blob: 01b425c2f37fede4b6448c0759a2da4b4e1cd53c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package model
import (
import (
import (
mesh_proto ""
config_core ""
const (
DefaultMesh = "default"
// NoMesh defines a marker that resource is not bound to a Mesh.
// Resources not bound to a mesh (ScopeGlobal) should have an empty string in Mesh field.
NoMesh = ""
// ResourceNameExtensionsUnsupported is a convenience constant
// that is meant to make source code more readable.
var ResourceNameExtensionsUnsupported = ResourceNameExtensions(nil)
func WithMesh(mesh string, name string) ResourceKey {
return ResourceKey{Mesh: mesh, Name: name}
func WithoutMesh(name string) ResourceKey {
return ResourceKey{Mesh: NoMesh, Name: name}
type ResourceKey struct {
Mesh string
Name string
type ResourceScope string
const (
ScopeMesh = "Mesh"
ScopeGlobal = "Global"
type DDSFlagType uint32
const (
// DDSDisabledFlag is a flag that indicates that this resource type is not sent using DDS.
DDSDisabledFlag = DDSFlagType(0)
// ZoneToGlobalFlag is a flag that indicates that this resource type is sent from Zone CP to Global CP.
ZoneToGlobalFlag = DDSFlagType(1)
// GlobalToAllZonesFlag is a flag that indicates that this resource type is sent from Global CP to all zones.
GlobalToAllZonesFlag = DDSFlagType(1 << 2)
// GlobalToAllButOriginalZoneFlag is a flag that indicates that this resource type is sent from Global CP to
// all zones except the zone where the resource was originally created. Today the only resource that has this
// flag is ZoneIngress.
GlobalToAllButOriginalZoneFlag = DDSFlagType(1 << 3)
const (
// GlobalToZoneSelector is selector for all flags that indicate resource sync from Global to Zone.
// Can't be used as DDS flag for resource type.
GlobalToZoneSelector = GlobalToAllZonesFlag | GlobalToAllButOriginalZoneFlag
// AllowedOnGlobalSelector is selector for all flags that indicate resource can be created on Global.
AllowedOnGlobalSelector = GlobalToAllZonesFlag
// AllowedOnZoneSelector is selector for all flags that indicate resource can be created on Zone.
AllowedOnZoneSelector = ZoneToGlobalFlag | GlobalToAllButOriginalZoneFlag
// Has return whether this flag has all the passed flags on.
func (kt DDSFlagType) Has(flag DDSFlagType) bool {
return kt&flag != 0
type ResourceSpec interface{}
type Resource interface {
GetMeta() ResourceMeta
GetSpec() ResourceSpec
SetSpec(ResourceSpec) error
Descriptor() ResourceTypeDescriptor
type ResourceHasher interface {
Hash() []byte
func Hash(resource Resource) []byte {
if r, ok := resource.(ResourceHasher); ok {
return r.Hash()
return HashMeta(resource)
func HashMeta(r Resource) []byte {
meta := r.GetMeta()
hasher := fnv.New128a()
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(r.Descriptor().Name))
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(meta.GetMesh()))
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(meta.GetName()))
_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(meta.GetVersion()))
return hasher.Sum(nil)
type ResourceValidator interface {
Validate() error
func Validate(resource Resource) error {
if rv, ok := resource.(ResourceValidator); ok {
return rv.Validate()
return nil
type OverviewResource interface {
SetOverviewSpec(resource Resource, insight Resource) error
type ResourceWithInsights interface {
NewInsightList() ResourceList
NewOverviewList() ResourceList
type ResourceTypeDescriptor struct {
// Name identifier of this resourceType this maps to the k8s entity and universal name.
Name ResourceType
// Resource a created element of this type
Resource Resource
// ResourceList a create list container of this type
ResourceList ResourceList
// ReadOnly if this type will be created, modified and deleted by the system.
ReadOnly bool
// AdminOnly if this type requires users to be admin to access.
AdminOnly bool
// Scope whether this resource is Global or Mesh scoped.
Scope ResourceScope
// DDSFlags a set of flags that defines how this entity is sent using DDS (if unset DDS is disabled).
DDSFlags DDSFlagType
// WsPath the path to access on the REST api.
WsPath string
// DubboctlArg the name of the cmdline argument when doing `get` or `delete`.
DubboctlArg string
// DubboctlListArg the name of the cmdline argument when doing `list`.
DubboctlListArg string
// AllowToInspect if it's required to generate Inspect API endpoint for this type
AllowToInspect bool
// IsPolicy if this type is a policy (Dataplanes, Insights, Ingresses are not policies as they describe either metadata or workload, Retries are policies).
IsPolicy bool
// DisplayName the name of the policy showed as plural to be displayed in the UI and maybe CLI
SingularDisplayName string
// PluralDisplayName the name of the policy showed as plural to be displayed in the UI and maybe CLI
PluralDisplayName string
// IsExperimental indicates if a policy is in experimental state (might not be production ready).
IsExperimental bool
// IsPluginOriginated indicates if a policy is implemented as a plugin
IsPluginOriginated bool
// Schema contains an unmarshalled OpenAPI schema of the resource
Schema *spec.Schema
// Insight contains the insight type attached to this resourceType
Insight Resource
// Overview contains the overview type attached to this resourceType
Overview Resource
// DumpForGlobal whether resources of this type should be dumped when exporting a zone to migrate to global
DumpForGlobal bool
func newObject(baseResource Resource) Resource {
specType := reflect.TypeOf(baseResource.GetSpec()).Elem()
newSpec := reflect.New(specType).Interface().(ResourceSpec)
resType := reflect.TypeOf(baseResource).Elem()
resource := reflect.New(resType).Interface().(Resource)
if err := resource.SetSpec(newSpec); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "could not set spec on the new resource"))
return resource
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewObject() Resource {
return newObject(d.Resource)
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewList() ResourceList {
listType := reflect.TypeOf(d.ResourceList).Elem()
return reflect.New(listType).Interface().(ResourceList)
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) HasInsights() bool {
return d.Insight != nil
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewInsight() Resource {
if !d.HasInsights() {
panic("No insight type precondition broken")
return newObject(d.Insight)
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewInsightList() ResourceList {
if !d.HasInsights() {
panic("No insight type precondition broken")
return d.Insight.Descriptor().NewList()
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewOverview() Resource {
if !d.HasInsights() {
panic("No insight type precondition broken")
return newObject(d.Overview)
func (d ResourceTypeDescriptor) NewOverviewList() ResourceList {
if !d.HasInsights() {
panic("No insight type precondition broken")
return d.Overview.Descriptor().NewList()
type TypeFilter interface {
Apply(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool
type TypeFilterFn func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool
func (f TypeFilterFn) Apply(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return f(descriptor)
func HasDDSFlag(flagType DDSFlagType) TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.DDSFlags.Has(flagType)
func HasDdsEnabled() TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.DDSFlags != DDSDisabledFlag
func HasDubboctlEnabled() TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.DubboctlArg != ""
func HasWsEnabled() TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.WsPath != ""
func AllowedToInspect() TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.AllowToInspect
func HasScope(scope ResourceScope) TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.Scope == scope
func IsPolicy() TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return descriptor.IsPolicy
func Named(names ...ResourceType) TypeFilter {
included := map[ResourceType]bool{}
for _, n := range names {
included[n] = true
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return included[descriptor.Name]
func Not(filter TypeFilter) TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
return !filter.Apply(descriptor)
func Or(filters ...TypeFilter) TypeFilter {
return TypeFilterFn(func(descriptor ResourceTypeDescriptor) bool {
for _, filter := range filters {
if filter.Apply(descriptor) {
return true
return false
type ByMeta []Resource
func (a ByMeta) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByMeta) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].GetMeta().GetMesh() == a[j].GetMeta().GetMesh() {
return a[i].GetMeta().GetName() < a[j].GetMeta().GetName()
return a[i].GetMeta().GetMesh() < a[j].GetMeta().GetMesh()
func (a ByMeta) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
const (
// K8sNamespaceComponent identifies the namespace component of a resource name on Kubernetes.
// The value is considered a part of user-facing dubbo API and should not be changed lightly.
// The value has a format of a Kubernetes label name.
K8sNamespaceComponent = ""
// K8sNameComponent identifies the name component of a resource name on Kubernetes.
// The value is considered a part of user-facing dubbo API and should not be changed lightly.
// The value has a format of a Kubernetes label name.
K8sNameComponent = ""
type ResourceType string
// ResourceNameExtensions represents an composite resource name in environments
// other than Universal.
// E.g., name of a Kubernetes resource consists of a namespace component
// and a name component that is local to that namespace.
// Technically, ResourceNameExtensions is a mapping between
// a component identifier and a component value, e.g.
// "" => "my-namespace"
// "" => "my-policy"
// Component identifier must be considered a part of user-facing dubbo API.
// In other words, it is supposed to be visible to users and should not be changed lightly.
// Component identifier might have any value, however, it's preferable
// to choose one that is intuitive to users of that particular environment.
// E.g., on Kubernetes component identifiers should use a label name format,
// like in "" and "".
type ResourceNameExtensions map[string]string
type ResourceMeta interface {
GetName() string
GetNameExtensions() ResourceNameExtensions
GetVersion() string
GetMesh() string
GetCreationTime() time.Time
GetModificationTime() time.Time
GetLabels() map[string]string
// ZoneOfResource returns zone from which the resource was synced to Global CP
// There is no information in the resource itself whether the resource is synced or created on the CP.
// Therefore, it's a caller responsibility to make use it only on synced resources.
func ZoneOfResource(res Resource) string {
if labels := res.GetMeta().GetLabels(); labels != nil && labels[mesh_proto.ZoneTag] != "" {
return labels[mesh_proto.ZoneTag]
parts := strings.Split(res.GetMeta().GetName(), ".")
return parts[0]
func ResourceOrigin(rm ResourceMeta) (mesh_proto.ResourceOrigin, bool) {
if labels := rm.GetLabels(); labels != nil && labels[mesh_proto.ResourceOriginLabel] != "" {
return mesh_proto.ResourceOrigin(labels[mesh_proto.ResourceOriginLabel]), true
return "", false
func IsLocallyOriginated(mode config_core.CpMode, r Resource) bool {
switch mode {
case config_core.Global:
origin, ok := ResourceOrigin(r.GetMeta())
return !ok || origin == mesh_proto.GlobalResourceOrigin
case config_core.Zone:
origin, ok := ResourceOrigin(r.GetMeta())
return !ok || origin == mesh_proto.ZoneResourceOrigin
return true
func MetaToResourceKey(meta ResourceMeta) ResourceKey {
if meta == nil {
return ResourceKey{}
return ResourceKey{
Mesh: meta.GetMesh(),
Name: meta.GetName(),
func ResourceListToResourceKeys(rl ResourceList) []ResourceKey {
rkey := []ResourceKey{}
for _, r := range rl.GetItems() {
rkey = append(rkey, MetaToResourceKey(r.GetMeta()))
return rkey
func ResourceListByMesh(rl ResourceList) (map[string]ResourceList, error) {
res := map[string]ResourceList{}
for _, r := range rl.GetItems() {
mrl, ok := res[r.GetMeta().GetMesh()]
if !ok {
mrl = r.Descriptor().NewList()
res[r.GetMeta().GetMesh()] = mrl
if err := mrl.AddItem(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func GetDisplayName(r Resource) string {
// prefer display name as it's more predictable, because
// * Kubernetes expects sorting to be by just a name. Considering suffix with namespace breaks this
// * When policies are synced to Zone, hash suffix also breaks sorting
if labels := r.GetMeta().GetLabels(); labels != nil && labels[mesh_proto.DisplayName] != "" {
return labels[mesh_proto.DisplayName]
return r.GetMeta().GetName()
func ResourceListHash(rl ResourceList) []byte {
hasher := fnv.New128()
for _, entity := range rl.GetItems() {
_, _ = hasher.Write(Hash(entity))
return hasher.Sum(nil)
type ResourceList interface {
GetItemType() ResourceType
GetItems() []Resource
NewItem() Resource
AddItem(Resource) error
GetPagination() *Pagination
SetPagination(pagination Pagination)
type Pagination struct {
Total uint32
NextOffset string
func (p *Pagination) GetTotal() uint32 {
return p.Total
func (p *Pagination) SetTotal(total uint32) {
p.Total = total
func (p *Pagination) GetNextOffset() string {
return p.NextOffset
func (p *Pagination) SetNextOffset(nextOffset string) {
p.NextOffset = nextOffset
func ErrorInvalidItemType(expected, actual interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid argument type: expected=%q got=%q", reflect.TypeOf(expected), reflect.TypeOf(actual))
type ResourceWithAddress interface {
AdminAddress(defaultAdminPort uint32) string
type PolicyItem interface {
GetDefault() interface{}
type TransformDefaultAfterMerge interface {
type Policy interface {
type PolicyWithToList interface {
GetToList() []PolicyItem
type PolicyWithFromList interface {
GetFromList() []PolicyItem
type PolicyWithSingleItem interface {
GetPolicyItem() PolicyItem