translate core-features/observability into English (#2833)

* Update

translate core/features/observability into English

* Update

update title
diff --git a/content/en/overview/core-features/ b/content/en/overview/core-features/
index f235652..9fecaf2 100644
--- a/content/en/overview/core-features/
+++ b/content/en/overview/core-features/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 type: docs
-title: "观测服务"
-linkTitle: "观测服务"
+title: "Observability"
+linkTitle: "Observability"
 weight: 60
 description: ""
@@ -10,45 +10,45 @@
     Multi-dimensional observable indicators (Metrics, Tracing, Accesslog) help to understand the service running status, Admin console, Grafana, etc. help realize the visual display of data indicators.
-Dubbo 内部维护了多个纬度的可观测指标,并且支持多种方式的可视化监测。可观测性指标从总体上来说分为三个度量纬度:
+Dubbo maintains observability metrics across multiple dimensions and supports various methods of visual monitoring. Observability metrics can be broadly categorized into three measurement dimensions:
-* **Admin。** Admin 控制台可视化展示了集群中的应用、服务、实例及依赖关系,支持流量治理规则下发,同时还提供如服务测试、mock、文档管理等提升研发测试效率的工具。
+* **Admin.** The Admin console provides a visual representation of applications, services, instances, and dependency relationships within the cluster. It supports the issuance of traffic governance rules. Additionally, it offers tools such as service testing, mocking, and document management to enhance the efficiency of development and testing processes.
-* **Metrics。** Dubbo 统计了一系列的流量指标如 QPS、RT、成功请求数、失败请求数等,还包括一系列的内部组件状态如线程池数、服务健康状态等。
+* **Metrics.** Dubbo collects a range of traffic metrics such as QPS (Queries Per Second), RT (Response Time), successful requests, failed requests, and also includes various internal component statuses like thread pool count, service health status, and more.
-* **Tracing。** Dubbo 与业界主流的链路追踪工作做了适配,包括 Skywalking、Zipkin、Jaeger 都支持 Dubbo 服务的链路追踪。
+* **Tracing.** Dubbo has been adapted to work with mainstream industry-level distributed tracing tools, including Skywalking, Zipkin, and Jaeger. These tools all support the tracing of Dubbo services.
-* **Logging。** Dubbo 支持多种日志框架适配。以 Java 体系为例,支持包括 Slf4j、Log4j2、Log4j、Logback、Jcl 等,用户可以基于业务需要选择合适的框架;同时 Dubbo 还支持 Access Log 记录请求踪迹。
+* **Logging.** Dubbo supports adaptation to multiple logging frameworks. In the Java ecosystem, it provides support for various frameworks including Slf4j, Log4j2, Log4j, Logback, Jcl, etc. Users can choose the appropriate framework based on their business requirements. Additionally, Dubbo also supports Access Log to record request traces.
 ## Admin
-Admin 控制台可视化展示了集群中的应用、服务、实例及依赖关系,支持流量治理规则下发,同时还提供如服务测试、mock、文档管理等提升研发测试效率的工具
+The Admin console provides a visual representation of applications, services, instances, and dependency relationships within the cluster. It supports the issuance of traffic governance rules. Additionally, it offers tools such as service testing, mocking, and document management to enhance the efficiency of development and testing processes.
-![Admin 效果图](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/admin.jpg)
+![Admin rendering](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/admin.jpg)
-* [Admin 部署与效果演示](#)
+* [Admin deployment and effect demonstration](#)
 ## Metrics
-Dubbo 运行时统计了包括 qps、rt、调用总数、成功数、失败数,失败原因统计等在内的核心服务指标,同时,为了更好的监测服务运行状态,Dubbo 还提供了对核心组件状态的监控,如线程池数量、服务健康状态等。
+At runtime, Dubbo collects core service metrics, including QPS (Queries Per Second), RT (Response Time), total invocations, successful invocations, and failure statistics, along with reasons for failures. Additionally, for more effective monitoring of service operation, Dubbo offers monitoring of essential component states such as thread pool count and service health status.
-可以通过 Grafana 可视化的查看 Metrics 指标
+You can visualize the metrics using Grafana.
-![Grafana 效果图](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/grafana.png)
+![Grafana rendering](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/grafana.png)
-* [使用 Grafana 可视化展示 Metrics 指标](#)
-* [如何从 Prometheus 查询特定 Metrics 指标](#)
+* [Use Grafana for visualizing metrics](#)
+* [How to Query Specific Metrics from Prometheus](#)
 ## Tracing
-全链路追踪对于监测分布式系统运行状态具有非常重要的价值,Dubbo 通过 Filter 拦截器实现了请求运行时的埋点跟踪,通过将跟踪数据导出到一些主流实现如 Zipkin、Skywalking、Jaeger 等,可以实现全链路跟踪数据的分析与可视化展示。
+Full link tracing holds significant value in monitoring the operational status of distributed systems. Dubbo achieves runtime pointcut tracing through Filter interceptors. By exporting trace data to prominent platforms like Zipkin, Skywalking, Jaeger, etc., comprehensive end-to-end tracking data analysis and visual representation can be accomplished.
-![Tracing 效果图](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/tracing.png)
+![Tracing rendering](/imgs/v3/feature/observability/tracing.png)
-只需要简单的一行配置即可切换链路跟踪的后端实现,并且,你可以随时通过 Dubbo Admin 等治理平台动态调整 Dubbo 的链路追踪采样率,对于问题排查都非常有价值。
+With just a simple line of configuration, you can switch the backend implementation for tracing. Moreover, you have the flexibility to dynamically adjust Dubbo's tracing sampling rate through governance platforms like Dubbo Admin, which proves highly valuable for troubleshooting.
-* [基于 Skywalking 实现全链路追踪](#)
-* [基于 Zipkin 实现全链路追踪](#)
+* [Realize full-link tracking based on Skywalking](#)
+* [Full link tracking based on Zipkin](#)
 ## Logging
+Access logs can assist in analyzing system traffic. In certain scenarios, enabling access logs can also be very helpful for troubleshooting issues.
-* [开启 Access Log](#)
-* [你还在运行态开启 Access Log](#)
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+* [Enable Access Log](#)
+* [Enable Access Log in running state](#)
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