tree: 13e2b5297ce37b8a7ef5ff483c6c301d88edef6d [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. case-configuration.yml
  3. case-versions.conf
  4. pom.xml


Triple is an application layer's protocol based on HTTP/2, which supports interoperating with GRPC protocol naturally using Protobuf serialization. For non-protobuf applications, triple provides a compatible mode to upgrade without code modifications. So it is smooth to migrate to triple.

This sample project contains most scenarios of Dubbo and non-Dubbo interoperation.

For beginners

  1. Start a zookeeper or config other registry in org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiProvider and org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiConsumer
  2. Build with mvn clean install to generate protobuf classes.
  3. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiProvider
  4. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiConsumer

For dubbo2 or non-prototbuf users

Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiWrapperProvider and org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.ApiWrapperConsumer.

Dubbo3 will wrap request and response with a protobuf wrapper automatically, so it is still compatible with GRPC.

For Dubbo developers

Code under test folder is a general interoperation test suite for both Dubbo/Dubbo and Dubbo/GRPC.

Dubbo/Dubbo test

  1. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriGrpcProvider
  2. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriPbConsumerTest , org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriWrapConsumerTest and org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriGenericTest

Dubbo/GRPC test

GRPC --> Dubbo
  1. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriGrpcProvider
  2. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.grpc.GrpcConsumerTest
Dubbo --> GRPC
  1. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.grpc.GrpcProvider
  2. Run org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.TriPbConsumerTest