blob: ecb655281e0b192f767572c0cd53388769a94052 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package cmd
import (
dubbo_cmd ""
. ""
. ""
func TestCmd(t *testing.T) {
test.RunSpecs(t, "cmd Suite")
var _ = Describe("proxy", func() {
var cancel func()
var ctx context.Context
_ = dubbo_cmd.RunCmdOpts{
SetupSignalHandler: func() (context.Context, context.Context) {
return ctx, ctx
var tmpDir string
BeforeEach(func() {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var err error
tmpDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "")
AfterEach(func() {
if tmpDir != "" {
if tmpDir != "" {
// when
err := os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
// then
type testCase struct {
envVars map[string]string
args []string
expectedFile string
DescribeTable("should be possible to start dataplane (Envoy) using `dubbo-proxy run`",
func(giveFunc func() testCase) {
given := giveFunc()
// setup
envoyPidFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "")
envoyCmdlineFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "envoy-mock.cmdline")
corednsPidFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "")
corednsCmdlineFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "coredns-mock.cmdline")
// and
env := given.envVars
env["ENVOY_MOCK_PID_FILE"] = envoyPidFile
env["ENVOY_MOCK_CMDLINE_FILE"] = envoyCmdlineFile
env["COREDNS_MOCK_PID_FILE"] = corednsPidFile
env["COREDNS_MOCK_CMDLINE_FILE"] = corednsCmdlineFile
for key, value := range env {
Expect(os.Setenv(key, value)).To(Succeed())
// given
reader, writer := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer GinkgoRecover()
cmd := getRootCmd([]string{"proxy", "--proxy-type=ingress", "--dataplane-file=/mnt/d/code/go/test/1.yaml"})
// when
By("starting the Dubbo proxy")
errCh := make(chan error)
go func() {
defer close(errCh)
errCh <- cmd.Execute()
// then
var actualConfigFile string
envoyPid := verifyComponentProcess("Envoy", envoyPidFile, envoyCmdlineFile, func(actualArgs []string) {
actualConfigFile = actualArgs[2]
if given.expectedFile != "" {
err := <-errCh
By("waiting for dataplane (Envoy) to get stopped")
Eventually(func() bool {
//send sig 0 to check whether Envoy process still exists
err := syscall.Kill(int(envoyPid), syscall.Signal(0))
// we expect Envoy process to get killed by now
return err != nil
}, "5s", "100ms").Should(BeTrue())
Entry("can be launched with env vars", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{
"DUBBO_CONTROL_PLANE_API_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1234",
"DUBBO_DATAPLANE_RUNTIME_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
// Notice: DUBBO_DATAPLANE_RUNTIME_CONFIG_DIR is not set in order to let `dubbo-dp` to create a temporary directory
"DUBBO_DNS_CORE_DNS_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
args: []string{},
expectedFile: "",
Entry("can be launched with env vars and given config dir", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{
"DUBBO_CONTROL_PLANE_API_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1234",
"DUBBO_DATAPLANE_RUNTIME_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
"DUBBO_DNS_CORE_DNS_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
args: []string{},
expectedFile: filepath.Join(tmpDir, "bootstrap.yaml"),
Entry("can be launched with args", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{},
args: []string{
"--cp-address", "http://localhost:1234",
"--name", "example",
"--mesh", "default",
"--binary-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
// Notice: --config-dir is not set in order to let `dubbo-dp` to create a temporary directory
"--dns-coredns-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
expectedFile: "",
Entry("can be launched with args and given config dir", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{},
args: []string{
"--cp-address", "http://localhost:1234",
"--name", "example",
"--mesh", "default",
"--binary-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
"--config-dir", tmpDir,
"--dns-coredns-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
expectedFile: filepath.Join(tmpDir, "bootstrap.yaml"),
Entry("can be launched with args and dataplane token", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{},
args: []string{
"--cp-address", "http://localhost:1234",
"--name", "example",
"--mesh", "default",
"--binary-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
"--dataplane-token-file", filepath.Join("testdata", "token"),
// Notice: --config-dir is not set in order to let `dubbo-dp` to create a temporary directory
"--dns-coredns-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
expectedFile: "",
Entry("can be launched without Envoy Admin API (env vars)", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{
"DUBBO_CONTROL_PLANE_API_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1234",
"DUBBO_DATAPLANE_RUNTIME_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
// Notice: DUBBO_DATAPLANE_RUNTIME_CONFIG_DIR is not set in order to let `dubbo-dp` to create a temporary directory
"DUBBO_DNS_CORE_DNS_BINARY_PATH": filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
args: []string{},
expectedFile: "",
Entry("can be launched without Envoy Admin API (command-line args)", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{},
args: []string{
"--cp-address", "http://localhost:1234",
"--name", "example",
"--mesh", "default",
"--binary-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
// Notice: --config-dir is not set in order to let `dubbo-dp` to create a temporary directory
"--dns-coredns-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
expectedFile: "",
Entry("can be launched with dataplane template", func() testCase {
return testCase{
envVars: map[string]string{},
args: []string{
"--cp-address", "http://localhost:1234",
"--binary-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
"--dataplane-token-file", filepath.Join("testdata", "token"),
"--dataplane-file", filepath.Join("testdata", "dataplane_template.yaml"),
"--dataplane-var", "name=example",
"--dataplane-var", "address=",
"--dns-coredns-path", filepath.Join("testdata", ""),
expectedFile: "",
func verifyComponentProcess(processDescription, pidfile string, cmdlinefile string, argsVerifier func(expectedArgs []string)) int64 {
var pid int64
By(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for dataplane (%s) to get started", processDescription))
Eventually(func() bool {
data, err := os.ReadFile(pidfile)
if err != nil {
return false
pid, err = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(string(data)), 10, 32)
return err == nil
}, "5s", "100ms").Should(BeTrue())
By(fmt.Sprintf("verifying the arguments %s was launched with", processDescription))
// when
cmdline, err := os.ReadFile(cmdlinefile)
// then
// and
if argsVerifier != nil {
actualArgs := strings.FieldsFunc(string(cmdline), func(c rune) bool {
return c == '\n'
return pid