update description
diff --git a/src/text.js b/src/text.js
index b955a3e..7da4ec8 100644
--- a/src/text.js
+++ b/src/text.js
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
     `Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. 🎉
 The average response time is expected to be within one day for weekdays.
-In the meanwhile, please make sure that **you have posted enough image to demo your request**. You may also check out the [API](http://echarts.apache.org/api.html) and [chart option](http://echarts.apache.org/option.html) to get the answer.
+In the meanwhile, please make sure that it contains **a minimum reproducible demo** and necessary **images** to illustrate. Otherwise, our committers will ask you to do so.
+*A minimum reproducible demo* should contain as little data and components as possible but can still illustrate your problem. This is the best way for us to reproduce it and solve the problem faster.
+You may also check out the [API](http://echarts.apache.org/api.html) and [chart option](http://echarts.apache.org/option.html) to get the answer.
 If you don't get helped for a long time (over a week) or have an urgent question to ask, you may also send an email to dev@echarts.apache.org. Please attach the issue link if it's a technical question.