Add OpenTelemetry blog (#2915)

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+description: "This case shows using OpenTelemetry as the Tracer in the Dubbo project to report the Trace information to the Otlp Collector, which then forwards it to Zipkin and Jagger."
+linkTitle: Tracing Dubbo With OpenTelemetry
+date: 2024-01-31
+tags: ["ecosystem", "tracing", "OpenTelemetry"]
+## Overview
+This case shows using OpenTelemetry(otlp) as the Tracer in the Dubbo project to report the Trace information to the Otlp Collector, which then forwards it to Zipkin and Jagger. [Code address](
+It consists of three parts:
+- dubbo-samples-spring-boot-tracing-otel-oltp-interface
+- dubbo-samples-spring-boot-tracing-otel-oltp-provider
+- dubbo-samples-spring-boot-tracing-otel-oltp-consumer
+## Architecture
+![architecture architecture](/imgs/v3/tasks/observability/tracing/otlp/demo_arch.png)
+## Quick Start
+### Install & start Otlp Collector
+Follow [OpenTelemetry Collector Quick Start]( to start the otlp collector.
+### Start Provider
+Run `org.apache.dubbo.springboot.demo.provider.ProviderApplication` directly from IDE.
+### Start Consumer
+Start `org.apache.dubbo.springboot.demo.consumer.ConsumerApplication` directly from IDE.
+### View trace information
+Open the zipkin dashboard `http://localhost:9411/zipkin/` in the browser:
+Open the Jaeger dashboard `http://localhost:16686/search` in the browser:
+## How to use it in Spring Boot project
+### 1. Add dependencies to your project
+For Spring Boot projects, you can use `dubbo-spring-boot-tracing-otel-otlp-starter`:
+<!-- OpenTelemetry as Tracer, Otlp as exporter -->
+    <groupId>org.apache.dubbo</groupId>
+    <artifactId>dubbo-spring-boot-tracing-otel-otlp-starter</artifactId>
+### 2. Configuration
+#### application.yml
+  tracing:
+    enabled: true # default is false
+    sampling:
+      probability: 0.5 # sampling rate, default is 0.1
+    propagation:
+      type: W3C # W3C/B3 default is W3C
+    tracing-exporter:
+      otlp-config:
+        endpoint: http://localhost:4317
+        timeout: 10s # default is 10s
+        compression-method: none # none/gzip The method used to compress payloads, default is "none"
+        headers: # customized added headers, default is empty
+          auth: admin
+# tracing info output to logging
+  level:
+    root: info
+  pattern:
+    console: '[%d{dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss:SSS z}] %t %5p %c{2} [%X{traceId:-}, %X{spanId:-}]: %m%n'
+## How to use based on Dubbo API
+### 1. Add dependencies to your project
+    <!-- Required, dubbo-tracing core dependency -->
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>org.apache.dubbo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>dubbo-tracing</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <!-- Opentelemetry as Tracer -->
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId>
+        <artifactId>micrometer-tracing-bridge-otel</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <!-- OTlp as exporter -->
+    <dependency>
+        <groupId>io.opentelemetry</groupId>
+        <artifactId>opentelemetry-exporter-otlp</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+### 2. Configuration
+TracingConfig tracingConfig = new TracingConfig();
+// Enable dubbo tracing
+// Set the sampling
+tracingConfig.setSampling(new SamplingConfig(1.0f));
+// Set Propagation, default is W3C, optional W3C/B3
+tracingConfig.setPropagation(new PropagationConfig("W3C"));
+// Set trace reporting
+ExporterConfig exporterConfig = new ExporterConfig();
+// Set up trace reporting to Zipkin
+exporterConfig.setZipkin(new ExporterConfig.OtlpConfig("http://localhost:4317", Duration.ofSeconds(10), "none"));
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