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<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""><channel><title>Apache Dubbo – Schema Configuration Reference</title><link></link><description>Recent content in Schema Configuration Reference on Apache Dubbo</description><generator>Hugo --</generator><language>en</language><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><item><title>Docs: dubbo:application</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Application configuration. The corresponding class: &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfig&lt;/code>&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Application name is the unique identifier of an application. It is for registry combing the dependencies of applications. Note: Consumer and provider application name should not be the same, and this parameter is not a match condition. As a suggestion, you can name it as your project name. For example, kylin application invokes the service of morgan application, then you can name kylin application as &amp;ldquo;kylin&amp;rdquo;, and morgan application as &amp;ldquo;morgan&amp;rdquo;. Maybe kylin also works as a provider, but kylin should still called &amp;ldquo;kylin&amp;rdquo;. In this way, registry can understand the dependence of applications&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The version of current application&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Application manager. Pls. fill in the mailbox prefix of the person in charge&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Organization name is for registry distinguishing between the source of service. As a suggestion, this property should be written in config file directly. Such as china,intl,itu,crm,asc,dw,aliexpress etc.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>architecture &lt;br class="atl-forced-newline" />&lt;/td>
&lt;td>architecture &lt;br class="atl-forced-newline" />&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The architecture of service layering. Like intl,china and so on. Different architecture use different layer&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Application environment. Like develop,test,product. Work as the limit condition of developing new function&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Java class compile.It is used for the generating of dynamic class. The options are JDK and javassist&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The format of log output,The options are slf4j,jcl,log4j,log4j2 and jdk&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:argument</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Method argument configuration. The corresponding class:&lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ArgumentConfig&lt;/code>. This tag is child of &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:method&amp;gt;&lt;/code>, which is for feature description of method argument, such as:&lt;/p>
&lt;div class="highlight">&lt;pre tabindex="0" style="color:#93a1a1;background-color:#002b36;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;">&lt;code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:method&lt;/span> name=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;findXxx&amp;#34;&lt;/span> timeout=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;3000&amp;#34;&lt;/span> retries=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;2&amp;#34;&lt;/span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:argument&lt;/span> index=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;0&amp;#34;&lt;/span> callback=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;true&amp;#34;&lt;/span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">/&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;/dubbo:method&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;td>method name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Index and type choose one&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Find index of argument by it&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Mark whether this argument is a callback service. If true, provider will generate reverse proxy,which can invoke consumer in turn. Generally for event pushing&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:config-center</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Configuration center. Corresponding configuration class: &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ConfigCenterConfig&lt;/code>&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>default value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Which configuration center to use: apollo, zookeeper, nacos, etc.&lt;br />take zookeeper for example&lt;br />1. If protocol is specified, address can be simplified to &lt;code>;/code>;&lt;br />2. If protocol is not specified, address is set to &lt;code>zookeeper://;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration center address.&lt;br />See protocol description for values&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration items from the configuration center have the highest priority, it means that the local configuration items will be overwritten.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Using for multi-tenant isolation generally, the actual meaning varies depending on the configuration center. &lt;br />For example:&lt;br />zookeeper - Environment isolation, default &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code>;&lt;br />apollo - Distinguish between sets of configurations for different domains and use them by default &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code> and &lt;code>application&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The meaning varies according to the configuration center selected.&lt;br />For example, it&amp;rsquo;s used to distinguish between different configuration clusters in apollo&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The meaning varies according to the configuration center selected.&lt;br />nacos - Isolate different configuration sets&lt;br />zookeeper - Isolate different configuration sets&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether to terminate application startup when the configuration hub connection fails.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The key mapped to the global level profile&lt;br />zookeeper - $DEFAULT_PATH/dubbo/config/dubbo/;br />apollo - The key in dubbo namespace&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Gets the configured timeout&lt;/td>
&lt;td>the username if the configuration center requires validation&lt;br />Apollo is not yet enabled&lt;/td>
&lt;td>password if configuration center needs to do check&lt;br />Apollo is not yet enabled&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Map&amp;lt;string, string&amp;gt;&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Extended parameters to support customized configuration parameters for different configuration centers&lt;/td>
&lt;td>With the Spring framework support, when the value is &lt;code>true&lt;/code>, it will automatically reads the configuration from the Spring Environment&lt;br />Read by default&lt;br />Configuration with key &lt;code>;/code>&lt;br />PropertySource with key &lt;code>;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:consumer</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Consumer default configuration. The corresponding clas: &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ConsumerConfig&lt;/code>. It is also default configuration of &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt;&lt;/code>.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>invoking timeout(ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Invoking retry times, exclude the first invoking. Set 0 to disable it.Only valid if the cluster&amp;rsquo;s value is failback/failover&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Load balancing strategy. Choices:random, roundrobin(polling), leastactive(invoking least active service)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether invoke asynchronously&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum number of connections of per service provider. Only short link protocol such as rmi,http,hessian etc. supports. Long link protocol such as dubbo doesn&amp;rsquo;t support&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether default generic interface. A instance of GenericService will be got if true.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether check the survival of provider. If true, throw exception when no provider of some services is alive. Otherwise, just ignore it&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Java class compile.It is used for the generating of dynamic class. The options are JDK and javassist&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Application manager. Pls. fill in the mailbox prefix of the person in charge&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The max concurrency of per service method for each corresponding consumer&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Cluster tolerance. Choices:failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The name of filter which intercepts consumer remote invoke. Multiple names are separated by commas&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The consumer referenced service listener name. Multiple names are separated by commas&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>register with the registry&lt;/td>
&lt;td>configuration relevant&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Register with the designated registry. Generally,for multiple registries, and value is the &amp;ldquo;id&amp;rdquo; of &amp;lt;dubbo:registry&amp;gt;. Multiple registries are separated by commas.If you do not want to register the service to any registry,pls set &amp;ldquo;N/A&amp;rdquo;&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The layer of consumer. Such as: biz, dao, intl:web, china:acton&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>If true, initialize when &amp;ldquo;afterPropertiesSet()&amp;rdquo; is invoked. Otherwise wait until the instance is referenced to initialize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.10&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Cache return result, and key is call parameters. Choices: lru, threadlocal, jcache and so on&lt;/td>
&lt;td>at least 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether enable JSR303 standard annotation validation&lt;/td>
&lt;td>at least 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:method</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Method level configuration. The corresponding class: &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.MethodConfig&lt;/code>. This tag is a child tag of &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt;&lt;/code> or &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt;&lt;/code>, for accuracy to method level.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Method name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.8&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt; timeout&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Method call timeout(ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.8&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt; retries&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Invoking retry times, exclude the first invoking. Set 0 to disable it&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt; loadbalance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Load balancing strategy. Choices:random, roundrobin(polling), leastactive(invoking least active service)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt; async&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether invoke asynchronously&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.9&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Generally used when async is true, and If true, indicate that the network has sent out data&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The max concurrency of per service method for each corresponding consumer&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum number of threads of per service method is limited- -. Only take effect when &amp;lt;dubbo:method&amp;gt; is &amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt; child tag&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether is deprecated method. Only take effect when &amp;lt;dubbo:method&amp;gt; is &amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt; child tag&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>If true, all methods on this interface use the same provider. If more complex rules are required, use routing&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether need return value. Only take effect when async is true. If true, return future, or callback such as &amp;ldquo;onreturn&amp;rdquo; method. Otherwise, return null.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Intercept before invoke&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Intercept after invoke&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>performance optimization&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Intercept when catch exception&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Cache return result, and key is call parameters. Choices: lru, threadlocal, jcache and so on&lt;/td>
&lt;td>at least 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether enable JSR303 standard annotation validation&lt;/td>
&lt;td>at least 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;p>For example:&lt;/p>
&lt;div class="highlight">&lt;pre tabindex="0" style="color:#93a1a1;background-color:#002b36;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;">&lt;code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&lt;/span> interface=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;;#34;&lt;/span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:method&lt;/span> name=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;findXxx&amp;#34;&lt;/span> timeout=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;3000&amp;#34;&lt;/span> retries=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;2&amp;#34;&lt;/span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">/&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;/dubbo:reference&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;/code>&lt;/pre>&lt;/div></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:module</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Module configuration. The corresponding class &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ModuleConfig&lt;/code>&lt;/p>
&lt;th>The corresponding class&lt;/th>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Module name is for registry combing the dependencies of modules.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>module version&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Module manager, Pls. fill in the mailbox prefix of the person in charge&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Organization name is for registry distinguishing between the source of service. As a suggestion, this property should be written in config file directly. Such as china,intl,itu,crm,asc,dw,aliexpress etc.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:monitor</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Monitor center configuration. The corresponding class: &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfig&lt;/code>&lt;/p>
&lt;th>The corresponding class&lt;/th>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Monitor center protocol. &amp;ldquo;registry&amp;rdquo; means looking up monitor center from registry. Others mean communicating to monitor center directly&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 2.0.9&lt;/td>
&lt;td>service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Communicating to monitor center directly. address=&amp;ldquo;;rdquo;&lt;/td>
&lt;td>above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:parameter</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Optional parameter configuration. The corresponding class is &lt;code>java.util.Map&lt;/code>. This tag is used as a sub tag to configure custom parameters for extending &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&amp;gt;&lt;/code>, &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt;&lt;/code>, &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:provider&amp;gt;&lt;/code>, &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt;&lt;/code> or &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt;&lt;/code>.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>routing parameter key&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>routing parameter value&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;p>For example:&lt;/p>
&lt;div class="highlight">&lt;pre tabindex="0" style="color:#93a1a1;background-color:#002b36;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;">&lt;code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&lt;/span> name=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;napoli&amp;#34;&lt;/span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:parameter&lt;/span> key=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;;#34;&lt;/span> value=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;xxx&amp;#34;&lt;/span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">/&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;/dubbo:protocol&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;/code>&lt;/pre>&lt;/div>&lt;p>you can also use it like this:&lt;/p>
&lt;div class="highlight">&lt;pre tabindex="0" style="color:#93a1a1;background-color:#002b36;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;">&lt;code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml">&lt;span style="display:flex;">&lt;span>&lt;span style="color:#268bd2">&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&lt;/span> name=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;jms&amp;#34;&lt;/span> p:queue=&lt;span style="color:#2aa198">&amp;#34;xxx&amp;#34;&lt;/span> &lt;span style="color:#268bd2">/&amp;gt;&lt;/span>
&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&lt;/code>&lt;/pre>&lt;/div></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:protocol</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>Service provider protocol configuration. The corresponding class is &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ProtocolConfig&lt;/code>. If you need to support multiple protocols, you could declare multiple &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&amp;gt;&lt;/code> tags, and specify the protocol via &lt;code>protocol&lt;/code> property.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Bean Id of the protocol, can be referenced in &amp;lt;dubbo:service protocol=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;&amp;gt; The default value is equal to the value of &lt;code>name&lt;/code> attribute while &lt;code>id&lt;/code> is not filled. If &lt;code>name&lt;/code> value has already existed, it will add index to it&amp;rsquo;s suffix.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default port of dubbo protocol is 20880, rmi protocol is 1099, http and hessian protocol are 80;It will allocate the default port if &lt;code>port&lt;/code> is not filled; It will allocate an unused port if &lt;code>port&lt;/code> equals &lt;code>-1&lt;/code>. To ensure the ports scope is controllable, the port will increase based on the corresponding protocol default port after Dubbo 2.4.0+&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service port&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Find local IP automatically&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>-The host name of services, to specify VIP and domain, or having multiple network cards. If null, it will find local IP automatically- It&amp;rsquo;s recommended to let Dubbo find local IP automatically&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The type of Thread Pool, fixed/cached are available&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The size of the services&amp;rsquo; Thread Pool(Fixed)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The count of CPU + 1&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The size of io Thread Pool(Fixed)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum connection count of the service provider&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The length limit of request and response, unit is byte&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol encoding&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default serialization of dubbo protocol is hessian2, rmi protocol is java, http protocol is json&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol serialization, It&amp;rsquo;s used when a protocol has multiple serializations. For example, &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code> protocol has 4 serializations, they are &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code>, &lt;code>hessian2&lt;/code>, &lt;code>java&lt;/code> and &lt;code>compactedjava&lt;/code>.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> will write access log to logger. Specifying it to a log path, you can write access logs to special log file.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Context path, the prefix of the service path&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default value of dubbo protocol is netty&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The server and client implements of the protocol. For example, mina and netty for dubbo protocol. You can configure server or client side separately.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default value of dubbo protocol is netty, http protocol is servlet&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The server implement of the protocol. For example, mina and netty for dubbo ptotocol, jetty and servlet for http protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default value of dubbo protocol is netty&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The client implement of the protocol. For example, mina and netty for dubbo protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default value of dubbo protocol is all&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>specify the thread model of the way to dispatching. Such as &lt;code>all&lt;/code>, &lt;code>direct&lt;/code>, &lt;code>message&lt;/code>, &lt;code>execution&lt;/code>, and &lt;code>connection&lt;/code> for dubbo protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The queue size of the Thread Pool. It&amp;rsquo;s recommended not to specify it in order to invoke other provides rather than queueing unless you have special requirement.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Serialization encoding&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The buffer size of networking IO&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Heartbeat interval. For long connection, it&amp;rsquo;s difficult to receive closing event while the physical layer is disconnected. So heartbeat is necessary to help checking the connection quality&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.10&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Supported telnet commands, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate commands.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether registering the corresponding services to registry center&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.8&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Default value is an empty string&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:provider</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>The default configuration of service provider. The corresponding class is &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ProviderConfig&lt;/code>. This tag provider default values for &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt;&lt;/code> and &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&amp;gt;&lt;/code>.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Bean Id of the protocol, can be referenced in &amp;lt;dubbo:service proivder=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Find local IP automatically&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The host name of services, to specify VIP and domain, or having multiple network cards. If null, it will find local IP automatically. It&amp;rsquo;s recommended to let Dubbo find local IP automatically&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The size of the services&amp;rsquo; Thread Pool(Fixed)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The length limit of request and response, unit is byte&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Context path of the service provider, the prefix of the service path&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Default is netty for dubbo protocol, servlet for http protocol&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The server implement of the protocol. For example, mina and netty for dubbo ptotocol, jetty and servlet for http protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Default is netty for dubbo protocol&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The client implement of the protocol. For example, mina and netty for dubbo protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol encoding&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Default is hessian2 for dubbo protocol, json for http protocol&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Protocol serialization, It&amp;rsquo;s used when a protocol has multiple serializations. For example, &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code> protocol has 4 serializations, they are &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code>, &lt;code>hessian2&lt;/code>, &lt;code>java&lt;/code> and &lt;code>compactedjava&lt;/code>, &lt;code>http&lt;/code> protocol has &lt;code>json&lt;/code> and &lt;code>xml&lt;/code>.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>To specify the default protocol for support multiple protocols.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The filter name of the RPC process of the provider, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple filter names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The listener name of the provider, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple listener names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The type of Thread Pool, fixed/cached are available&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum connection count of the service provider&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service version. It&amp;rsquo;s recommended to use 2 digitals such as &lt;code>1.0&lt;/code>. It&amp;rsquo;s necessary to upgrade version only when the service is not compatible.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The group of the service providers. It can distinguish services when it has multiple implements.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The delay time(ms) for registering services. When set to -1, it indicates that the services will expose to registry after the Spring context is initialized&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The RPC timeout(ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The retry count for RPC, not including the first invoke. Please set it to 0 if don&amp;rsquo;t need to retry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum connections of every provider. For short connection such as rmi, http and hessian, it&amp;rsquo;s connection limit, but for long connection such as dubbo, it&amp;rsquo;s connection count.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Strategy of load balance, &lt;code>random&lt;/code>, &lt;code>roundrobin&lt;/code> and &lt;code>leastactive&lt;/code> are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Asynchronous execution, not reliable. It does not block the execution thread just only ignores the return value.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> means use the default proxy class name, which is the interface name with &lt;code>Local&lt;/code> as the suffix.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> means use the default mock class name, which is the interface name with &lt;code>Mock&lt;/code> suffix.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Enable token validation. Disable token if it&amp;rsquo;s null. It will generate token randomly when it is enable.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, register to all registries&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Register services to specified registry while having multiple registries. It is the &lt;code>id&lt;/code> value of the &amp;lt;dubbo:registry&amp;gt;. If don&amp;rsquo;t want to register to any registry, set it as &lt;code>N/A&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether the service is registered dynamically. If false, services will be showed as &lt;code>disable&lt;/code>, you need to enable it manually. And you also need to disable it when provider shut down.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> will write access log to logger. Specifying it to a log path, you can write access logs to special log file.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The owner of the service. It&amp;rsquo;s used for service governance.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service document URL&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The weight of the service&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum parallel execution request count per method per service for the provider.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum concurrent calls per method per service of the consumer.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The proxy implement, jdk/javassist are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Mark the service is deprecated. If true, there will log an error log on the client side.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The queue size of the Thread Pool. It&amp;rsquo;s recommended not to specify it in order to invoke other provides rather than queueing unless you have special requirement.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Serialization encoding&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The buffer size of networking IO&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>CPU + 1&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The size of io Thread Pool(Fixed). These threads are used to receive, serialize and deserialize IO data. See &lt;code>threads&lt;/code> for configuring business thread pool. It&amp;rsquo;s not recommended to configure this.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Supported telnet commands, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate commands.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Empty string&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The biz layer of the service provider, such as biz, dao, intl:web and china:acton.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:reference</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>The configuration of service consumer. The corresponding class is&lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ReferenceConfig&lt;/code>&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Bean Id of the service reference&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Interface name of the service&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service version, must be equal to the provider&amp;rsquo;s version&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The group of the service reference, must be equal to the provider&amp;rsquo;s group. It can distinguish services when it has multiple implements.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; timeout&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The RPC timeout(ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; retries&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The retry count for RPC, not including the first invoke. Please set it to 0 if don&amp;rsquo;t need to retry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; connections&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum connections of every provider. For short connection such as rmi, http and hessian, it&amp;rsquo;s connection limit, but for long connection such as dubbo, it&amp;rsquo;s connection count.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; loadbalance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Strategy of load balance, &lt;code>random&lt;/code>, &lt;code>roundrobin&lt;/code> and &lt;code>leastactive&lt;/code> are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; async&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Asynchronous execution, not reliable. It does not block the execution thread just only ignores the return value.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; generic&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Enable generic interface. If true, the reference will return &lt;code>GenericService&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, use &amp;lt;dubbo:consumer&amp;gt; check&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Check the exist of the provider. If true, it will throw exception when provider is not exist. If false, will ignore.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Connect to the provider directly via this url. It will bypass the registry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.6&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The local proxy class name of the client, it&amp;rsquo;s used to execute local logic such as caching. The proxy class must have a constructor with the remote proxy object as a parameter, such as &lt;code>public XxxServiceLocal(XxxService xxxService)&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The mock class name. It&amp;rsquo;s called when the RPC is failed, such as timeout or IO exception. The mock class must carry a none parameter constructor. The difference between mock and local proxy is that local proxy is always invoked before RPC but mock is invoked only when exception after RPC.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.13&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>lru, threadlocal, jcache等Using RPC parameters as the key to cache the result. &lt;code>lru&lt;/code>, &lt;code>threadlocal&lt;/code> and &lt;code>jcache&lt;/code> are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Enable JSR303 annotation validation. If true, it will validate the method parameters&amp;rsquo; annotations.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The proxy implement, jdk/javassist are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.2&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The transport type of the client, such as netty and mina for dubbo protocol.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>By default, it will merge all the service providers that getting from all registries&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Get provider lists from the specified registry. It is the &lt;code>id&lt;/code> value of the &amp;lt;dubbo:registry&amp;gt;, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple regsitries id.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The owner of the service. It&amp;rsquo;s used for service governance.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum concurrent calls per method per service of the consumer.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The filter name of the RPC process of the reference, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple filter names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The listener name of the reference, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple listener names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The biz layer of the service provider, such as biz, dao, intl:web and china:acton.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>If true, init the service reference when &lt;code>afterPropertiesSet()&lt;/code>is invoked, or it will init later only when it is referenced and autowired.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.10&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Only invoke the providers with specified protocol, and ignore other protocol providers.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.2.0&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:registry</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>The configuration of the registry center. The corresponding class is &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig&lt;/code>. If you have multiple different registries, you can declare multiple &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:registry&amp;gt;&lt;/code> tags, and then reference specified registry with &lt;code>registry&lt;/code> property in &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:service&amp;gt;&lt;/code> or &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:reference&amp;gt;&lt;/code> tag.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Bean Id of the registry center, can be referenced in &amp;lt;dubbo:service registry=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;or &amp;lt;dubbo:reference registry=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The address of the registry center. If the address has no port, default port 9999 will be adopted. Multiple addresses within the same cluster use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to seperate, such as &lt;code>ip:port,ip:port&lt;/code>. Multiple registries within different cluster, please configure different &lt;code>dubbo:registry&lt;/code> tag.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.16&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The protocol of the registry center. &lt;code>dubbo&lt;/code>, &lt;code>multicast&lt;/code>, &lt;code>zookeeper&lt;/code>, &lt;code>redis&lt;/code>, &lt;code>consul(2.7.1)&lt;/code>, &lt;code>sofa(2.7.2)&lt;/code>, &lt;code>etcd(2.7.2)&lt;/code>, &lt;code>nacos(2.7.2)&lt;/code> are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The default port of the registry. When the &lt;code>address&lt;/code> has no port, this default port will be adopted.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The usename of the registry. Do not set it if the registry doesn&amp;rsquo;t need validation.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The password of the registry. Do not set it if the registry doesn&amp;rsquo;t need validation.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>mina, netty are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The timeout(ms) of the request to registry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The session timeout(ms) of the registry. It&amp;rsquo;s used to check whether the providers are alive. It depends on the implement of the registry. For example, for HeartBeat implement, the timeout is the interval of two heart beats.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.1.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The local file to cache the address list of registries and providers. When application restarts, it will restore the registries and providers. Please use different file for different registy.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Stop wait for a notice completion time (ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether throwing exception while the registry isn&amp;rsquo;t existed.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>whether registering to the registry center. If false, just subscribing, not registering.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>whether subscribing from the registry center. If false, just registering, not subscribing.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether the service is registered dynamically. If false, services will be showed as &lt;code>disable&lt;/code>, you need to enable it manually. And you also need to disable it when provider shut down.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service registration grouping, cross-group services will not affect each other, and can not be called each other, suitable for environmental isolation.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Registered with the registry URL whether to adopt the lean mode (compatible with low version)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.7.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>In simplified = true, extraKeys allows you to outside the default arguments put additional key in the URL, format: &amp;ldquo;interface, key1, key2&amp;rdquo;.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.7.0&lt;/td>
&lt;/table></description></item><item><title>Docs: dubbo:service</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid><description>
&lt;p>The configuration of the service provider. The corresponding class is &lt;code>org.apache.dubbo.config.ServiceConfig&lt;/code>.&lt;/p>
&lt;th>Corresponding URL parameter&lt;/th>
&lt;th>Default Value&lt;/th>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The service interface name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The reference to the service implementation&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service version. It&amp;rsquo;s recommended to use 2 digitals such as &lt;code>1.0&lt;/code>. It&amp;rsquo;s necessary to upgrade version only when the service is not compatible.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The group of the service providers. It can distinguish services when it has multiple implements.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>default value is the interface name&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service discovery&lt;/td>
&lt;td>In 1.0, service path is not supported, it&amp;rsquo;s always equals to the interface name. So it may not compitable when a service reference in 1.0 calls a service provider in 2.0 that specified path.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.12&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The delay time(ms) for registering services. When set to -1, it indicates that the services will expose to registry after the Spring context is initialized&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 1.0.14&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The RPC timeout(ms)&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The retry count for RPC, not including the first invoke. Please set it to 0 if don&amp;rsquo;t need to retry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum connections of every provider. For short connection such as rmi, http and hessian, it&amp;rsquo;s connection limit, but for long connection such as dubbo, it&amp;rsquo;s connection count.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Strategy of load balance, &lt;code>random&lt;/code>, &lt;code>roundrobin&lt;/code> and &lt;code>leastactive&lt;/code> are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Asynchronous execution, not reliable. It does not block the execution thread just only ignores the return value.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> means use the default proxy class name, which is the interface name with &lt;code>Local&lt;/code> as the suffix. But it has been marked as @Deprecated.Pleas see also stub.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> means use the default proxy class name, which is the interface name with &lt;code>Stub&lt;/code> as the suffix. It&amp;rsquo;s used to execute local logic such as caching. The proxy class must have a constructor with the remote proxy object as a parameter, such as &lt;code>public XxxServiceStub(XxxService xxxService)&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> means use the default mock class name, which is the interface name with &lt;code>Mock&lt;/code> suffix. It&amp;rsquo;s called when the RPC is failed, such as timeout or IO exception. The mock class must carry a none parameter constructor. The difference between mock and local proxy is that local proxy is always invoked before RPC but mock is invoked only when exception after RPC.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Enable token validation. Disable token if it&amp;rsquo;s null. It will generate token randomly when enable, or will use static token. The token is designed to prevent consumers from bypassing the registry direct access to provider. If you want peer to peer, token validation must disbable.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>register to all registries by default&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Register services to specified registry while having multiple registries. It is the &lt;code>id&lt;/code> value of the &amp;lt;dubbo:registry&amp;gt;. If don&amp;rsquo;t want to register to any registry, set it as &lt;code>N/A&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>use the first configured provider&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The reference to &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:provider&amp;gt;&lt;/code>&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.0&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Mark the service is deprecated. If true, there will log an error log on the client side.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether the service is registered dynamically. If false, services will be showed as &lt;code>disable&lt;/code>, you need to enable it manually. And you also need to disable it when provider shut down.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>&lt;code>true&lt;/code> will write access log to logger. Specifying it to a log path, you can write access logs to special log file.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The owner of the service. It&amp;rsquo;s used for service governance.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service document URL&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The weight of the service&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The maximum parallel execution request count per method per service for the provider.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The proxy implement, jdk/javassist are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>failover/failfast/failsafe/failback/forking are available.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The filter name of the RPC process of the provider, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple filter names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Performance optimize&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The listener name of the provider, use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple listener names.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Configuration association&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Specify the protocol for service provider. It references the &lt;code>id&lt;/code> of &lt;code>&amp;lt;dubbo:protocol&amp;gt;&lt;/code> tag. Use &lt;code>,&lt;/code> to separate multiple protocols.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.5&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>The biz layer of the service provider, such as biz, dao, intl:web and china:acton.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.7&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Service governance&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Whether registering service providers to registry.&lt;/td>
&lt;td>Above 2.0.8&lt;/td>