blob: c7431a713de7e311b6ff04a2012e9c4c198b9bea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { RouterMeta } from '@/router/RouterMeta'
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'
import LayoutTab from '../layout/tab/layout_tab.vue'
import _ from 'lodash'
import AppTabHeaderSlot from '@/views/resources/applications/slots/AppTabHeaderSlot.vue'
import ServiceTabHeaderSlot from '@/views/resources/services/slots/ServiceTabHeaderSlot.vue'
import InstanceTabHeaderSlot from '@/views/resources/instances/slots/InstanceTabHeaderSlot.vue'
export declare type RouteRecordType = RouteRecordRaw & {
key?: string
name: string
children?: RouteRecordType[]
meta?: RouterMeta
export const routes: Readonly<RouteRecordType[]> = [
path: '/',
name: 'Root',
redirect: 'home',
component: () => import('../layout/index.vue'),
meta: {
skip: true
children: [
path: '/home',
name: 'homePage',
component: () => import('../views/home/index.vue'),
meta: {
icon: 'carbon:web-services-cluster'
path: '/resources',
name: 'resources',
meta: {
icon: 'carbon:web-services-cluster'
children: [
path: '/applications',
name: 'applications',
component: LayoutTab,
redirect: 'index',
meta: {
tab_parent: true,
slots: {
header: AppTabHeaderSlot
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'index',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/detail/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.detail',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/detail.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'tabler:list-details'
path: '/instance/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.instance',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/instance.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'ooui:instance-ltr'
path: '/service/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.service',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/service.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'carbon:web-services-definition'
path: '/monitor/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.monitor',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/monitor.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols-light:monitor-heart-outline'
path: '/tracing/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.tracing',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/tracing.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'game-icons:digital-trace'
path: '/config/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.config',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/config.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols:settings'
path: '/event/:pathId',
name: 'applicationDomain.event',
component: () => import('../views/resources/applications/tabs/event.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols:date-range'
path: '/instances',
name: 'instances',
component: LayoutTab,
redirect: 'all',
meta: {
tab_parent: true,
slots: {
header: InstanceTabHeaderSlot
children: [
path: '/all',
name: 'all',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/detail/:pathId',
name: 'instanceDomain.details',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/tabs/detail.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'tabler:list-details'
path: '/monitor/:pathId',
name: 'instanceDomain.monitor',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/tabs/monitor.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'ooui:instance-ltr'
path: '/linktracking/:pathId',
name: 'instanceDomain.linkTracking',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/tabs/linkTracking.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols-light:monitor-heart-outline'
path: '/configuration/:pathId',
name: 'instanceDomain.configuration',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/tabs/configuration.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols:settings'
path: '/event/:pathId',
name: 'instanceDomain.event',
component: () => import('../views/resources/instances/tabs/event.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'material-symbols:date-range'
path: '/services',
name: 'services',
redirect: 'search',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true,
slots: {
header: ServiceTabHeaderSlot
children: [
path: '/search',
name: 'search',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/search.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/distribution/:pathId',
name: 'distribution',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/distribution.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
// Temporarily hidden
// {
// path: '/detail/:pathId',
// name: 'detail',
// component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/detail.vue'),
// meta: {
// tab: true
// }
// },
path: '/debug/:pathId',
name: 'debug',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/debug.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
path: '/monitor/:pathId',
name: 'monitor',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/monitor.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
path: '/tracing/:pathId',
name: 'tracing',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/tracing.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
path: '/sceneConfig/:pathId',
name: 'sceneConfig',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/sceneConfig.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
path: '/event/:pathId',
name: 'event',
component: () => import('../views/resources/services/tabs/event.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true
path: '/traffic',
name: 'trafficManagement',
meta: {
icon: 'eos-icons:cluster-management'
children: [
path: '/routingRule',
name: 'routingRule',
redirect: 'index',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'routingRuleIndex',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/routingRule/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/formview/:ruleName',
name: 'routingRuleDomain.formView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/routingRule/tabs/formView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:apm-trace'
path: '/yamlview/:ruleName',
name: 'routingRuleDomain.YAMLView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/routingRule/tabs/YAMLView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console'
path: '/tagRule',
name: 'tagRule',
redirect: 'index',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'tagRuleIndex',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/tagRule/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/formview/:ruleName',
name: 'tagRuleDomain.formView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/tagRule/tabs/formView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:apm-trace'
path: '/yamlview/:ruleName',
name: 'tagRuleDomain.YAMLView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/tagRule/tabs/YAMLView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console'
path: '/dynamicConfig',
name: 'dynamicConfig',
redirect: 'index',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'dynamicConfigIndex',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/dynamicConfig/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/formview/:pathId/:isEdit',
name: 'dynamicConfigDomain.formView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/dynamicConfig/tabs/formView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:apm-trace',
back: '../../'
path: '/yamlview/:pathId/:isEdit',
name: 'dynamicConfigDomain.YAMLView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/dynamicConfig/tabs/YAMLView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console',
back: '../../'
path: '/event/:pathId/:isEdit',
name: 'dynamicConfigDomain.event',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/dynamicConfig/tabs/event.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console',
back: '../../'
path: '/meshRule',
name: 'meshRule',
children: [
path: '/virtualService',
name: 'virtualService',
redirect: 'index',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'virtualServiceIndex',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/virtualService/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/formview/:ruleName',
name: 'virtualServiceDomain.formView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/virtualService/tabs/formView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:apm-trace'
path: '/yamlview/:ruleName',
name: 'virtualServiceDomain.YAMLView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/virtualService/tabs/YAMLView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console'
path: '/destinationRule',
name: 'destinationRule',
redirect: 'index',
component: LayoutTab,
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'destinationRuleIndex',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/destinationRule/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/formview/:ruleName',
name: 'destinationRuleDomain.formView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/destinationRule/tabs/formView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:apm-trace'
path: '/yamlview/:ruleName',
name: 'destinationRuleDomain.YAMLView',
component: () => import('../views/traffic/destinationRule/tabs/YAMLView.vue'),
meta: {
tab: true,
icon: 'oui:app-console'
path: '/common',
name: 'commonDemo',
redirect: 'tab',
meta: {
icon: 'tdesign:play-demo'
children: [
path: '/tab',
name: 'tabDemo',
component: LayoutTab,
redirect: 'index',
meta: {
tab_parent: true
children: [
path: '/index',
name: 'tab_demo_index',
component: () => import('../views/common/tab_demo/index.vue'),
meta: {
hidden: true
path: '/tab1/:pathId',
name: 'tab1',
component: () => import('../views/common/tab_demo/tab1.vue'),
meta: {
icon: 'simple-icons:podman',
tab: true
path: '/tab2/:pathId',
name: 'tab2',
component: () => import('../views/common/tab_demo/tab2.vue'),
meta: {
icon: 'fontisto:docker',
tab: true
path: '/placeholder',
name: 'placeholder_demo',
component: () => import('../views/common/placeholder_demo/index.vue'),
meta: {}
path: '/:catchAll(.*)',
name: 'notFound',
component: () => import('../views/error/notFound.vue'),
meta: {
skip: true
function handlePath(...paths: any[]) {
return paths.join('/').replace(/\/+/g, '/')
function handleRoutes(
routes: readonly RouteRecordType[] | undefined,
parent: RouteRecordType | undefined
) {
if (!routes) return
for (const route of routes) {
if (parent) {
route.path = handlePath(parent?.path, route.path)
if (route.redirect) {
route.redirect = handlePath(route.path, route.redirect || '')
if (route.meta) {
route.meta._router_key = _.uniqueId('__router_key')
route.meta.parent = parent
// fixme, its really useful for tab_router judging how to show tab
route.meta.skip = route.meta.skip === true ? true : false
} else {
route.meta = {
_router_key: _.uniqueId('__router_key'),
skip: false
handleRoutes(route.children, route)
handleRoutes(routes, undefined)