blob: 666b6f2eec3a7aca64ce85497bab1e140a2e3da6 [file] [log] [blame]
# i18n messages for the English version site (
other = "Caution:"
other = "Cleaning up"
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other = "You are viewing documentation for Dubbo version:"
other = " documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the "
other = "Deprecated"
other = "Browse Docs"
other = "Contributors"
other = "I AM..."
other = "Users"
other = "(this documentation)"
other = "Latest version"
other = "Older versions"
other = "End of Life:"
other = "Environment variables"
other = "Were you looking for:"
other = "Examples"
other = "FEATURE STATE:"
other = "Feedback"
other = "No"
other = "Was this page helpful?"
other = "Yes"
other = ","
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other = "JavaScript must be [enabled]( to view this content"
other = "Latest Release:"
other = "latest version."
other = "<< Prev"
other = "Next >>"
other = "Tell your story"
other = "Also known as"
other = "This glossary is intended to be a Dubbo terminology. It includes technical terms that are specific to Dubbo, as well as more general terms that provide useful context."
other = "Deselect all"
other = "indicators below to get a longer explanation for any particular term."
other = "Click on the"
other = "Filter terms according to their tags"
other = "Select all"
other = "suggest an improvement"
other = "Open an issue in the GitHub repo if you want to "
other = "or"
other = "report a problem"
other = "Thanks for the feedback. For any question, please ask on"
other = "Fetching results..."
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other = "Interested in contributing to the core Dubbo code base?"
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other = "Core Features"
other ="Page History"
other = "Page last modified on"
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other = "Read more"
# Localization teams: it's OK to use a longer text here
other = "n/a"
other = "Note:"
other = "Objectives"
other = "Options"
other = "This article is more than one year old. Older articles may contain outdated content. Check that the information in the page has not become incorrect since its publication."
other = "Attention: The feature described in this doc is still under development or is in a very early stage, please keep updated!"
other = "Create an issue"
other = "Before you begin"
other = "Patch Releases:"
other = ")"
other = "(released: "
# See
# Use a suitable format for your locale
other = "2006-01-02"
other = "See Also"
other = "Subscribe"
other = "Synopsis"
other = "Search"
other = "Your Dubbo Framework must be version "
other = "Your Dubbo Framework must be at or later than version "
other = "To check the version, enter "
other = "Versions"
other = "Warning:"
other = "What's next"
other = "Building Enterprise Microservices with Dubbo!"
other = "Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use, high-performance WEB and RPC framework with builtin service discovery, traffic management, observability, security features, tools and best practices for building enterprise-level microservices."
other = "\"Dubbo was invented in Alibaba and has been successfully supporting billions of services for years!\""
other = "Learn More"
other = "Quick Start"