let currentExampleCode;
let out = '';
const parser = new htmlparser2.Parser({
onopentag(tagName, attrib) {
if (tagName === 'examplebaseoption') {
currentExampleCode = Object.assign({
code: ''
}, attrib);
else if (tagName.startsWith('exampleuicontrol')) {
const type = tagName.replace('exampleuicontrol', '').toLowerCase();
if (['boolean', 'color', 'number', 'vector', 'enum', 'angle', 'percent', 'percentvector', 'text',
.indexOf(type) < 0) {
console.error(`Unkown ExampleUIControl Type ${type}`);
property.uiControl = {
else {
let attribStr = '';
for (let key in attrib) {
attribStr += ` ${key}="${attrib[key]}"`;
out += `<${tagName} ${attribStr}>`;
ontext(data) {
if (currentExampleCode) {
// Get code from map;
if (!codeMap[data]) {
console.error('Can\'t find code.', codeMap, data);
currentExampleCode.code = codeMap[data];
else {
out += data;
onclosetag(tagName) {
if (tagName === 'examplebaseoption') {
property.exampleBaseOptions = property.exampleBaseOptions || [];
currentExampleCode = null;
else if (!tagName.startsWith('exampleuicontrol')) {
out += `</${tagName}>`;
return out;
function repeat(str, count) {
var res = '';
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
res += str;
return res;
var headers = [];
new RegExp('(?:^|\n) *(#{1,' + maxDepth + '}) *([^#][^\n]+)', 'g'),
function (header, headerPrefix, text) {
text: text,
level: headerPrefix.length
mdStr.split(new RegExp('(?:^|\n) *(?:#{1,' + maxDepth + '}) *(?:[^#][^\n]+)', 'g'))
function move(section, idx) {
var text = headers[idx].text;
var parts = /(.*)\(([\w\|\*]*)\)(\s*=\s*(.*))*/.exec(text);
var key;
var type = '*';
var defaultValue = null;
var level = headers[idx].level;
if (parts === null) {
key = text;
else {
key = parts[1];
type = parts[2];
defaultValue = parts[4] || null;
var types = type.split('|').map(function (item) {
return item.trim();
key = key.trim();
var property = {
'type': types,
// exampleBaseOptions
// uiControl
'description': ''
// section = parseUIControl(section, property);
section = section.replace(/~\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)/g, function (text, size, href) {
size = size.split('x');
var iframe = ['<iframe data-src="', href, '"'];
if (size[0].match(/[0-9%]/)) {
iframe.push(' width="', size[0], '"');
if (size[1].match(/[0-9%]/)) {
iframe.push(' height="', size[1], '"');
iframe.push(' ></iframe>\n');
return iframe.join('');
const codeMap = {};
const codeKeyPrefx = 'example_base_option_code_';
let codeIndex= 0;
// Convert the code the a simple key.
// Avoid marked converting the markers in the code unexpectly.
// Like convert * to em.
// Also no need to decode entity
if (entry === 'option' || entry === 'option-gl') {
section = section.replace(/(<\s*ExampleBaseOption[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)(<\s*\/ExampleBaseOption\s*>)/g, function (text, openTag, code, closeTag) {
const codeKey = codeKeyPrefx + (codeIndex++);
codeMap[codeKey] = code;
return openTag + codeKey + closeTag;
renderer.html = function (html) {
return parseUIControl(html, property, codeMap);
else {
renderer.html = originalHTMLRenderer;
property.description = marked(section, {
renderer: renderer
if (defaultValue != null) {
property['default'] = convertType(defaultValue);
if (level < currentLevel) {
var diff = currentLevel - level;
var count = 0;
while (count <= diff) {
appendProperty(key, property);
current = property;
else if (level > currentLevel) {
if (level - currentLevel > 1) {
throw new Error(
text + '\n标题层级 "' + repeat('#', level) + '" 不能直接跟在标题层级 "' + repeat('#', currentLevel) + '"后'
current = property;
appendProperty(key, property);
else {
appendProperty(key, property);
currentLevel = level;
return result;
module.exports = convert;