blob: 53cf85696069633bc5e9061dad038e0a97105a63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bufmoduleref
import (
import (
import (
modulev1alpha1 ""
const (
// Main is the default reference used if no other reference is specified.
Main = "main"
// FileInfo contains module file info.
type FileInfo interface {
// Path is the path of the file relative to the root it is contained within.
// This will be normalized, validated and never empty,
// This will be unique within a given Image.
Path() string
// ExternalPath returns the path that identifies this file externally.
// This will be unnormalized.
// Never empty. Falls back to Path if there is not an external path.
// Example:
// Assume we had the input path /foo/bar which is a local directory.
// Path: one/one.proto
// RootDirPath: proto
// ExternalPath: /foo/bar/proto/one/one.proto
ExternalPath() string
// IsImport returns true if this file is an import.
IsImport() bool
// ModuleIdentity is the module that this file came from.
// Note this *can* be nil if we did not build from a named module.
// All code must assume this can be nil.
// Note that nil checking should work since the backing type is always a pointer.
ModuleIdentity() ModuleIdentity
// Commit is the commit for the module that this file came from.
// This will only be set if ModuleIdentity is set, but may not be set
// even if ModuleIdentity is set, that is commit is optional information
// even if we know what module this file came from.
Commit() string
// WithIsImport returns this FileInfo with the given IsImport value.
WithIsImport(isImport bool) FileInfo
// NewFileInfo returns a new FileInfo.
// TODO: we should make moduleIdentity and commit options.
// TODO: we don't validate commit
func NewFileInfo(
path string,
externalPath string,
isImport bool,
moduleIdentity ModuleIdentity,
commit string,
) (FileInfo, error) {
return newFileInfo(
// ModuleOwner is a module owner.
// It just contains remote, owner.
// This is shared by ModuleIdentity.
type ModuleOwner interface {
Remote() string
Owner() string
// NewModuleOwner returns a new ModuleOwner.
func NewModuleOwner(
remote string,
owner string,
) (ModuleOwner, error) {
return newModuleOwner(remote, owner)
// ModuleOwnerForString returns a new ModuleOwner for the given string.
// This parses the path in the form remote/owner.
func ModuleOwnerForString(path string) (ModuleOwner, error) {
slashSplit := strings.Split(path, "/")
if len(slashSplit) != 2 {
return nil, newInvalidModuleOwnerStringError(path)
remote := strings.TrimSpace(slashSplit[0])
if remote == "" {
return nil, newInvalidModuleIdentityStringError(path)
owner := strings.TrimSpace(slashSplit[1])
if owner == "" {
return nil, newInvalidModuleIdentityStringError(path)
return NewModuleOwner(remote, owner)
// ModuleIdentity is a module identity.
// It just contains remote, owner, repository.
// This is shared by ModuleReference and ModulePin.
type ModuleIdentity interface {
Repository() string
// IdentityString is the string remote/owner/repository.
IdentityString() string
// NewModuleIdentity returns a new ModuleIdentity.
func NewModuleIdentity(
remote string,
owner string,
repository string,
) (ModuleIdentity, error) {
return newModuleIdentity(remote, owner, repository)
// ModuleIdentityForString returns a new ModuleIdentity for the given string.
// This parses the path in the form remote/owner/repository
// TODO: we may want to add a special error if we detect / or @ as this may be a common mistake.
func ModuleIdentityForString(path string) (ModuleIdentity, error) {
remote, owner, repository, err := parseModuleIdentityComponents(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewModuleIdentity(remote, owner, repository)
// ModuleReference is a module reference.
// It references either a branch, tag, or a commit.
// Note that since commits belong to branches, we can deduce
// the branch from the commit when resolving.
type ModuleReference interface {
// Prints either remote/owner/repository:{branch,commit}
// If the reference is equal to MainBranch, prints remote/owner/repository.
// Either branch, tag, or commit
Reference() string
// NewModuleReference returns a new validated ModuleReference.
func NewModuleReference(
remote string,
owner string,
repository string,
reference string,
) (ModuleReference, error) {
return newModuleReference(remote, owner, repository, reference)
// NewModuleReferenceForProto returns a new ModuleReference for the given proto ModuleReference.
func NewModuleReferenceForProto(protoModuleReference *modulev1alpha1.ModuleReference) (ModuleReference, error) {
return newModuleReferenceForProto(protoModuleReference)
// NewModuleReferencesForProtos maps the Protobuf equivalent into the internal representation.
func NewModuleReferencesForProtos(protoModuleReferences ...*modulev1alpha1.ModuleReference) ([]ModuleReference, error) {
if len(protoModuleReferences) == 0 {
return nil, nil
moduleReferences := make([]ModuleReference, len(protoModuleReferences))
for i, protoModuleReference := range protoModuleReferences {
moduleReference, err := NewModuleReferenceForProto(protoModuleReference)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
moduleReferences[i] = moduleReference
return moduleReferences, nil
// NewProtoModuleReferenceForModuleReference returns a new proto ModuleReference for the given ModuleReference.
func NewProtoModuleReferenceForModuleReference(moduleReference ModuleReference) *modulev1alpha1.ModuleReference {
return newProtoModuleReferenceForModuleReference(moduleReference)
// NewProtoModuleReferencesForModuleReferences maps the given module references into the protobuf representation.
func NewProtoModuleReferencesForModuleReferences(moduleReferences ...ModuleReference) []*modulev1alpha1.ModuleReference {
if len(moduleReferences) == 0 {
return nil
protoModuleReferences := make([]*modulev1alpha1.ModuleReference, len(moduleReferences))
for i, moduleReference := range moduleReferences {
protoModuleReferences[i] = NewProtoModuleReferenceForModuleReference(moduleReference)
return protoModuleReferences
// ModuleReferenceForString returns a new ModuleReference for the given string.
// If a branch, commit, draft, or tag is not provided, the "main" branch is used.
// This parses the path in the form remote/owner/repository{:branch,:commit,:draft,:tag}.
func ModuleReferenceForString(path string) (ModuleReference, error) {
remote, owner, repository, reference, err := parseModuleReferenceComponents(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if reference == "" {
// Default to the main branch if a ':' separator was not specified.
reference = Main
return NewModuleReference(remote, owner, repository, reference)
// IsCommitModuleReference returns true if the ModuleReference references a commit.
// If false, this means the ModuleReference references a branch or tag.
// Branch and tag disambiguation needs to be done server-side.
func IsCommitModuleReference(moduleReference ModuleReference) bool {
return IsCommitReference(moduleReference.Reference())
// IsCommitReference returns whether the provided reference is a commit.
func IsCommitReference(reference string) bool {
_, err := uuidutil.FromDashless(reference)
return err == nil
// ModulePin is a module pin.
// It references a specific point in time of a Module.
// Note that a commit does this itself, but we want all this information.
// This is what is stored in a buf.lock file.
type ModulePin interface {
// Prints remote/owner/repository:commit, which matches ModuleReference
// all of these will be set
Branch() string
Commit() string
Digest() string
CreateTime() time.Time
// NewModulePin returns a new validated ModulePin.
func NewModulePin(
remote string,
owner string,
repository string,
branch string,
commit string,
digest string,
createTime time.Time,
) (ModulePin, error) {
return newModulePin(remote, owner, repository, branch, commit, digest, createTime)
// NewModulePinForProto returns a new ModulePin for the given proto ModulePin.
func NewModulePinForProto(protoModulePin *modulev1alpha1.ModulePin) (ModulePin, error) {
return newModulePinForProto(protoModulePin)
// NewModulePinsForProtos maps the Protobuf equivalent into the internal representation.
func NewModulePinsForProtos(protoModulePins ...*modulev1alpha1.ModulePin) ([]ModulePin, error) {
if len(protoModulePins) == 0 {
return nil, nil
modulePins := make([]ModulePin, len(protoModulePins))
for i, protoModulePin := range protoModulePins {
modulePin, err := NewModulePinForProto(protoModulePin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modulePins[i] = modulePin
return modulePins, nil
// NewProtoModulePinForModulePin returns a new proto ModulePin for the given ModulePin.
func NewProtoModulePinForModulePin(modulePin ModulePin) *modulev1alpha1.ModulePin {
return newProtoModulePinForModulePin(modulePin)
// NewProtoModulePinsForModulePins maps the given module pins into the protobuf representation.
func NewProtoModulePinsForModulePins(modulePins ...ModulePin) []*modulev1alpha1.ModulePin {
if len(modulePins) == 0 {
return nil
protoModulePins := make([]*modulev1alpha1.ModulePin, len(modulePins))
for i, modulePin := range modulePins {
protoModulePins[i] = NewProtoModulePinForModulePin(modulePin)
return protoModulePins
// ValidateModuleReferencesUniqueByIdentity returns an error if the module references contain any duplicates.
// This only checks remote, owner, repository.
func ValidateModuleReferencesUniqueByIdentity(moduleReferences []ModuleReference) error {
seenModuleReferences := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, moduleReference := range moduleReferences {
moduleIdentityString := moduleReference.IdentityString()
if _, ok := seenModuleReferences[moduleIdentityString]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("module %s appeared twice", moduleIdentityString)
seenModuleReferences[moduleIdentityString] = struct{}{}
return nil
// ValidateModulePinsUniqueByIdentity returns an error if the module pins contain any duplicates.
// This only checks remote, owner, repository.
func ValidateModulePinsUniqueByIdentity(modulePins []ModulePin) error {
seenModulePins := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, modulePin := range modulePins {
moduleIdentityString := modulePin.IdentityString()
if _, ok := seenModulePins[moduleIdentityString]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("module %s appeared twice", moduleIdentityString)
seenModulePins[moduleIdentityString] = struct{}{}
return nil
// ValidateModulePinsConsistentDigests verifies that module pins to the same commit don't change digests.
// This is important to avoid MITM issues, where the module digest stored in a buf.lock file doesn't match
// the module pin returned from the BSR.
// Returns an error that fulfills IsDigestChanged if any valid digest changed from the buf.lock file for
// the same dependency commit.
func ValidateModulePinsConsistentDigests(
ctx context.Context,
bucket storage.ReadBucket,
modulePins []ModulePin,
) error {
currentConfig, err := buflock.ReadConfig(ctx, bucket)
if err != nil {
if storage.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
if len(currentConfig.Dependencies) == 0 {
return nil
currentIdentityAndCommitToDigest := make(map[string]string, len(currentConfig.Dependencies))
for _, dep := range currentConfig.Dependencies {
// Ignore dependencies with no digest
if dep.Digest == "" {
// Ignore dependencies with an invalid digest.
// We want to replace these with a valid digest.
if _, err := manifest.NewDigestFromString(dep.Digest); err != nil {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s:%s", dep.Remote, dep.Owner, dep.Repository, dep.Commit)
currentIdentityAndCommitToDigest[key] = dep.Digest
var changedErrors error
for _, pin := range modulePins {
if pin.Digest() == "" {
if currentDigest, ok := currentIdentityAndCommitToDigest[pin.String()]; ok && currentDigest != pin.Digest() {
changedErrors = multierr.Append(changedErrors, &digestChangedError{
currentDigest: currentDigest,
updatedPin: pin,
return changedErrors
// ModuleReferenceEqual returns true if a equals b.
func ModuleReferenceEqual(a ModuleReference, b ModuleReference) bool {
if (a == nil) != (b == nil) {
return false
if a == nil {
return true
return a.Remote() == b.Remote() &&
a.Owner() == b.Owner() &&
a.Repository() == b.Repository() &&
a.Reference() == b.Reference()
// ModulePinEqual returns true if a equals b.
func ModulePinEqual(a ModulePin, b ModulePin) bool {
if (a == nil) != (b == nil) {
return false
if a == nil {
return true
return a.Remote() == b.Remote() &&
a.Owner() == b.Owner() &&
a.Repository() == b.Repository() &&
a.Branch() == b.Branch() &&
a.Commit() == b.Commit() &&
a.Digest() == b.Digest() &&
// DependencyModulePinsForBucket reads the module dependencies from the lock file in the bucket.
func DependencyModulePinsForBucket(
ctx context.Context,
readBucket storage.ReadBucket,
) ([]ModulePin, error) {
lockFile, err := buflock.ReadConfig(ctx, readBucket)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read lock file: %w", err)
modulePins := make([]ModulePin, 0, len(lockFile.Dependencies))
for _, dep := range lockFile.Dependencies {
modulePin, err := NewModulePin(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modulePins = append(modulePins, modulePin)
// just to be safe
if err := ValidateModulePinsUniqueByIdentity(modulePins); err != nil {
return nil, err
return modulePins, nil
// PutDependencyModulePinsToBucket writes the module dependencies to the write bucket in the form of a lock file.
func PutDependencyModulePinsToBucket(
ctx context.Context,
writeBucket storage.WriteBucket,
modulePins []ModulePin,
) error {
if err := ValidateModulePinsUniqueByIdentity(modulePins); err != nil {
return err
lockFile := &buflock.Config{
Dependencies: make([]buflock.Dependency, 0, len(modulePins)),
for _, pin := range modulePins {
lockFile.Dependencies = append(
Remote: pin.Remote(),
Owner: pin.Owner(),
Repository: pin.Repository(),
Commit: pin.Commit(),
Digest: pin.Digest(),
return buflock.WriteConfig(ctx, writeBucket, lockFile)
// SortFileInfos sorts the FileInfos by Path.
// This should be treated as the default sorting mechanism.
func SortFileInfos(fileInfos []FileInfo) {
if len(fileInfos) == 0 {
func(i int, j int) bool {
return fileInfos[i].Path() < fileInfos[j].Path()
// SortFileInfosByExternalPath sorts the FileInfos by ExternalPath.
func SortFileInfosByExternalPath(fileInfos []FileInfo) {
if len(fileInfos) == 0 {
func(i int, j int) bool {
return fileInfos[i].ExternalPath() < fileInfos[j].ExternalPath()
// SortModuleReferences sorts the ModuleReferences lexicographically by their identity.
func SortModuleReferences(references []ModuleReference) {
sort.Slice(references, func(i, j int) bool {
return references[i].IdentityString() < references[j].IdentityString()
// SortModulePins sorts the ModulePins.
func SortModulePins(modulePins []ModulePin) {
sort.Slice(modulePins, func(i, j int) bool {
return modulePinLess(modulePins[i], modulePins[j])
// IsDigestChanged returns true if the error indicates an unexpected digest change.
func IsDigestChanged(err error) bool {
var errDigestChanged *digestChangedError
return errors.As(err, &errDigestChanged)
// digestChangedError is returned if module pin digests have changed unexpectedly.
type digestChangedError struct {
// currentDigest is the digest found in the buf.lock file.
currentDigest string
// updatedPin is a module pin with a different digest than currentDigest for the same commit.
updatedPin ModulePin
func (e *digestChangedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"module %s commit %q returned an unexpected digest: local buf.lock=%q, remote=%q",