blob: 662814e22c3b7d1da4fab6773cb9f880f019fa77 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package dubbo.mesh.v1alpha1;
option go_package = "";
import "api/mesh/options.proto";
// MeshInsight defines the observed state of a Mesh.
message MeshInsight {
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).name = "MeshInsightResource";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).type = "MeshInsight";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).global = true;
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).package = "mesh";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource) = "mesh-insight";
option (dubbo.mesh.resource).ws.read_only = true;
reserved 1; // formerly last_sync
// DataplaneStat defines statistic specifically for Dataplane
message DataplaneStat {
uint32 total = 1;
uint32 online = 2;
uint32 offline = 3;
uint32 partially_degraded = 4;
DataplaneStat dataplanes = 2;
// PolicyStat defines statistic for all policies in general
message PolicyStat { uint32 total = 1; }
map<string, PolicyStat> policies = 3;
// DpVersions defines statistics grouped by dataplane versions
message DpVersions {
// Dataplane stats grouped by DubboDP version
map<string, DataplaneStat> dubboDp = 1;
// Dataplane stats grouped by Envoy version
map<string, DataplaneStat> envoy = 2;
DpVersions dpVersions = 4;
message MTLS {
// Dataplanes grouped by issued backends.
map<string, DataplaneStat> issuedBackends = 1;
// Dataplanes grouped by supported backends.
map<string, DataplaneStat> supportedBackends = 2;
// mTLS statistics
MTLS mTLS = 5;
// ServiceStat defines statistics of mesh services
message ServiceStat {
uint32 total = 1;
uint32 internal = 2;
uint32 external = 3;
ServiceStat services = 6;
// DataplanesByType defines statistics splitted by dataplane types
message DataplanesByType { DataplaneStat standard = 1; }
DataplanesByType dataplanesByType = 7;