add changelog.
2 files changed
tree: 6b80f84bf907bda20fedc2f622c4c64abe17209d
  1. asset/
  2. blog/
  3. blog-src/
  4. cn/
  5. en/
  6. public/
  7. slides/
  8. tool/
  9. .gitignore
  10. _config.yml
  11. build.js
  12. config.js
  13. configdev.js
  14. configgithub.js
  15. google2e051bafb7b53dc1.html
  16. package.json
  19. server.js
  20. watch.js

ECharts Documentation

Online Docs

Build and Run Locally

# Install depedencies
npm install
# Build
node build.js (github)
# Run a static server
node server.js


node watch.js dev
# should put <> on the same folder with echarts-doc

Build Dash Docset

  1. cd public/documents

  2. node dashing.js

  3. cd dash

  4. Build

  • To build Docset in English: ./dashing build echarts -f dashing-en.json -s ./en.
  • To build Docset in Chinese: ./dashing build echarts -f dashing-cn.json -s ./cn.
  1. The generated Docset is under current directory. Change version number in echarts.docset/Contents/Info.plist if you may.