blob: 4035d139473b6e6c725fe817818abd996f84490a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package xds
import (
import (
import (
mesh_proto ""
core_mesh ""
core_model ""
type APIVersion string
// StreamID represents a stream opened by XDS
type StreamID = int64
type ProxyId struct {
mesh string
name string
func (id *ProxyId) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", id.mesh,
func (id *ProxyId) ToResourceKey() core_model.ResourceKey {
return core_model.ResourceKey{
Mesh: id.mesh,
// ServiceName is a convenience type alias to clarify the meaning of string value.
type ServiceName = string
type MeshName = string
// TagSelectorSet is a set of unique TagSelectors.
type TagSelectorSet []mesh_proto.TagSelector
// DestinationMap holds a set of selectors for all reachable Dataplanes grouped by service name.
// DestinationMap is based on ServiceName and not on the OutboundInterface because TrafficRoute can introduce new service destinations that were not included in a outbound section.
// Policies that match on outbound connections also match by service destination name and not outbound interface for the same reason.
type DestinationMap map[ServiceName]TagSelectorSet
type ExternalService struct {
TLSEnabled bool
CaCert []byte
ClientCert []byte
ClientKey []byte
AllowRenegotiation bool
SkipHostnameVerification bool
ServerName string
type Locality struct {
Zone string
SubZone string
Priority uint32
Weight uint32
// Endpoint holds routing-related information about a single endpoint.
type Endpoint struct {
Target string
UnixDomainPath string
Port uint32
Tags map[string]string
Weight uint32
Locality *Locality
ExternalService *ExternalService
func (e Endpoint) Address() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", e.Target, e.Port)
// EndpointList is a list of Endpoints with convenience methods.
type EndpointList []Endpoint
// EndpointMap holds routing-related information about a set of endpoints grouped by service name.
type EndpointMap map[ServiceName][]Endpoint
// SocketAddressProtocol is the L4 protocol the listener should bind to
type SocketAddressProtocol int32
const (
SocketAddressProtocolTCP SocketAddressProtocol = 0
SocketAddressProtocolUDP SocketAddressProtocol = 1
// Proxy contains required data for generating XDS config that is specific to a data plane proxy.
// The data that is specific for the whole mesh should go into MeshContext.
type Proxy struct {
Id ProxyId
APIVersion APIVersion
Dataplane *core_mesh.DataplaneResource
Metadata *DataplaneMetadata
Routing Routing
Policies MatchedPolicies
// SecretsTracker allows us to track when a generator references a secret so
// we can be sure to include only those secrets later on.
SecretsTracker SecretsTracker
// ZoneIngressProxy is available only when XDS is generated for ZoneIngress data plane proxy.
ZoneIngressProxy *ZoneIngressProxy
// RuntimeExtensions a set of extensions to add for custom extensions
RuntimeExtensions map[string]interface{}
// Zone the zone the proxy is in
Zone string
type ServerSideTLSCertPaths struct {
CertPath string
KeyPath string
type IdentityCertRequest interface {
Name() string
type CaRequest interface {
MeshName() []string
Name() string
// SecretsTracker provides a way to ask for a secret and keeps track of which are
// used, so that they can later be generated and included in the resources.
type SecretsTracker interface {
RequestIdentityCert() IdentityCertRequest
RequestCa(mesh string) CaRequest
RequestAllInOneCa() CaRequest
UsedIdentity() bool
UsedCas() map[string]struct{}
UsedAllInOne() bool
type ExternalServiceDynamicPolicies map[ServiceName]PluginOriginatedPolicies
type MeshIngressResources struct {
Mesh *core_mesh.MeshResource
EndpointMap EndpointMap
Resources map[core_model.ResourceType]core_model.ResourceList
type ZoneIngressProxy struct {
ZoneIngressResource *core_mesh.ZoneIngressResource
MeshResourceList []*MeshIngressResources
type Routing struct {
OutboundTargets EndpointMap
// ExternalServiceOutboundTargets contains endpoint map for direct access of external services (without egress)
// Since we take into account TrafficPermission to exclude external services from the map,
// it is specific for each data plane proxy.
ExternalServiceOutboundTargets EndpointMap
func (s TagSelectorSet) Add(new mesh_proto.TagSelector) TagSelectorSet {
for _, old := range s {
if new.Equal(old) {
return s
return append(s, new)
func (s TagSelectorSet) Matches(tags map[string]string) bool {
for _, selector := range s {
if selector.Matches(tags) {
return true
return false
func (e Endpoint) IsExternalService() bool {
return e.ExternalService != nil
func (e Endpoint) LocalityString() string {
if e.Locality == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", e.Locality.Zone, e.Locality.SubZone)
func (e Endpoint) HasLocality() bool {
return e.Locality != nil
// ContainsTags returns 'true' if for every key presented both in 'tags' and 'Endpoint#Tags'
// values are equal
func (e Endpoint) ContainsTags(tags map[string]string) bool {
for otherKey, otherValue := range tags {
endpointValue, ok := e.Tags[otherKey]
if !ok || otherValue != endpointValue {
return false
return true
func (l EndpointList) Filter(selector mesh_proto.TagSelector) EndpointList {
var endpoints EndpointList
for _, endpoint := range l {
if selector.Matches(endpoint.Tags) {
endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
return endpoints
// if false endpoint should be accessed through zoneIngress of other zone
func (e Endpoint) IsReachableFromZone(localZone string) bool {
return e.Locality == nil || e.Locality.Zone == "" || e.Locality.Zone == localZone
func BuildProxyId(mesh, name string) *ProxyId {
return &ProxyId{
name: name,
mesh: mesh,
func ParseProxyIdFromString(id string) (*ProxyId, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Envoy ID must not be nil")
parts := strings.SplitN(id, ".", 2)
mesh := parts[0]
// when proxy is an ingress mesh is empty
if len(parts) < 2 {
return nil, errors.New("the name should be provided after the dot")
name := parts[1]
if name == "" {
return nil, errors.New("name must not be empty")
return &ProxyId{
mesh: mesh,
name: name,
}, nil
func FromResourceKey(key core_model.ResourceKey) ProxyId {
return ProxyId{
mesh: key.Mesh,
name: key.Name,