blob: 6fd0c807040ada5806b5191c543e5d5da822cca1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import type { I18nType } from './type.ts'
const words: I18nType = {
instanceDomain: {
enableAppInstanceLogs: 'Enable access logs for all instances of this application',
appServiceRetries: 'Adjust the number of retries for the service provided by this application',
'Adjusting the load balancing strategy for application service provision',
'Adjusting the clustering approach for application service provision',
appServiceTimeout: 'Adjusting the timeout for application service provision',
close: 'Close',
enable: 'Enable',
executionLog: 'ExecutionLog',
loadBalance: 'LoadBalance',
instanceIP: 'InstanceIP',
clusterApproach: 'ClusterApproach',
details: 'Detail',
retryCount: 'RetryCount',
timeout_ms: 'Timeout(ms)',
monitor: 'Monitor',
linkTracking: 'LinkTracking',
configuration: 'Configuration',
event: 'Event',
instanceName: 'InstanceName',
ip: 'Ip',
name: 'Name',
deployState: 'DeployState',
deployCluster: 'DeployCluster',
registerStates: 'RegisterState',
registerCluster: 'RegisterCluster',
node: 'Node',
memory: 'Memory',
owningWorkload_k8s: 'OwningWorkload(k8s)',
creationTime_k8s: 'CreationTime(k8s)',
startTime: 'StartTime',
dubboPort: 'DubboPort',
instanceImage_k8s: 'Image(k8s)',
instanceLabel: 'InstanceLabel',
whichApplication: 'OwningApplication',
healthExamination_k8s: 'HealthExamination(k8s)',
registerTime: 'RegisterTime',
labels: 'Labels',
startTime_k8s: 'StartTime(k8s)'
appServiceTimeout: 'Adjusting the timeout for application service provision',
enableAppInstanceLogs: 'Enable access logs for all instances of this application',
appServiceLoadBalance: 'Adjusting the load balancing strategy for application service provision',
appServiceRetries: 'Adjusting the number of retries for application provided services',
'Adjusting the negative clustering method for application service provision',
executionLog: 'Execution Log',
clusterApproach: 'Cluster Approach',
retryCount: 'Retry Count',
event: 'Event',
configuration: 'Configuration',
linkTracking: 'Link Tracking',
monitor: 'Monitor',
details: 'Details',
creationTime_k8s: 'creationTime(k8s)',
dubboPort: 'Dubbo Port',
whichApplication: 'application',
registerTime: 'Register Time',
startTime_k8s: 'Start Time(k8s)',
registerStates: 'Register States',
deployState: 'Deployment Status',
owningWorkload_k8s: 'Owning Workload(k8s)',
creationTime: 'Creation Time',
nodeIP: 'Node IP',
healthExamination: 'Health Examination',
instanceImage_k8s: 'Image(k8s)',
instanceLabel: 'Instance Label',
instanceDetail: 'Instance Detail',
state: 'State',
memory: 'Memory',
node: 'Node',
labels: 'Labels',
instanceIP: 'Instance IP',
instanceName: 'Instance Name',
instance: 'Instance',
resourceDetails: 'Resource Details',
service: 'Service',
serviceSearch: 'Search Service',
serviceGovernance: 'Routing Rule',
trafficManagement: 'Traffic Management',
routingRule: 'Condition Rule',
tagRule: 'Tag Rule',
meshRule: 'Mesh Rule',
dynamicConfig: 'Dynamic Config',
accessControl: 'Black White List',
weightAdjust: 'Weight Adjust',
loadBalance: 'Load Balance',
serviceTest: 'Service Test',
serviceMock: 'Service Mock',
serviceMetrics: 'Service Metrics',
serviceRelation: 'Service Relation',
metrics: 'Metrics',
relation: 'Relation',
group: 'Group',
serviceInfo: 'Service Info',
providers: 'Providers',
consumers: 'Consumers',
common: 'Common',
version: 'Version',
app: 'Application',
services: 'Services',
application: 'Application',
all: 'All',
ip: 'IP',
qps: 'qps',
rt: 'rt',
successRate: 'success rate',
port: 'PORT',
timeout: 'timeout(ms)',
serialization: 'serialization',
appName: 'Application Name',
instanceNum: 'Instance Number',
deployCluster: 'Deploy Cluster',
registerCluster: 'Register Cluster',
serviceName: 'Service Name',
registrySource: 'Registry Source',
instanceRegistry: 'Instance Registry',
interfaceRegistry: 'Interface Registry',
allRegistry: 'Instance / Interface Registry',
operation: 'Operation',
searchResult: 'Search Result',
search: 'Search',
methodName: 'Method Name',
enabled: 'Enabled',
disabled: 'Disabled',
method: 'Method',
weight: 'Weight',
create: 'CREATE',
save: 'SAVE',
cancel: 'CANCEL',
close: 'CLOSE',
confirm: 'CONFIRM',
ruleContent: 'RULE CONTENT',
createNewRoutingRule: 'Create New Routing Rule',
createNewTagRule: 'Create New Tag Rule',
createNewMeshRule: 'Create New Mesh Rule',
createNewDynamicConfigRule: 'Create New Dynamic Config Rule',
createNewWeightRule: 'Create New Weight Rule',
createNewLoadBalanceRule: 'Create new load balancing rule',
createTimeoutRule: 'Create timeout rule',
createRetryRule: 'Create timeout rule',
createRegionRule: 'Create retry rule',
createArgumentRule: 'Create argument routing rule',
createMockCircuitRule: 'Create mock (circuit breaking) rule',
createAccesslogRule: 'Create accesslog rule',
createGrayRule: 'Create gray rule',
createWeightRule: 'Create weighting rule',
serviceIdHint: 'Service ID',
view: 'View',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
searchRoutingRule: 'Search Routing Rule',
searchAccess: 'Search Access Rule',
searchWeightRule: 'Search Weight Adjust Rule',
dataIdClassHint: 'Complete package path of service interface class',
'The version of the service interface, which can be filled in according to the actual situation of the interface',
'The group of the service interface, which can be filled in according to the actual situation of the interface',
agree: 'Agree',
disagree: 'Disagree',
searchDynamicConfig: 'Search Dynamic Config',
appNameHint: 'Application name the service belongs to',
basicInfo: 'BasicInfo',
metaData: 'MetaData',
methodMetrics: 'Method Statistics',
searchDubboService: 'Search Dubbo Services or applications',
serviceSearchHint: 'Service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, * for all services',
ipSearchHint: 'Find all services provided by the target server on the specified IP address',
'Input an application name to find all services provided by one particular application, * for all',
searchTagRule: 'Search Tag Rule by application name',
searchMeshRule: 'Search Mesh Rule by application name',
searchSingleMetrics: 'Search Metrics by IP',
searchBalanceRule: 'Search Balancing Rule',
'There is no metadata available, please update to Dubbo2.7, or check your config center configuration in, please check ',
parameterList: 'parameterList',
returnType: 'returnType',
here: 'here',
configAddress: '',
whiteList: 'White List',
whiteListHint: 'White list IP address, divided by comma:,',
blackList: 'Black List',
blackListHint: 'Black list IP address, divided by comma:,',
address: 'Address',
weightAddressHint: 'IP addresses to set this weight, divided by comma:,',
weightHint: 'weight value, default is 100',
methodHint: 'choose method of load balancing, * for all methods',
strategy: 'Strategy',
balanceStrategyHint: 'load balancing strategy',
goIndex: 'Go To Index',
releaseLater: 'will release later',
later: {
metrics: 'Metrics will release later',
serviceTest: 'Service Test will release later',
serviceMock: 'Service Mock will release later'
by: 'by ',
$vuetify: {
dataIterator: {
rowsPerPageText: 'Items per page:',
rowsPerPageAll: 'All',
pageText: '{0}-{1} of {2}',
noResultsText: 'No matching records found',
nextPage: 'Next page',
prevPage: 'Previous page'
dataTable: {
rowsPerPageText: 'Rows per page:'
noDataText: 'No data available'
configManage: 'Configuration Management',
configCenterAddress: 'ConfigCenter Address',
searchDubboConfig: 'Search Dubbo Config',
createNewDubboConfig: 'Create New Dubbo Config',
scope: 'Scope',
name: 'Name',
warnDeleteConfig: ' Are you sure to Delete Dubbo Config: ',
warnDeleteRouteRule: 'Are you sure to Delete routing rule',
warnDeleteDynamicConfig: 'Are you sure to Delete dynamic config',
warnDeleteBalancing: 'Are you sure to Delete load balancing',
warnDeleteAccessControl: 'Are you sure to Delete access control',
warnDeleteTagRule: 'Are you sure to Delete tag rule',
warnDeleteMeshRule: 'Are you sure to Delete mesh rule',
warnDeleteWeightAdjust: 'Are you sure to Delete weight adjust',
"Application name the config belongs to, use 'global'(without quotes) for global config",
configContent: 'Config Content',
testMethod: 'Test Method',
execute: 'EXECUTE',
result: 'Result: ',
success: 'SUCCESS',
fail: 'FAIL',
detail: 'Detail',
more: 'More',
copyUrl: 'Copy URL',
copy: 'Copy',
url: 'URL',
copySuccessfully: 'Copied',
test: 'Test',
placeholders: {
searchService: 'Search by service name'
methods: 'Methods',
testModule: {
'Entire service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, press Enter to search'
userName: 'User Name',
password: 'Password',
login: 'Login',
apiDocs: 'API Docs',
apiDocsRes: {
dubboProviderIP: 'Dubbo Provider Ip',
dubboProviderPort: 'Dubbo Provider Port',
loadApiList: 'Load Api List',
apiListText: 'Api List',
apiForm: {
missingInterfaceInfo: 'Missing interface information',
getApiInfoErr: 'Exception in obtaining interface information',
'Interface name is incorrect, interface parameters and response information are not found',
apiRespDecShowLabel: 'Response Description',
apiNameShowLabel: 'Api Name',
apiPathShowLabel: 'Api Path',
apiMethodParamInfoLabel: 'Api method parameters',
apiVersionShowLabel: 'Api Version',
apiGroupShowLabel: 'Api Group',
apiDescriptionShowLabel: 'Api Description',
'Whether to call asynchronously (this parameter cannot be modified, according to whether to display asynchronously defined by the interface)',
apiModuleFormLabel: 'Api module (this parameter cannot be modified)',
apiFunctionNameFormLabel: 'Api function name(this parameter cannot be modified)',
'Registry address. If it is empty, Dubbo provider IP and port will be used for direct connection',
paramNameLabel: 'Parameter name',
paramPathLabel: 'Parameter path',
paramDescriptionLabel: 'Description',
paramRequiredLabel: 'This parameter is required',
doTestBtn: 'Do Test',
responseLabel: 'Response',
responseExampleLabel: 'Response Example',
apiResponseLabel: 'Api Response',
LoadingLabel: 'Loading...',
requireTip: 'There are required items not filled in',
requireItemTip: 'This field is required',
'There is an exception in the request interface. Please check the submitted data, especially the JSON class data and the enumeration part',
unsupportedHtmlTypeTip: 'Temporarily unsupported form type',
none: 'none'
authFailed: 'Authorized failed,please login.',
ruleList: 'Rule List',
mockRule: 'Mock Rule',
mockData: 'Mock Data',
globalDisable: 'Global Disable',
globalEnable: 'Global Enable',
saveRuleSuccess: 'Save Rule Successfully',
deleteRuleSuccess: 'Delete Rule Successfully',
disableRuleSuccess: 'Disable Rule Successfully',
enableRuleSuccess: 'Enable Rule Successfully',
methodNameHint: 'The method name of Service',
createMockRule: 'Create Mock Rule',
editMockRule: 'Edit Mock Rule',
deleteRuleTitle: 'Are you sure to delete this mock rule?',
trafficTimeout: 'Timeout',
trafficRetry: 'Retry',
trafficRegion: 'Region Aware',
trafficIsolation: 'Isolation',
trafficWeight: 'Weight Percentage',
trafficArguments: 'Arg Routing',
trafficMock: 'Mock',
trafficAccesslog: 'Accesslog',
trafficHost: 'Host',
homePage: 'Cluster Overview',
serviceManagement: 'Dev & Test',
resources: 'Resources',
applications: 'Applications',
instances: 'Instances',
applicationDomain: {
detail: 'Detail',
instance: 'Instance',
service: 'Service',
monitor: 'Monitor',
tracing: 'Tracing',
config: 'Config',
event: 'Event',
appName: 'Application Name',
rpcProtocols: 'Rpc Protocols',
dubboVersions: 'Dubbo Versions',
dubboPorts: 'Dubbo Ports',
serialProtocols: 'Serial Protocols',
appTypes: 'Application Types',
images: 'Images',
workloads: 'Workloads',
deployCluster: 'Deploy Cluster',
registerCluster: 'Register Cluster',
registerMode: 'Register Mode'
searchDomain: {
total: 'Total',
unit: 'items'
messageDomain: {
success: {
copy: 'You have successfully copied a piece of information'
backHome: 'Back Home',
noPageTip: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.',
globalSearchTip: 'Search ip, application, instance, service',
placeholder: {
typeAppName: 'please type appName, support for prefix',
typeDefault: 'please type '
none: 'No Select',
debug: 'Debug',
distribution: 'Distribution',
tracing: 'Tracing',
provideService: 'Provide Service',
dependentService: 'Dependent Service'
export default words