blob: 0c00ce81fb8c47286971d30acdc50a040bd52a97 [file] [log] [blame]
# i18n messages for the Chinese version site (
# 修改此文件时请维持与英文版顺序一致
other = "注意:"
other = "清理现场"
other = "事件日历"
other = "论坛"
other = "GitHub"
other = "Slack"
other = "Stack Overflow"
other = "Twitter"
other = "YouTube"
other = "您正在查看 Dubbo 版本的文档:"
other = " 版本的文档已不再维护。您现在看到的版本来自于一份静态的快照。如需查阅最新文档,请点击"
other = "已过时"
other = "浏览文档"
other = "贡献者"
other = "我是..."
other = "用户"
other = "(本文档)"
other = "最新版本"
other = "较老版本"
other = "不再支持:"
other = "环境变量"
other = "你是否在搜索:"
other = "示例"
other = "特性状态:"
other = "反馈"
other = "否"
other = "此页是否对您有帮助?"
other = "是"
other = "、"
other = "电子邮件地址"
other = "必须[启用]( JavaScript 才能查看此页内容"
other = "最新发行版本:"
other = "最新版本。"
other = "<< 前一篇"
other = "后一篇 >>"
other = "分享您的故事"
other = "亦称作"
other = "这是一个关于 Dubbo 的术语。其中包含特定于 Dubbo 的技术术语以及能够构造有用的语境的一般性术语。"
other = "全不选"
other = "下面的指示符号获取特定术语的更为完整的描述。"
other = "点击"
other = "根据标签过滤术语"
other = "全选"
other = "提出改进建议"
other = "在 GitHub 仓库上登记新的问题"
other = "或者"
other = "报告问题"
other = "感谢反馈。如果您有一个关于如何使用 Dubbo 的特定的、需要答案的问题,可以访问"
other = "检索结果中.."
other = "由:"
other = "了解社区"
other = "贡献"
other = "修改本页面"
other = "报告 GitHub 问题"
other = "想要修改 Dubbo 的核心源代码?"
other = "在 GitHub 上查看"
other = "核心特性"
other ="页面历史"
other = "页面最后一次修改于"
other = "了解"
other = "进一步了解"
# Localization teams: it's OK to use a longer text here
other = "不适用"
other = "说明:"
other = "教程目标"
other = "选项"
other = "该文章内容发布已经超过一年,请注意检查文章中内容是否过时。"
other = "注意:此文档描述的内容正在建设中或处于功能早期阶段,请持续关注文档更新!"
other = "过时的文章"
other = "创建子页面"
other = "登记问题"
other = "准备开始"
other = "补丁版本:"
other = ")"
# See
# Use a suitable format for your locale
other = "2006-01-02"
other = "另请参见"
other = "订阅"
other = "简介"
other = "搜索"
other = "Dubbo 框架版本必须是 "
other = "Dubbo 框架版本必须不低于版本 "
other = "要获知版本信息,请输入 "
other = "版本列表"
other = "警告:"
other = "接下来"
other = "为构建企业级微服务提供框架、通信、服务治理能力"
other = "Apache Dubbo 是一款易用、高性能的 WEB 和 RPC 框架,同时为构建企业级微服务提供服务发现、流量治理、可观测、认证鉴权等能力、工具与最佳实践。"
other = "\"Dubbo3 已在阿里巴巴内部微服务集群全面落地,用于升级运行多年的 HSF2 框架。\""
other = "什么是 Dubbo"
other = "快速开始"