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title = "Apache Dubbo"
linkTitle = "Apache Dubbo Website"
{{< blocks/cover title="Apache Dubbo" image_anchor="top" height="auto" color="primary" >}}
<div class="mx-auto">
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<p class="lead mt-5">Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based open source RPC framework.</p>
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{{% blocks/lead color="primary" %}}
Dubbo |ˈdʌbəʊ| offers six key functionalities, which include transparent interface based RPC, intelligent load balancing, automatic service registration and discovery, high extensibility, runtime traffic routing, and visualized service governance.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fas fa-exchange-alt" title="Transparent interface based RPC" %}}
Dubbo provides high performance interface based RPC, which is transparent to users.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fas fa-random" title="Intelligent load balancing" %}}
Dubbo supports multiple load balancing strategies out of the box, which perceives downstream service status to reduce overall latency and improve system throughput.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fa fa-share-alt" title="Automatic service registration and discovery" %}}
Dubbo supports multiple service registries, which can detect service online/offline instantly.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fad fa-expand" title="High extensibility" %}}
Dubbo's micro-kernel and plugin design ensures that it can easily be extended by third party implementation across core features like Protocol, Transport, and Serialization.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fas fa-traffic-light" title="Runtime traffic routing" %}}
Dubbo can be configured at runtime so that traffic can be routed according to different rules, which makes it easy to support features like blue-green deployment, data center aware routing, etc.
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fas fa-sliders-h" title="Visualized service governance" %}}
Dubbo provides rich tools for service governance and maintenance such as querying service metadata, health status and statistics.
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{{% blocks/lead color="info" %}}
Who is using Dubbo
Providing your info on [Wanted: who's using dubbo]( to help improving dubbo better
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{{% blocks/feature icon="far fa-envelope" title=" Subscribe **mailing list**" %}} to discuss with the community
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fab fa-github" title="Contributions welcome!" url="" %}}
We do a [Pull Request]( contributions workflow on **GitHub**. New users are always welcome!
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{{% blocks/feature icon="fas fa-bullhorn" title="Read our blogs" url="/en/blog" %}}
For announcement of latest features etc.
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