blob: e17c737ca825529bc38c083d86c8afc74711e752 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package context
import (
import (
import (
core_mesh ""
core_model ""
core_store ""
xds_topology ""
type meshContextBuilder struct {
rm manager.ReadOnlyResourceManager
typeSet map[core_model.ResourceType]struct{}
ipFunc lookup.LookupIPFunc
zone string
type MeshContextBuilder interface {
// BuildGlobalContextIfChanged builds GlobalContext only if `latest` is nil or hash is different
// If hash is the same, the return `latest`
BuildGlobalContextIfChanged(ctx context.Context, latest *GlobalContext) (*GlobalContext, error)
// BuildIfChanged builds MeshContext only if latestMeshCtx is nil or hash of
// latestMeshCtx is different.
// If hash is the same, then the function returns the passed latestMeshCtx.
// Hash returned in MeshContext can never be empty.
BuildIfChanged(ctx context.Context, meshName string, latestMeshCtx *MeshContext) (*MeshContext, error)
func NewMeshContextBuilder(
rm manager.ReadOnlyResourceManager,
types []core_model.ResourceType, // types that should be taken into account when MeshContext is built.
ipFunc lookup.LookupIPFunc,
zone string,
) MeshContextBuilder {
typeSet := map[core_model.ResourceType]struct{}{}
for _, typ := range types {
typeSet[typ] = struct{}{}
return &meshContextBuilder{
rm: rm,
typeSet: typeSet,
ipFunc: ipFunc,
zone: zone,
func (m *meshContextBuilder) BuildGlobalContextIfChanged(ctx context.Context, latest *GlobalContext) (*GlobalContext, error) {
rmap := ResourceMap{}
for t := range m.typeSet {
desc, err := registry.Global().DescriptorFor(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if desc.Scope == core_model.ScopeGlobal && desc.Name != system.ConfigType { // For config we ignore them atm and prefer to rely on more specific filters.
rmap[t], err = m.fetchResourceList(ctx, t, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to build global context")
newHash := rmap.Hash()
if latest != nil && bytes.Equal(newHash, latest.hash) {
return latest, nil
return &GlobalContext{
hash: newHash,
ResourceMap: rmap,
}, nil
func (m meshContextBuilder) BuildIfChanged(ctx context.Context, meshName string, latestMeshCtx *MeshContext) (*MeshContext, error) {
globalContext, err := m.BuildGlobalContextIfChanged(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := NewResources()
for resType := range m.typeSet {
rl, ok := globalContext.ResourceMap[resType]
if ok {
// Exists in global context take it from there
resources.MeshLocalResources[resType] = rl
newHash := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(m.hash(globalContext))
if latestMeshCtx != nil && newHash == latestMeshCtx.Hash {
return latestMeshCtx, nil
dataplanes := resources.Dataplanes().Items
dataplanesByName := make(map[string]*core_mesh.DataplaneResource, len(dataplanes))
for _, dp := range dataplanes {
dataplanesByName[dp.Meta.GetName()] = dp
endpointMap := xds_topology.BuildEdsEndpoint(, dataplanes, nil)
return &MeshContext{
Hash: newHash,
Resources: resources,
DataplanesByName: dataplanesByName,
EndpointMap: endpointMap,
}, nil
type filterFn = func(rs core_model.Resource) bool
func (m *meshContextBuilder) fetchResourceList(ctx context.Context, resType core_model.ResourceType, filterFn filterFn) (core_model.ResourceList, error) {
var listOptsFunc []core_store.ListOptionsFunc
desc, err := registry.Global().DescriptorFor(resType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
listOptsFunc = append(listOptsFunc, core_store.ListOrdered())
list := desc.NewList()
if err := m.rm.List(ctx, list, listOptsFunc...); err != nil {
return nil, err
if resType != core_mesh.ZoneIngressType && resType != core_mesh.DataplaneType && filterFn == nil {
// No post processing stuff so return the list as is
return list, nil
list, err = modifyAllEntries(list, func(resource core_model.Resource) (core_model.Resource, error) {
if filterFn != nil && !filterFn(resource) {
return nil, nil
switch resType {
case core_mesh.DataplaneType:
list, err = modifyAllEntries(list, func(resource core_model.Resource) (core_model.Resource, error) {
dp, ok := resource.(*core_mesh.DataplaneResource)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("entry is not a dataplane this shouldn't happen")
zi, err := xds_topology.ResolveDataplaneAddress(m.ipFunc, dp)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
return zi, nil
return resource, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return list, nil
// takes a resourceList and modify it as needed
func modifyAllEntries(list core_model.ResourceList, fn func(resource core_model.Resource) (core_model.Resource, error)) (core_model.ResourceList, error) {
newList := list.NewItem().Descriptor().NewList()
for _, v := range list.GetItems() {
ni, err := fn(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ni != nil {
err := newList.AddItem(ni)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// it is meaningless temporarily
return newList, nil
func (m *meshContextBuilder) hash(globalContext *GlobalContext) []byte {
hasher := fnv.New128a()
_, _ = hasher.Write(globalContext.hash)
return hasher.Sum(nil)