blob: f53ad8cf6c0b3ecc2721da9ea39a411fb9b4ca86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package grpc_handlers
import (
import (
registryv1alpha1 ""
type ResolveServiceHandler struct {
resolver resolve.Resolver
authorizationService services.AuthorizationService
func NewResolveServiceHandler() *ResolveServiceHandler {
return &ResolveServiceHandler{
resolver: resolve.NewResolver(),
authorizationService: services.NewAuthorizationService(),
func (handler *ResolveServiceHandler) GetModulePins(ctx context.Context, req *registryv1alpha1.GetModulePinsRequest) (*registryv1alpha1.GetModulePinsResponse, error) {
userID, _ := ctx.Value(constant.UserIDKey).(string)
// 首先检查用户权限,是否对repo有访问权限
var checkErr e.ResponseError
repositoryMap := map[string]*model.Repository{}
for _, moduleReference := range req.GetModuleReferences() {
fullName := moduleReference.GetOwner() + "/" + moduleReference.GetRepository()
repo, ok := repositoryMap[fullName]
if !ok {
repo, checkErr = handler.authorizationService.CheckRepositoryCanAccess(userID, moduleReference.GetOwner(), moduleReference.GetRepository())
if checkErr != nil {
logger.Sugar().Errorf("Error check: %v\n", checkErr.Error())
return nil, checkErr.Err()
repositoryMap[fullName] = repo
repositoryMap[fullName] = repo
moduleReferences, bufRefErr := bufmoduleref.NewModuleReferencesForProtos(req.GetModuleReferences()...)
if bufRefErr != nil {
logger.Sugar().Errorf("Error read mod ref from proto: %v\n", bufRefErr.Error())
return nil, e.NewInternalError(bufRefErr).Err()
// 获取所有的依赖commits
commits, err := handler.resolver.GetAllDependenciesFromModuleRefs(ctx, moduleReferences)
if err != nil {
logger.Sugar().Errorf("Error get all dependencies: %v\n", err.Error())
return nil, err.Err()
retPins := commits.ToProtoModulePins()
currentModulePins, curPinErr := bufmoduleref.NewModulePinsForProtos(req.GetCurrentModulePins()...)
if curPinErr != nil {
logger.Sugar().Errorf("Error read mod pins from proto: %v\n", curPinErr.Error())
return nil, e.NewInternalError(curPinErr).Err()
// 处理CurrentModulePins
for _, currentModulePin := range currentModulePins {
for _, moduleRef := range moduleReferences {
if currentModulePin.IdentityString() == moduleRef.IdentityString() {
// 需要更新的依赖,已经加入到了返回的结果中
ownerName := currentModulePin.Owner()
repositoryName := currentModulePin.Repository()
for _, commit := range commits {
// 如果current module pin在reference的查询出的commits内,则有breaking的可能
if commit.UserName == ownerName && commit.RepositoryName == repositoryName {
commitName := currentModulePin.Commit()
if commit.CommitName != commitName {
// 版本号不一样,存在breaking
respErr := e.NewInvalidArgumentError(fmt.Errorf("%s/%s (possible to cause breaking)", currentModulePin.Owner(), currentModulePin.Repository()))
logger.Sugar().Errorf("Error has breaking: %v\n", respErr.Error())
return nil, respErr.Err()
// 当前pin没有breaking的可能性,加入到返回结果中
protoPin := bufmoduleref.NewProtoModulePinForModulePin(currentModulePin)
retPins = append(retPins, protoPin)
return &registryv1alpha1.GetModulePinsResponse{
ModulePins: retPins,
}, nil