blob: 116f63371b3ca93d9d84da382c774b0b75a214cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.evaluator;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.coordinator.PolicyDefinition;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.coordinator.StreamDefinition;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.evaluator.absence.AbsencePolicyHandler;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.evaluator.impl.SiddhiPolicyHandler;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.evaluator.impl.SiddhiPolicyStateHandler;
import org.apache.eagle.alert.engine.evaluator.nodata.NoDataPolicyTimeBatchHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Map;
* TODO/FIXME: to support multiple stage definition in single policy. The methods in this class is not good to understand now.(Hard code of 0/1).
public class PolicyStreamHandlers {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PolicyStreamHandlers.class);
public static final String SIDDHI_ENGINE = "siddhi";
public static final String NO_DATA_ALERT_ENGINE = "nodataalert";
public static final String ABSENCE_ALERT_ENGINE = "absencealert";
public static final String CUSTOMIZED_ENGINE = "Custom";
public static PolicyStreamHandler createHandler(PolicyDefinition.Definition definition, Map<String, StreamDefinition> sds) {
if (SIDDHI_ENGINE.equals(definition.getType())) {
return new SiddhiPolicyHandler(sds, 0);// // FIXME: 8/2/16
} else if (NO_DATA_ALERT_ENGINE.equals(definition.getType())) {
// no data for an entire stream won't trigger gap alert (use local time & batch window instead)
return new NoDataPolicyTimeBatchHandler(sds);
} else if (ABSENCE_ALERT_ENGINE.equals(definition.getType())) {
return new AbsencePolicyHandler(sds);
} else if (CUSTOMIZED_ENGINE.equals(definition.getType())) {
try {
Class<?> handlerClz = Class.forName(definition.getHandlerClass());
PolicyStreamHandler handler = (PolicyStreamHandler) handlerClz.getConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(sds);
return handler;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Not able to create policy handler for handler class " + definition.getHandlerClass(), e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal extended policy handler class!" + definition.getHandlerClass());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal policy stream handler type " + definition.getType());
public static PolicyStreamHandler createStateHandler(String type, Map<String, StreamDefinition> sds) {
if (SIDDHI_ENGINE.equals(type)) {
return new SiddhiPolicyStateHandler(sds, 1); //// FIXME: 8/2/16
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal policy state handler type " + type);