blob: 52382efb666954ba1a96bcfea0eb703768cd49c2 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
// The package contains types used by the buf studio
// agent. Because browsers are not capable of sending gRPC requests directly,
// users can run a studio agent to that receives enveloped requests from the
// browser and forwards them as gRPC requests.
// Ideally the agent would be simple protocol translating HTTP proxy without
// requiring any custom envelope. Unfortunately, js in the browser cannot set
// per request proxy configuration and we cannot specify that we want to open a
// connection to the request agent while specifying a different server in the
// request's Host header. The studio agent and UI could communicate this through
// a custom header instead, but reading custom headers requires a CORS-preflight
// request.
// To facilitate easier deployment it in environments with complicated edge
// configuration, it is a goal for the agent and UI to communicate without the
// need for a CORS-preflight requests. This limits our ability to use custom
// headers and restricts allowed values for the Content-Type header. Due to this
// we cannot simply use gRPC-Web with an additional header, but instead rely on
// enveloping the request and responses in a base64 encoded binary proto message
// sent over a POST endpoint with text/plain as Content-Type.
// We may explore other transports such as WebSockets or WebTransport, at which
// point we should define proper proto services and methods here as well.
// Headers encode HTTP headers.
message Headers {
string key = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
// InvokeRequest encodes an enveloped RPC request. See the package documentation
// for more information.
message InvokeRequest {
// Target server the agent should forward this request to, e.g.
// "https://api.acme.corp/pkg.Service/Method". Using the "http" scheme will
// cause the request to be forwarded as h2c, whereas "https" forwards the
// request with regular h2.
string target = 1;
// Headers to send with the request. If body is set, a Content-Type header
// must be specified.
repeated Headers headers = 2;
// The message to be sent in the request (without any protocol specific framing).
bytes body = 3;
// InvokeResponse encodes an enveloped RPC response. See the package documentation
// for more information.
message InvokeResponse {
// Headers received in the response.
repeated Headers headers = 1;
// The encoded message received in the response (without protocol specific framing).
bytes body = 2;
// Trailers received in the response.
repeated Headers trailers = 3;