tree: 9044517873ae830c333ac227da553e4513d8d153 [path history] [tgz]
  1. protobuf-json-serialization-api/
  2. protobuf-json-serialization-demo/
  3. protobuf-json-serialization-implement/
  4. case-configuration.yml
  5. case-versions.conf
  6. pom.xml

About this sample

This sample code demonstrates building up dubbo service provider and service consumer with the pure API approach.

About Request and Response Entity

Google protocol file is in protobuf-json-serialization-api\src\main\resources\protobuf\googleProtobufBasic.proto. when protocol be modified, should refresh org.apache.dubbo.sample.protobuf.GoogleProtobufBasic.

  1. modify googleProtobufBasic.proto
  2. add protobuf-maven-plugin to dubbo-samples-protobuf\protobuf-json-serialization-api\pom.xml
  3. run bash mvn generate-sources
  4. copy code generated located in target directory to dubbo-samples-protobuf\protobuf-json-serialization-api\src\main\java

Start the service provider

Main class: org.apache.dubbo.sample.protobuf.provider.ProviderStarter

Invoke the service consumer

normar client
Main class: org.apache.dubbo.sample.protobuf.consumer.ConsumerStarter

generic reference
Main class: org.apache.dubbo.sample.protobuf.genericCall.GenericClient

About Service Metadata of protobuf Service

When invoke service with generic reference, we can construct request by referencing service meta data. Demo show how to use service meta data.
