blob: 99e701926e9224cb996d29f6a6bedf824034913e [file] [log] [blame]
import React from 'react';
export default {
'zh-cn': {
brand: {
brandName: 'Apache Dubbo',
briefIntroduction: 'Apache Dubbo™ 是一款高性能Java RPC框架。',
getStartedButton: {
text: '快速开始',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/quick-start.html',
viewOnGithubButton: {
text: 'GITHUB',
link: '',
introduction: {
title: '高性能Java RPC框架',
desc: 'Apache Dubbo |ˈdʌbəʊ| 是一款高性能、轻量级的开源Java RPC框架,它提供了三大核心能力:面向接口的远程方法调用,智能容错和负载均衡,以及服务自动注册和发现。',
img: '/img/architecture.png',
features: {
title: '特性一览',
list: [
img: '/img/feature_transpart.png',
title: '面向接口代理的高性能RPC调用',
content: '提供高性能的基于代理的远程调用能力,服务以接口为粒度,为开发者屏蔽远程调用底层细节。',
img: '/img/feature_loadbalances.png',
title: '智能负载均衡',
content: '内置多种负载均衡策略,智能感知下游节点健康状况,显著减少调用延迟,提高系统吞吐量。',
img: '/img/feature_service.png',
title: '服务自动注册与发现',
content: '支持多种注册中心服务,服务实例上下线实时感知。',
img: '/img/feature_hogh.png',
title: '高度可扩展能力',
content: '遵循微内核+插件的设计原则,所有核心能力如Protocol、Transport、Serialization被设计为扩展点,平等对待内置实现和第三方实现。',
img: '/img/feature_runtime.png',
title: '运行期流量调度',
content: '内置条件、脚本等路由策略,通过配置不同的路由规则,轻松实现灰度发布,同机房优先等功能。',
img: '/img/feature_maintenance.png',
title: '可视化的服务治理与运维',
content: '提供丰富服务治理、运维工具:随时查询服务元数据、服务健康状态及调用统计,实时下发路由策略、调整配置参数。',
start: {
title: '快速开始',
desc: '只需通过几行代码即可快速构建一个Dubbo应用。',
img: '/img/quick_start.png',
button: {
text: '阅读更多',
link: '/zh-cn/docs/user/quick-start.html',
users: {
title: '谁在使用Dubbo',
desc: <span>请在 <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="">Wanted: who&#39;s using dubbo</a> 上提供信息来帮助Dubbo做的更好。</span>,
list: [
// '/img/users_other1.png',
// '/img/users_other2.png'
'en-us': {
brand: {
brandName: 'Apache Dubbo',
briefIntroduction: 'Apache Dubbo™ is a high-performance, java based open source RPC framework.',
getStartedButton: {
text: 'GET STARTED',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/quick-start.html',
viewOnGithubButton: {
text: 'GITHUB',
link: '',
introduction: {
title: 'A high performance Java RPC framework',
desc: 'Apache Dubbo |ˈdʌbəʊ| is a high-performance, light weight, java based RPC framework. Dubbo offers three key functionalities, which include interface based remote call, fault tolerance & load balancing, and automatic service registration & discovery.',
img: '/img/architecture.png',
features: {
title: 'Feature List',
list: [
img: '/img/feature_transpart.png',
title: 'Transparent interface based RPC',
content: 'Dubbo provides high performance interface based RPC, which is transparent to users.',
img: '/img/feature_loadbalances.png',
title: 'Intelligent load balancing',
content: 'Dubbo supports multiple load balancing strategies out of the box, which perceives downstream service status to reduce overall latency and improve system throughput.',
img: '/img/feature_service.png',
title: 'Automatic service registration and discovery',
content: 'Dubbo supports multiple service registries, which can detect service online/offline instantly.',
img: '/img/feature_hogh.png',
title: 'High extensibility',
content: 'Dubbo\'s micro-kernel and plugin design ensures that it can easily be extended by third party implementation across core features like Protocol, Transport, and Serialization.',
img: '/img/feature_runtime.png',
title: 'Runtime traffic routing',
content: 'Dubbo can be configured at runtime so that traffic can be routed according to different rules, which makes it easy to support features like blue-green deployment, data center aware routing, etc.',
img: '/img/feature_maintenance.png',
title: 'Visualized service governance',
content: 'Dubbo provides rich tools for service governance and maintenance such as querying service metadata, health status and statistics.',
start: {
title: 'Quick start',
desc: 'This guide gets you started with dubbo in Java with a simple working example.',
img: '/img/quick_start.png',
button: {
text: 'READ MORE',
link: '/en-us/docs/user/quick-start.html',
users: {
title: 'Who is using Dubbo',
desc: <span>Providing your info on <a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="">Wanted: who&#39;s using dubbo</a> to help improving dubbo better</span>,
list: [
// '/img/users_other1.png',
// '/img/users_other2.png'