blob: 912addcedb0b37dd3d9565190c4652773483c219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package buflintcheck
import (
import (
// addFunc adds a FileAnnotation.
// Both the Descriptor and Locations can be nil.
type addFunc func(protosource.Descriptor, protosource.Location, []protosource.Location, string, ...interface{})
func fieldToLowerSnakeCase(s string) string {
// Try running this on googleapis and watch
// We allow both effectively by not passing the option
// return stringutil.ToLowerSnakeCase(s, stringutil.SnakeCaseWithNewWordOnDigits())
return stringutil.ToLowerSnakeCase(s)
func fieldToUpperSnakeCase(s string) string {
// Try running this on googleapis and watch
// We allow both effectively by not passing the option
// return stringutil.ToUpperSnakeCase(s, stringutil.SnakeCaseWithNewWordOnDigits())
return stringutil.ToUpperSnakeCase(s)
// validLeadingComment returns true if comment has at least one line that isn't empty
// and doesn't start with CommentIgnorePrefix.
func validLeadingComment(comment string) bool {
for _, line := range strings.Split(comment, "\n") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if line != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(line, CommentIgnorePrefix) {
return true
return false
// Returns the usedPackageList if there is an import cycle.
// Note this stops on the first import cycle detected, it doesn't attempt to get all of them - not perfect.
func getImportCycleIfExists(
// Should never be ""
pkg string,
packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports map[string]map[string][]protosource.FileImport,
usedPackageMap map[string]struct{},
usedPackageList []string,
) []string {
// Append before checking so that the returned import cycle is actually a cycle
usedPackageList = append(usedPackageList, pkg)
if _, ok := usedPackageMap[pkg]; ok {
// We have an import cycle, but if the first package in the list does not
// equal the last, do not return as an import cycle unless the first
// element equals the last - we do DFS from each package so this will
// be picked up separately
if usedPackageList[0] == usedPackageList[len(usedPackageList)-1] {
return usedPackageList
return nil
usedPackageMap[pkg] = struct{}{}
// Will never equal pkg
for directlyImportedPackage := range packageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports[pkg] {
// Can equal "" per the function signature of PackageToDirectlyImportedPackageToFileImports
if directlyImportedPackage == "" {
if importCycle := getImportCycleIfExists(
); len(importCycle) != 0 {
return importCycle
delete(usedPackageMap, pkg)
return nil
func newFilesCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, []protosource.File) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return func(id string, ignoreFunc internal.IgnoreFunc, files []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
helper := internal.NewHelper(id, ignoreFunc)
if err := f(helper.AddFileAnnotationWithExtraIgnoreLocationsf, files); err != nil {
return nil, err
return helper.FileAnnotations(), nil
func newPackageToFilesCheckFunc(
f func(add addFunc, pkg string, files []protosource.File) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFilesCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, files []protosource.File) error {
packageToFiles, err := protosource.PackageToFiles(files...)
if err != nil {
return err
for pkg, files := range packageToFiles {
if err := f(add, pkg, files); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newDirToFilesCheckFunc(
f func(add addFunc, dirPath string, files []protosource.File) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFilesCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, files []protosource.File) error {
dirPathToFiles, err := protosource.DirPathToFiles(files...)
if err != nil {
return err
for dirPath, files := range dirPathToFiles {
if err := f(add, dirPath, files); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newFileCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.File) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFilesCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, files []protosource.File) error {
for _, file := range files {
if err := f(add, file); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newFileImportCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.FileImport) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFileCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
for _, fileImport := range file.FileImports() {
if err := f(add, fileImport); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newEnumCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Enum) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFileCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
return protosource.ForEachEnum(
func(enum protosource.Enum) error {
return f(add, enum)
func newEnumValueCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.EnumValue) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newEnumCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, enum protosource.Enum) error {
for _, enumValue := range enum.Values() {
if err := f(add, enumValue); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newMessageCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Message) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFileCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
return protosource.ForEachMessage(
func(message protosource.Message) error {
return f(add, message)
func newFieldCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Field) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newMessageCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, message protosource.Message) error {
for _, field := range message.Fields() {
if err := f(add, field); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: is this right?
for _, field := range message.Extensions() {
if err := f(add, field); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newOneofCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Oneof) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newMessageCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, message protosource.Message) error {
for _, oneof := range message.Oneofs() {
if err := f(add, oneof); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newServiceCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Service) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newFileCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, file protosource.File) error {
for _, service := range file.Services() {
if err := f(add, service); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newMethodCheckFunc(
f func(addFunc, protosource.Method) error,
) func(string, internal.IgnoreFunc, []protosource.File) ([]bufanalysis.FileAnnotation, error) {
return newServiceCheckFunc(
func(add addFunc, service protosource.Service) error {
for _, method := range service.Methods() {
if err := f(add, method); err != nil {
return err
return nil