blob: 4efc6af0e38c3564eac19e9291e72bde4e7af66d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2011 Alibaba Group.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
* MethodConfig
* @author william.liangf
public class MethodConfig extends AbstractMethodConfig {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 884908855422675941L;
// 方法名
private String name;
// 统计参数
private Integer stat;
// 是否重试
private Boolean retry;
// 是否为可靠异步
private Boolean reliable;
// 方法使用线程数限制
private Integer executes;
// 是否过时
private Boolean deprecated;
// 合并器
private String merger;
// 是否需要开启stiky策略
private Boolean sticky;
// 是否需要返回
private Boolean isReturn;
private Object oninvoke;
private String oninvokeMethod;
private Object onreturn;
private String onreturnMethod;
private Object onthrow;
private String onthrowMethod;
private List<ArgumentConfig> arguments;
@Parameter(excluded = true)
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
checkMethodName("name", name); = name;
if (id == null || id.length() == 0) {
id = name;
public Integer getStat() {
return stat;
public void setStat(Integer stat) {
this.stat = stat;
public Boolean isRetry() {
return retry;
public void setRetry(Boolean retry) {
this.retry = retry;
public Boolean isReliable() {
return reliable;
public void setReliable(Boolean reliable) {
this.reliable = reliable;
public Integer getExecutes() {
return executes;
public void setExecutes(Integer executes) {
this.executes = executes;
public Boolean getDeprecated() {
return deprecated;
public void setDeprecated(Boolean deprecated) {
this.deprecated = deprecated;
public void setArguments(List<? extends ArgumentConfig> arguments) {
this.arguments = (List<ArgumentConfig>) arguments;
public List<ArgumentConfig> getArguments() {
return arguments;
public Boolean getSticky() {
return sticky;
public void setSticky(Boolean sticky) {
this.sticky = sticky;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_RETURN_INSTANCE_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public Object getOnreturn() {
return onreturn;
public void setOnreturn(Object onreturn) {
this.onreturn = onreturn;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_RETURN_METHOD_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public String getOnreturnMethod() {
return onreturnMethod;
public void setOnreturnMethod(String onreturnMethod) {
this.onreturnMethod = onreturnMethod;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_THROW_INSTANCE_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public Object getOnthrow() {
return onthrow;
public void setOnthrow(Object onthrow) {
this.onthrow = onthrow;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_THROW_METHOD_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public String getOnthrowMethod() {
return onthrowMethod;
public void setOnthrowMethod(String onthrowMethod) {
this.onthrowMethod = onthrowMethod;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_INVOKE_INSTANCE_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public Object getOninvoke() {
return oninvoke;
public void setOninvoke(Object oninvoke) {
this.oninvoke = oninvoke;
@Parameter(key = Constants.ON_INVOKE_METHOD_KEY, excluded = true, attribute = true)
public String getOninvokeMethod() {
return oninvokeMethod;
public void setOninvokeMethod(String oninvokeMethod) {
this.oninvokeMethod = oninvokeMethod;
public Boolean isReturn() {
return isReturn;
public void setReturn(Boolean isReturn) {
this.isReturn = isReturn;
public String getMerger() {
return merger;
public void setMerger(String merger) {
this.merger = merger;