blob: 12948aa86aa73b0eca0c5f2311bc815b8d24c029 [file] [log] [blame]
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import routes from './routes';
* If not building with SSR mode, you can
* directly export the Router instantiation;
* The function below can be async too; either use
* async/await or return a Promise which resolves
* with the Router instance.
export default function (/* { store, ssrContext } */) {
const Router = new VueRouter({
scrollBehavior: () => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }),
// Leave these as they are and change in quasar.conf.js instead!
// quasar.conf.js -> build -> vueRouterMode
// quasar.conf.js -> build -> publicPath
mode: process.env.VUE_ROUTER_MODE,
base: process.env.VUE_ROUTER_BASE
return Router;