blob: 93d3a4f65b7415344fb049b61ca5c517106c0c59 [file] [log] [blame]
export default {
en: {
nav: {
option: 'Option',
tutorial: 'Tutorial',
optionGL: 'GL',
collapseAll: 'Collapse All'
search: {
placeholder: 'Search document',
resultTitle: 'Search Result',
showMore: 'Show more',
foundCountBrief: 'Found ${searchResultCount} items',
displayCountBrief: '${displayResultCount} displayed'
content: {
properties: 'Properties'
example: {
title: 'Preview',
titleShort: 'Preview',
intro: 'Try different values of the option and preview!',
noExample: 'No example available for current component.',
tryDesc: 'Try It',
defaultColor: 'Default Color',
booleanDesc: 'Enable',
vectorSetSeparate: 'SEPARATE',
absoluteMode: 'ABSOLUTE',
percentMode: 'PERCENT',
inputPlaceholder: 'Input to change the text content',
builtin: 'Builtin',
upload: 'Upload SVG or PNG',
setOptionError: 'Something Unexpected Happerns. Click refresh to try again!',
refresh: 'Refresh',
close: 'Close',
changeLayout: 'Change Layout',
layout: {
auto: 'Auto',
right: 'Right',
top: 'Top',
bottom: 'Bottom'
zh: {
nav: {
option: '配置项',
tutorial: '教程',
optionGL: 'GL配置',
collapseAll: '收起所有'
search: {
placeholder: '搜索文档,回车查看更多结果',
resultTitle: '文档搜索结果',
showMore: '显示更多',
foundCountBrief: '找到 ${searchResultCount} 条配置项',
displayCountBrief: '显示 ${displayResultCount} 条'
content: {
properties: '所有属性'
example: {
title: '配置项效果预览',
titleShort: '预览',
intro: '调节控件可预览配置项不同取值的效果',
noExample: '当前组件暂无可用示例',
tryDesc: '试一试',
defaultColor: '默认颜色',
booleanDesc: '开启',
vectorSetSeparate: '分别设置',
absoluteMode: '绝对值',
percentMode: '百分比',
inputPlaceholder: '输入改变文本',
builtin: '内置',
upload: '上传 SVG 或 PNG',
setOptionError: '发生了一些意料之外的错误,点击刷新再试试!',
refresh: '刷新',
close: '关闭',
changeLayout: '切换布局',
layout: {
auto: '自动',
right: '右侧',
top: '顶部',
bottom: '底部'