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This example shows how you can use triple protocol to do interoperate with standard gRPC.


As described in the Triple protocol documentation, Dubbo triple protocol is a better gRPC implementation which can be accessed by cURL and web browsers directly.

Serve As Standard gRPC Server

This part showcases how standard gRPC client written with gRPC-java consumes Triple protocol service written with Dubbo.

Start a Dubbo server

Make sure you are in dubbo-samples-triple-grpc directory and then run the following command:

$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.dubbo.samples.tri.grpc.interop.server.TriOpServer"

Call Triple server with standard gRPC client

Open a new terminal, enter dubbo-samples-triple-grpc directory and then run the following command:

$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.dubbo.samples.tri.grpc.interop.server.GrpcClient"

Consume Standard gRPC Server

This part showcases how Triple client written with Dubbo consumes gRPC service written with standard gRPC-java.

Start a standard gRPC server

$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.dubbo.samples.tri.grpc.interop.client.GrpcServer"

Call gRPC server with Dubbo client

$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.dubbo.samples.tri.grpc.interop.client.TriOpClient"